Chapter 31. The last chance part 3

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"Is this the place?" Kirishima asks as you and your class slowly make your way to where your mother was, "yup..this is where we use to live before I was sold to the villains.." you whisper as you try your hardest to lay low.

It took every bone in your body not to just run into the place and take out the enemy, you knew you had to have some sort of plan, Iida's life depended on it. "Do you have a plan Y/N?" Momo asks as she walks close to you making sure you don't do anything too harsh. "Yes, I do.."

"Okay, so Momo, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya you guys are with me. While the rest of the class take on my mother's workers we walk through and go find Iida alright?" The class nods. "Good luck everyone.." and with that, the class began their rescues mission.

Screams, screams were the only things that could be heard as the students of class 1. A took out the villains keeping Iida captive. As this was going on you and your team quietly made your way through the empty house checking each room to make sure no one was there. "Found you..." you say as you enter the living room with your friends behind you.

A few workers surrounded your mother as she stood next to the Wounded Iida who was currently tied to a chair. "I knew you would come.." your mother smirks making your blood boil.

"Y/N no leave!" Iida screams but was quickly shut down by your mother slapping him. "Momo....make me a knife." your friends look at you I'm horror as you hold your hand out. "Momo...give me a knife...NOW." Momo reluctantly used her Quirk to create a large knife and hand it to you. "Okay you know the take out the workers and I take on my mother..go!"

The room became a mess. Villains were soon beaten and bound by your friends. You had managed to pin your mother to the ground, "I-I've hated you since the day you were born..." your mother spat out as she tried to struggle out of your grasp. Your body was numb as you held the knife in your hand you pointed the sharpened tip at the woman's chest.

"Y/N please...don't do it!" Iida screams as Kirishima unties him from the chair. "Y/N put the knife down... we know what your mother has done but that doesn't mean you have to kill her." Momo tries to calm you down by rubbing your back but you push her out of the way.

"Do it Y/N...if you kill me all your problems will be can live happily with the ones you love.." Your mind was blank as your mother spoke these words, you didn't know what to do. "I remember the day I killed your was amazing, he was pinned to the floor a lot like this. I remember the blood covering the floor as his body laid dead under me. The thrill I felt was unreal." Your mother laughs as your cheeks turn read in anger, you swing your arms up and bring it crashing down all while still having the knife in your hand. The vile woman screamed in pain but you didn't stop. You kept stabbing over and over, each time getting a little more violent than the last. once you knew the woman was dead you slowly stood up and turned to face your friends who had to watch the scene unfold.

You dropped to the ground, tears in your eyes as you started to laugh. Blood had covered your body, your hands were drenched in the red liquid. "I-i did it!" You yell as tears start flowing down your cheeks, these tears started to wash off the blood spatter from your face. "She's gone... she's finally gone!" Iida's body was trembling as he slowly made his way to you, he pulled you into a tight protective hug not caring about the blood that was getting all over him. He held you close as the others went to get the pros.

"Y/N...what have you done?"

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