Chapter Twenty-One: Wedding, Coming Soon

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You walked into the house after a long day at SFIT. Letting out an exhausted sigh, you dropped your backpack onto the ground. The house was silent.

Where is everyone? you thought. You set the bag of gifts on the coffee table, and suddenly the doors flew open. "(Y/N)! Help me carry these packages!" your dad called, his voice muffled. You turned and saw your dad staggering into the living room, carrying a bunch of garment bags and boxes.

"What is this for?" you asked, scooping a few bags off his arms. You glanced at the label, and it read Bridal Shop. You gave your father a look. "Isn't it a little too early?"

"It's never too early," Michiko piped up, walking into the house with a huge bag. "(Y/N), since you were out today, we'll go shopping for your dress tomorrow. Yours too, Hoshi," she added, when her daughter stepped down the stairs.

"When is the wedding, again?" Hoshi asked.

"A month," Michiko reminded.

Hoshi poked through the bags. "You bought all this?"

"No, we borrowed them. We want to try them on at home," Michiko replied, pulling out a veil. "Isn't this pretty?"

Your soon-to-be-family swarmed over the dresses and tuxedos, chattering about bridesmaids and stuff like that.

I'll be wearing a dress? you thought, your stomach churning. You approached the three, glancing at the fluffy white material. Hoshi suddenly turned to you and held out a long white dress. It looked soft and silky. "Hey, (Y/N), what do you think of this?"

You were surprised. Hoshi had never interacted with you ever since she moved into your house. And the fact she wasn't insulting you was even more astounding. 

"Um, it's nice, I guess." You sorted through the boxes and lifted out a fluffy white dress. "Did you make the invites yet?"

"Yes," your dad said, pulling out several ties. "We just need to distribute them."

"Can I see them?" you asked tentatively. 

"Sure. On my computer."

You got out of your seat and ran upstairs. Sure enough, a document was showing on the huge desktop screen, and a guest list next to the keyboard.

You skimmed the invitation. It was pretty, with doves holding roses in their beaks flying all over the pink background. 6:30 PM - 1:00 AM, it read. 

Ha! you thought, smiling. I get to party past midnight. You picked up the notebook. Who's on the list? You paged through the lined paper. It was mostly your dad's friends and even some coworkers. A bunch of Michiko's family and friends were there, too. 

When you reached the end of the list, you caught three names: Cass Hamada, Hiro Hamada, and Tadashi Hamada.

* * *

"Cass was a good friend," your dad explained. "She helped me when I had nothing. Then I founded my business. It's thanks to her you're even living in this house."

"You never told me that," you said. 

"You never asked," your dad pointed out. "Now hand me that pot." 

"So, I'm supposed to hang out with the Hamada brothers now?" you said, running your hand through your hair. I can't go anywhere without them appearing anymore! 

"Why? You know them?" 

"They go to SFIT!" you exploded. "And one of them is the most obnoxious person I've ever met."

"He doesn't seem so bad," Hoshi piped up, walking into the kitchen. She reached into the cupboard and pulled out a bag of barbecue chips. "Hiro, right?"

"Yeah," you mumbled. "But you haven't seen his true personality. He's just so arrogant and. . . ugh! I'm not even going to talk about him."

"Seriously? He seems nice." Hoshi suddenly became very interested in her bag of chips. "He told me to tell you. . . ah, never mind."

"What?" You turned to face her. "Tell me what?"

"I said never mind!" The old Hoshi was back, her eyes blazing.

"Okay, geez. I'm going outside." You slid off the kitchen stool. 

"(Y/N), since you're going out, can you give the Hamadas their invite?" Your dad turned on the stove, and immediately some vegetable oil flew out and burned his arm. "Ouch!"

You nodded, then left the kitchen.

* * *

I like reading funny comments.

Post funny comments please.

I'm so bored and  I need to laugh.

So, what do you think of this chapter? C:


EDIT: Well well well 300k reads 


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