Chapter 12. The last visit

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"S-sorry I'm late guys!" You say as you stumble into the hospital room and sit down. Today was the day, Tensei could finally go home after months in hospital. "It's fine Y/N" Iida says with a chuckle as he adjusts his glasses. "Okay so we both have a lot to tell you Tensei.." you say with a smile as you start to tell your friend about what has happened since you last visited him.

"Okay so let me get this straight...your friend was kidnapped by Villains at your school camp so you and a few friends went to save him against your teachers wishes?" Tensei says giving the two of you a concerned but proud look "yes that's right's all because of Y/N that we could save Bakugo." Iida says with a sweet smile on his face "o-oh I wouldn't say that..everyone did great!" You giggle as you take out your phone.

"We had to wear a disguise for the rescue mission and this is what Iida wore.." you laugh as you show Tensei a photo of Iida's hair slicked back and with a moustache, Iida's face went bright red in embarrassment and all Tensei could do was laugh, "that's a good look on you brother" Tensei exclaims as he pats his brothers head which made Iida's face even more red.

After a few more hours of chatting you felt something vibrate in your pocket, you reach into it and take out your phone looking at your text "crap.." you mumble to yourself before jumping out of your seat and walking to the door "I-I'm so sorry guys but I gotta go..I promised Mina that I would help her with her was great seeing you again Tensei and I'll cya at school Iida bye!" And with  that you ran off.

Iida watched your run off with a smile and when he looked back at his brother all he saw was a devilish smirk "so you like Y/N?" He asks his smirk only getting bigger. Iida's face goes red as he starts to stutter "w-well of course I like Y/N we are friends a-after couldn't I l-like them? Their so powerful..and sweet a-and and...pre-prett-" before Iida could finish what he was gonna say his brother started to chuckle. "Okay so you do like Y/N..well you should probably tell them how you feel but of course it's up to you brother" Tensei smiles as he pats his brothers back, Iida chuckles as he blushes softly "o-okay brother I'll think about it.."

Hay guys! Sorry for such the short chapter. I promise you that the chapters will be bigger as the story continues. Anyway I hope your enjoying this story so far and I'll cya in the next chapter! - Microwave with legs

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