Chapter Three: Tadashi Hamada

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The helmet fell to the floor. "Hiro?" you asked in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?" Hiro asked in a surly voice.

"She got badly hurt by a bully outside the cafe," Cass explained, coming up behind you. "I need to clean those wounds." She was holding a plate of pastries. "Her name is. . . her name is. . . "

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)," you said, glaring at Hiro.

Hiro shot you a cold look. "Well, don't expect me to help." He turned and stormed into his room.

"Hiro!" Cass said sharply. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I don't know what's gotten into him." She handed you the plate when a chime sounded downstairs. "I'll be right back. You can get the cut cleaner in the bathroom, under the sink."

You put the pastries on a table in the hall, then searched for the bathroom. Ha, Hiro, so you hate me now, huh? You peered into each room. Too bad I don't like you either. And now I know where you live.

When you finally found the blue-and-white tiled bathroom, you crept inside. It smelled faintly of cologne. You tried not to gag.

"Hey, there," an unfamiliar voice said. You turned around to see a tall, young man leaning against the door frame. "Who're you?"

"Oh. Um." You glanced at your scruffy sneakers, suddenly embarrassed. "Your mom let me in so I could clean my cuts."

"She's not my mom, she's my aunt," the male said, coming over. He came over and lifted your chin, observing your face. "That's a nasty cut," he commented. You squirmed away, self-conscious that a guy you didn't know was staring at you in a bathroom.

He bent down and began pulling out Band-Aids and things out of the cabinets. "I'm Tadashi, by the way," he said after a moment. "My brother, who you probably already met-" Unfortunately, you thought - "is Hiro."

"I know," you mumbled.

"You do? Oh, that's cool." Tadashi held up a bunch of bottles and Band-Aids. "Here, I'll help you clean those wounds."

You perched on top of the stool in the corner, and then Tadashi pulled off your gloves. He began dabbing at your cut palms with a cotton ball soaked in some sort of cut cleaner. "Who did this to you?" he asked, his thick eyebrows furrowed together in concentration.

"Some idiot out on the sidewalk," you replied, your toes curling at the thought of Hoshi. "Some people just have to solve all their girlfriend's problems."

Tadashi stuck a Band-Aid on your hand, then moved onto your face. "This is going to sting," Tadashi warned, holding your chin with one hand as he soaked another cotton ball. "I feel like some kind of make-up artist," he joked as he gently rubbed the cut on your face.

You winced, then relaxed when Tadashi carefully stuck a Band-Aid on your jaw. "You're all set," he said, smiling politely at you.

"Thanks," you said. "Dr. Tadashi," you added wickedly.

"Ha," Tadashi snorted, shoving the bottles back in their boxes. "You wish. I'm an inventor, not a doctor."

"You invent things? Like. . . robots?" you asked, suddenly interested.

Tadashi flashed you a grin. "Yeah, I love it." When you were about to walk away, he called, "Hey, I never got your name."

You glanced over your shoulder. "It's (Y/N) (L/N)."

When you stepped out of the bathroom, you jumped when you saw Hiro leaning against the wall right outside. "Oh. Hi," you said, walking past him.

Hiro rolled his eyes at you, but he got off the wall and followed you. "I'm supposed to take you home," he said, as if it was most dreadful thing that could ever happen to him. "What's your parents' number?"

"Do you need to know?" You picked up the plate of pastries you had left out. "Besides, they're not even home."

"Would you rather walk home by yourself?" Hiro narrowed his eyes at you, his voice icy.

"I have a bike, you know." You took a bite of the pastry. "You don't need to worry about me."

"Why would I worry about you in the first place?" Hiro crossed his arms.

"'I'm supposed to take you home,'" you imitated, finishing off the pastry. "'What's your parents' number?'"

Hiro turned. "Fine, walk, no, bike home yourself, then." He began to walk away "Don't forget to bring money for the bot fight tonight," he added. "I want to buy myself more robot materials."

You grabbed him by the hood, stopping him. "What did you say?"

He shrugged you off. "You heard me."

This rude, arrogant shrimp, you thought. In one lightning-quick movement, you kicked him right in the soft spot. "I don't plan on losing," you said as Hiro fell to his knees, his teeth gritted in pain. "You idiot," he gasped.

But you didn't even hear him since you already stormed out of there.

"How do you like the pastries?" Cass asked brightly when you entered the cafe. You forced a smile. "They're, um, really good," you said politely. "I'll get home now, thanks."

"Isn't Hiro going with you?"

"I'll be fine on my own," you assured, walking out the door. Once you were on your bike, you glanced back up at the second-floor windows. Too bad Hiro can't be like Tadashi.

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