Chapter 13. Fun and games

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"I'm bored.." you mumble to yourself as you put down the book you were reading. It was a couple weeks after you and your classmates moved into the UA dorms, everyone had settled in and were now in the common room happily chatting. "I guess I'll go for a walk...I'll see if Iida wants to come with me.." you say as you quickly put on a jacket and run to the common room to see your friends.

"Hey guys!" You yell as you teleport onto the couch next to Iida scaring him "ah! O-oh Y/N it's you...thank god.." Iida says with a chuckle as the rest of the class happily greets you. "So Y/N we were all gonna play some games wanna join us?" Sero asks his a grin "i was gonna go for a walk...but sure!"

"Okay one word....a name?..sonic?..w-wait no it's Iida!" Mina yells as you stand in front of the class playing Charades, you were currently doing Iida's signature arm movements and was pretending to wear glasses "yup that's right!" You laugh as you sit back down so Mina can have a turn.

"Okay...I'm done with games I had fun! But I'm gonna go for a walk, care to join me Iida?" You ask as you jump up from your seat. Iida looks at you then looks at the class, everyone ( mainly the boys ) were mouthing "go!" And "this is your chance!" And some of the girls were making hearts with their hands. Iida goes red in embarrassment and just at the thought of being alone with you "a-ah no thank you..I need to make sure the class doesn't get i-into to much trouble.." he says looking away from you.

Your smile becomes smaller due to being kinda disappointed but you shake it off "okay then...but if you need me I'll be walking the same track we walked when we went to go get ice cream the other day, cya guys!" And with that you ran off. Iida slowly looks back at the class to see them disappointed "come on Iida this was your chance to tell them!" Jiro says with a sigh as she plays with her earphone jacks. "T-tell them what?.." Iida asks his face still bright red.

The class stays silent for a few moments before bursting out laughing. "Are you serious?!? Come on Iida we all know that you have a crush on Y/N it's obvious!" Kaminari yells still loudly laughing. "I-I....okay so maybe I do have feelings for Y/N...but I don't know how to tell them.." Iida says as the blood rushes to his cheeks. "Oh that's Easy just say something from the heart!" Uraraka says with a giggle as her and the other girls were obviously excited for Iida.

"The heart huh?...okay I'll tell them how I feel when they get back from their walk.." the class cheers happily excited to see the outcome. Meanwhile you were happily walking down the street with your hands stuffed into your pockets happily humming to yourself. You loved walking at night, the beautiful breeze hitting your skin waking you up from the long days of hero work. And the quiet sound of chatting and cars driving by to you it was so peaceful you thought nothing could ruin it. But I'm sorry to say but you were quite wrong because what you didn't know is that a group of very dangerous people were close behind ready to take back what once got away.

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