Chapter 29. The last chance part 1

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"Where are you two going?" Mina asks as you and Iida walk into the common room. Sero was taping Mineta onto the wall as the grape boy screamed for mercy. "Just gonna go get some ice cream." You reply as you grab Iida's hand making his face flush slightly. "Well have fun!" Sero yells out as he continues to tape Mineta onto the wall.

"Okay so is the plan still going?" You ask as you walk down the street making sure to stay close to Iida. "Of course it is." you slowly nod as you and Iida step into a dark ally. Iida made sure you weren't being followed as you quickly changed into darker clothing. "Okay so I'll go meet up with the source and you just make sure no one follows me okay?" Iida slowly nods as you use a quirk to change your appearance. "Stay safe Y/N." You nod as you put on your hood and runoff. 

"Jeez, where is she?" Iida paces up and down the ally waiting for you to return from your meeting. Just as Iida was going to give up and find you himself you ran back into the ally out of breath. "How did you go?" Your boyfriend asked, you take off your hood and deactivate your quirk. "All good, apparently she's in town but no one knows exactly where she is. it's unlikely she will target all of U.A." you start to change back into your other clothes. "That's good I guess. How Close do you think she is to get to you?" "Pretty close. She's already killed a few of the sources I've talked too. We have to stay alert alright?" Iida nods as he grabs your waist and pulls you into a tight hug. "Promise me that you don't do anything harsh." You wrap your arms around Iida squeezing him. "No promises but I shall try." Iida pulls away from the hug and grabs your hand. 'Let's go home, the others will get worried soon."

It was getting dark, the chatter of the night echoed through the wind. You were currently walking with Iida chatting about minor things like school and what you should eat for dinner. It was calm, you felt your mind relax as you forgot the stresses of the world. Many people wanted you dead but that fear left your mind as you walked with the one you loved.

As you walked through the street you heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind you. Your heart started to pin and you gripped Iida's hand hoping that he noticed the sound too. "Y/N run... run to UA and get the pros I will hold them off." You look at him confused but you trusted him so you gave him one last glance before running off. "Fuck.." You mumble as you continue to run. You eventually stop thinking that you were far away enough from whoever was chasing you.

"Good to see you again." You jump slightly as you turn around to see your mother with a devilish smirk on her face. "What do you want?" You yell as you start to activate a quirk to fight, "don't you even dare." Your mother quickly pulled out a gun and shot you in the shoulder all in one quick move. Your body fell to the floor as you screamed in pain. "The bullet is meant to erase your quirk, but overhaul didn't give me the final product. So this will have to do for now." You felt weak as you try to use a quirk, but it didn't work.

"Now it's just you and me Y/N. No quirks or powers to get in our way. It's our last chance to kill each other so who will walk out of here alive my dear daughter?"

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