Chapter 22. Double Date

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This chapter is actually
a prize for  Nagitos_Hope_Bagels
She won a small contest I held not too long ago and as her prize she is a character in this weeks chapter. So anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

"What are you doing Y/N?" Iida asks while sitting next to you on the couch of the UA dorms, he gave you a smile as he took a sip from the glass of Orange Juice he had in his hand.

"Nothing much.." you say, "I'm just reading fanfic about shows I like, they are x readers so it's pretty fun to read." You scroll through your phone reading what was on the screen. "You know, our lives would be pretty good as a fan fiction." Your boyfriend replies with as he wraps his arm around your shoulder "our lives are filled with ups and downs so I'm sure it would make a good book." You nod while putting your phone down "maybe you are right."

"Hay Iida, Y/N" someone calls out from behind you, you turn around to see an excited Midoriya. "What's up?" You ask while patting the seat next to you, your green haired friend happily sits down. "So you remember Kira right?" He asks, the two of you nod "yeah! Of course I do, you two are dating right?" Midoriya softly blushes as he places a hand behind his neck. "Y-yeah we are...we were actually about to go on a date, and she wanted me to ask if you two would like to join us?" You look at Iida who gives you a small nod and then look back at Midoriya. "We would love to!"

"It's so great to see you again Kira!" You say happily while hugging your friend. "Yeah good to see you too!" You, Iida, Kira and Midoriya were at a cafe not to far from UA. "So you and Iida are finally a thing huh?" Kira asks giving you a playful smirk. Iida places a hand in your waist and pulled you closer to him "we certainly are."

"Okay so funny story, a little while ago Me, Iida Midoriya and a few other of our friends were going out to save a friend when Iida and I had a little 'moment' but mister fanboy over here had to ruin it!" You say trying not to laugh while sitting next to Iida. Kira playfully punched Midoriya in the arm causing him to whine in pain "come on they were having a moment!" All four of you just start to laugh.

"Hay Iida..." you whine while finishing the rest of your drink. "Yes Y/N?" He asks stopping his conversation with Midoriya. "Can we adopt a cat?" You say while poking his forearm, Kira and Midoriya just start to giggle at your childish act. "Why do you want a cat?" He asks trying to hold back his laughter. "Because I love you, and people who love each other adopt cats, also I think you would be a good cat dad." Iida sighs while pushing up his glasses. "I'll think about it okay?" You cheer in victory making Iida laugh.

"So do you two have nicknames for each other?" Midoriya asks while Kira takes a sip of her drink. You think for a moment but Iida just shakes his head. "No, but the closest thing we have to a nickname is her calling me Sonic once in her sleep." You blush in embarrassment as you look away. "What about you two?" Your boyfriend asks. "Well, I call Kira Chainsaw, and she just calls me Deku." Kira smile and nods at his response.

"It was great seeing you again Kira, we have to do this again some time!" She nods while squeezing her boyfriends hand. With one last goodbye Midoriya and Kira walk off leaving you alone with Iida.

"Should we head back to the dorms?" You ask while pushing hair behind your ear. "Sure!" Iida smiles giving you a small kiss on the forehead before taking your hand and walking home.

"Hay Iida, Can we actually adopt a cat?"

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