Chapter 17. Welcome back!

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Your heart starts to pound as you slowly push open the door to the UA dorms, finally after a week of being in hospital you were now stable enough to go back to school and you were so excited. as you stepped into the dorms you saw your classmates hanging out and chatting in the common room, your heart skips a beat as you see Iida yelling at kaminari for sitting on the arm of the couch.

"H-hey guys!" You say loud enough for your friends to hear, you were almost instantly surrounded by your friends all excited to see you. "It's so great to see you again Y/N!" Uraraka squeals as she hugs you tightly making you laugh "I'm glad to be back.." as your friends started to slowly settle down and head back to the common room couches you see Iida walking up to you looking nervous.

"Hey Iida!" You run up to your blue haired friend hugging him tightly. "Hello Y/N, good to see that your feeling better" he slowly wraps his arms around you exchanging the hug. "H-hey I need to ask you something Y/N-" "hey! Love birds come join us!" Sero yells making you jump and blush in embarrassment "c-coming!" And with that you and Iida went to your friends.

"So we have a question for you Y/N.." Midoriya says looking kind of nervous, as he says this the room goes silent "sure..ask away!" You say sitting next to Iida and crossing your legs. "Did um...did you use to be a villain Y/N?" As your green haired friend asked this your face goes pale in fear. Iida looks at you worried and curious about how you were going to answer. "W-what makes you I think that?.."

Before Midoriya could response Mina Stops him "w-well we all have noticed that every time the league of villains have attacked they seem to target you.." "and when Midoriya and I helped you in the hero killer stain fight we heard him say something about you going back to the villains....this was before my father came of course.." Todoroki whispers cringing slightly when he talks about his dad.

You sigh as you hug your knees tightly, you look at your class then at Iida who looked like he was trying to think of something to get out of this situation. "N-no it's alright Iida I'll tell them.." the class looks at you confused and curious wanting to know what you meant. "So no I didn't use to be a Villain..but I did live with them, but let me explain! i was actually born quirkless.." as you say this you see Midoriya's eyes widen but you ignore it "when I was six my mother killed my father and sold me to the villains to experiment on, after nine years of torture I got this power I have now..and on the day of the sports festival I escaped..."

Your body cringes as you think about your past, "I-I am so sorry Y/N!" Midoriya yells your could see the guilt in his eyes. "No it's deserve to know.."

Your friends wouldn't stop saying sorry but you honestly didn't mind and once everything settled down you and your class started to relax. You noticed that Iida was still very tense like he wanted to tell you something but you decided to ignore it. As the night went on you started to feel cold so You stood up and stretched. "I'm gonna go change I'll be right back!" And with that you walked off.

Iida sighed but was soon surrounded by the class. "So have you told them yet?" Mina asks excited "well I was planning too..but now I'm not so sure." Jiro groans as she leans back on the couch "come one go tell them!" Iida's face turns red but nods and stands up, "fine.." Iida brushes himself off and walks up to the dorm rooms. The class cheers excited for the outcome "okay let's go spy.." Kirishima says with a smirk.

As you step out of your dorm room now changed into warmer clothes, you walk through the corridor making your way back to your class when you see Iida nervously walking up to you. "Hey is something wrong Iida?" You give him a concerned looked as you stand In front of him. "Well, I would like to tell you something Y/N something important.."

You nod slowly as you look up at your taller friend. "U-um...ever since we first met Y/N I knew that you were going to mean something to me, at first I didn't know if it was just as a friend or as something more.." as he talks you start to slowly blush as a smile starts to form. "W-what I'm trying I say is that m-my life with you is truly special Y/N...I want to start a new chapter of my life with you... no a whole book series! And I know I probably sound stupid and I understand if you don't feel the same way I-I.."

Iida was cut off by you hugging him tightly "I feel the same way.." as you hugged your friend you felt his heart pound in fear but soon feel him settle. You look up at him smiling, Iida returns the smile but before he could say anything you slowly pressed your lips against his. As the kiss parted you laugh being slightly  embarrassed slowly pulling away from him "sorry.." "n-no it's alright I liked it.."

"H-heh I love you Iida.."

"I love you too Y/N.."


As you and Iida walk back to the class you see everyone holding cups up to the wall while Jiro's earphone jacks were in the wall. They still hadn't noticed you when Kaminari started to talk "seriously Iida books! Who uses books in a confession.." you softly laugh and Iida's face turns red in embarrassment "that's all I could think of!" Iida yells making the class turn around, they had fear in their eyes. "So who's idea was it to spy?" You ask with an evil smirk on your face. Almost instantly the class yells "Kirishima!" You slowly walk up to the group "Oh your gonna get it kiri!"

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