Chapter 8. Hero killer part 2

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"All you wannabe hero' all disgust me.." the hero killer hisses as he stands over your paralyzed body, you look up at the killer in pure fear and rage, you kept trying to move but still couldn't move a bone in your body, Iida was trembling and crying, "Y-Y/N you should have just Left me...h-he's here for me..not you-" Iida mumbles still trying to hold back tears.

Before you could answer you heard someone call your name "Y/N! Iida!" It was Midoriya he ran into the ally way with Todoroki close behind "o-oh thank god you two are here!" You yell still trying to struggle. Midoriya ran up to the villain and struck him with a punch as Todoroki makes a wall of Ice around the villain. As the fight went on you you slowly started to move your arms and legs again until you were able to stand up, Iida had managed to do the same.

"Guys I have an idea! All I need you to do is knock him out!" You yell as you get into a fighting stance "don't let him cut you! If he tastes your blood he will paralyze you!" Iida says as he stands up blood dripping from his arms. "Todoroki can you regulate your temperatures?.." Iida asks, dodging a knife that was thrown at him by the hero killer "yes but only my right side" he yells back using his flames to burn the villain "okay freeze my engines!"

Before you could ask what Iida was doing both him and Midoriya Jump up, and as Iida kicks the hero killer Midoriya punches knocking the killer out. "Great job!" You yell in victory as the villain falls to the ground. "Okay, so what's this plan of yours," Todoroki asks as he catches his breath "I'll tell you in a moment I'll help heal you guys up first.." you say as you think of another quirk, recovery girls quirk to be exact. You walk up to Midoriya kissing his wounds and watching them heal you do the same to Todoroki and Iida. "Okay know for the plan!" You say with a smile as you walk up to the hero killer and stand on his chest, you slap his face he opens his eyes and he looks at you in rage "why are you killing hero's?" Of course, you knew the answer but you needed him to say it "because-" the villain couldn't finish his sentence cause you had brainwashed him.

"Okay...know what I want you to do is pick up your knife then cut yourself...then lick the blood off of the knife.." Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya watch in shock as the hero killer does as you say paralyzing himself. Soon the pros came and you were all taken to hospital.

"T-thank you...all of you.." Iida says looking at his friends covered in bandages and stitches. The chief of police had just talked to you and your friends about how no one was allowed to know that you were the one who defeated the hero killer and that Endeavor would take the credit. "It's no problem Iida...what are friends for?" You say with a giggle as you ignore the pain in your stomach from being stabbed.

It was the next day and Todoroki and Midoriya went home leaving you alone with Iida, he was quiet and looked almost empty, you could tell that he regretted what he did you could see the pain in his eyes. You let out a sigh as you get up from your bed and sit on the edge of Iida's bed. "You okay Iida?.." you ask with a look of concern "y-yes I'm fine...but can I ask you something?.." he says looking at you "sure go ahead Iida ask away!" You say your smile becoming bigger "did you use to be a villain?.. if not then why did the hero killer tell you to go back to the League of villains?.."

Your face goes pale as your heart starts to pound, we're you going to tell him? You had to you couldn't lie to him "n-no I'm not a villain let me mother was a villain she killed my father and my sister...she sold me to the league to experiment see I was born quirkless. The league wanted to create someone as strong as all for one...and they gave me the power to have any quirk I want...I eventually escaped...that was the same day your brother saved me.....p-please don't tell anyone Iida.." you say looking up at him tears in your eyes "no problem Y/N...your secret is safe with me.." Iida slowly pulled you into a warm embrace as you softly cried "T-thank you.."

The next day Both you and Iida were free to go home, Iida's parents came to pick him up but before he left he said "how about we take you home Y/N?" You happily accepted.

Wow, this chapter was long! Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I'll see you in the next chapter! - Microwave with legs (hey so Mia from the future here. for context it is now august of 2021 and I wrote this at the start of 2020. But past Mia, This chapter is not long trust me.)

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