Chapter 7. Hero killer part 1

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"I'm truly honored to have you two at my agency even if it's just for internships" The hero Manual says to the two of you as you walk down the street on patrol. It was the second day of your internship and you were honestly enjoying it, nothing major had happened so far which was good because your main focus was Iida, he was up to something he had to be! He still seemed so off and this is the city that Tensei was attacked..he had to be planning something.

"I've been enjoying myself, what about you Iida?" You say looking up at him with a look of concern. "Hm..pardon? Oh! Yeah, it's been good..." he says looking around at the ally ways. you sigh starting to give up on trying to find out what Iida was up to. Before you could ask if he was okay there was a loud blood-curdling scream "what was that- where did he go?!?" Manuel yells as he turns around to see that Iida had run off, "I'll go find Iida!" You say running off trying to find your friend.

"Come on Y/N...think think think!" You say your mind racing as you try to think of a quirk to help you find Iida, you think of all the pro hero's you knew until something came to mind. "Wait! Ragdoll has the quirk search I'll just use that!" You smile at yourself before you activate the new quirk. You sense that Iida was close so you think of a teleportation quirk and in mere seconds you were in an ally way where Iida was "what are you doing?!?-...oh god" before you could finish your sentence you say Iida on the ground bleeding and the hero killer stain standing over him.

"What do we have here? Another wannabe hero?" The hero killer says as he turns to face you a devilish smirk on his face "leave him alone!" You yelling getting ready to fight. "And why would I do that-...wait I know you....weren't you the kid I captured?..anyway Shigaraki told me about you, now how about you run back to your little group of villains and I'll spare your life..." he says slowly stepping closer to you. "I'm not going back! I never wanted to be there in the first place!" You scream starting to get angry but before he could respond you felt something Stab your stomach.

You fall to the ground unable to move your arms and legs you were paralyzed, "Y/N no!" Iida yells trying to get up but he looked to be paralyzed too. Your mind was racing as you think of what to do, you eventually think of another quirk "telepath" which was used by the hero Mandalay. As you activate your quirk you yell "please someone help! This is Y/N L/N! A student in the UA hero course, me, and two other people are badly injured by the hero killer stain! Someone, please help we are at *insert location here*"

"Oh very clever...but as you can hear there is something else attacking the city so if anyone is even alive to save you I'll happily kill them too..." and with that, you were stuck paralyzed under the clutches of the hero killer himself hoping that someone anyone was able to save you and Iida.

Hero's Love ( Iida x reader )Where stories live. Discover now