Chapter 32. The End

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The blood covering your hands, as you held the knife used to take a life. The living body of your mother laid beneath you.

This is what flashed through your mind as you stood in front of the silent students of class 1.A It had been two weeks since the 'incident' you had to attend countless meetings and therapist session so the school knew you were safe and could be trusted. During these two weeks, you weren't allowed to stay at the dorms.

The class stared at you, while they sat calmly on the couches of the common room. Your heart pounded as your mind struggled to find something to say. Iida was there sitting next
To Midoriya, he looked scared and lost which made you even more nervous.

"I-I'm..I-" the stress of the situation was becoming too much, you started the cry. Tears covered your now red cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry...I put everyone in danger for my own fucked up reasons. I don't know what got over m-me. You all have the right to hate me I don't deserve people like you guys in my worthless life. The LOV was right. I was made to kill..."

The class broke into whispers as you wiped the tears from your eyes. Mina whispers something to Iida before he stands up.

"We forgive you Y/N...we understand why you did what you did. You had good intentions and we respect that."

Your eyes lit up as Iida pulled you into a warm tight hug. "Y-you don't hate me?" You ask as you slowly wrap your arms around your loving boyfriend. "How could we hate you!?" Sero says while giving you his signature smile. "And besides it's better that your mother is now off the streets."

"So what's the plan now?" Kirishima asks as you sit next to Iida beginning to tie his hair into a ponytail. "Well I guess continue working to be a hero, I'm on house arrest for a little while but once that's over it's back to school!" You smile as Iida turns around and gives you a quick peck on the cheek.

"Now that my mother is feels like this book in the series that is my life is over, we just have to wait for the new one to start." You give Iida a small wink but this just confuses him. "We can finally be happy again Y/N." Iida softly grabs you again and holds you close to him "I love you so much Y/N," you smile holding on tight to Iida.

"I love you too Iida."

The end.

Hero's Love ( Iida x reader )Where stories live. Discover now