Chapter Four: Hoshi. . . again

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As soon as you got home, you kicked your bike away, leaving it laying on the long driveway. I don't want to see the Hamada brothers, nice or not, for the rest of my life. You ripped off the Band-Aids Tadashi had plastered to your face and hands, and tossed them in the bathroom trash can. I don't need stupid stuff covering the fact I was beaten, you thought. I survived, didn't I? 

You glanced at your reflection in the mirror. Your (E/C) eyes were completely misted over with coldness. A long, red cut traced the edge of your right jaw. Your (H/C) was a little messy. I must have looked really tough, you thought. You pulled off your gloves and set them on the bathroom counter. I'll find Hoshi and her dumb boyfriend later, you thought. Right now, I have a robot to build. 

* * *

Hiro was so certain he would win. But you were certain his bot was just a pile of magnets. You could do way better. Alright Hiro, your robot is magnetic isn't it? You were in the garage, all ready to build. 

The tools fell from your hands. Oh, who am I fooling? Hiro's obviously the robot builder around here. I'm just a sore loser who can't build a decent bot. Suddenly, you stopped. Tadashi was a robot inventor, wasn't he? 

He must be helping Hiro, you thought, defeated. I don't even have a dad to help me, never mind a brother. You yanked off your workerman's goggles and plopped down on a toolbox.

Resting your chin in your palm, you thought about Tadashi. He was nice. Unlike Hiro. He might help me. 

Filled with fresh inspiration, you got up and gathered the tools you needed to make a bot into a backpack. And if he says no, then he says no. It's not like I have to see him again. 

The next day, the sun was high in the sky when you finally pedaled back up to Lucky Cat Cafe. You locked your bike and walked into the cafe.

"Hey, there, (Y/N)!" Cass greeted you, wiping her hands on a cloth. "What brings you here again?"

"I. . . uh. . . I wanted to ask Tadashi something," you stammered.

"He's upstairs, dear," Cass said, busily pouring soda into cups.

"Thanks," you said, relieved. You sprinted up the stairs, and when you opened the door, you were immediately faced with Hiro. Again.

"You again?" Hiro asked, his eye twitching. "How many times do you get beat up a day?" He inched his way around you and headed downstairs.

Suddenly, Tadashi walked out of a bedroom. "(Y/N)?" He walked over. "What's wrong?"

"I- I was wondering if you would help me with something," you said, suddenly embarrassed.

"Is it doctor-related? I'm an inventor, remember?" Tadashi's dark eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I was wondering if you would help me with this." You held up the bag. Tadashi took the bag and looked inside. "MY help?"

You nodded meekly.

"Building a bot?" Tadashi smiled as he peered at the contents of the bag. "I'd be happy to help." Suddenly, he grabbed your chin. "You pulled off the Band-Aids! Why?"

"I don't need them," you said defiantly. 

Tadashi shrugged. "If you say so. Let's go to the garage." He nudged you back downstairs. When the two of you passed through the cafe, Tadashi called to his brother, "Hey, Hiro!" 

Hiro was munching on hot wings for lunch. He gave you a look, and glanced at his brother. "What?" he said sourly.

"We're going to the garage to build something," Tadashi said, oblivious of the iciness in the air. "Want to come?"

Oh, great, you thought. 

To your surprise, Hiro nodded slowly. "Okay." He slid out of his seat and followed you out of the shop. "Did you have to come?" you asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm not allowed to go to my own garage?" Hiro rolled his eyes. "You must be really desperate for robots if you're asking my brother."

"I heard that, Hiro," Tadashi said. "I'm the one going to SFIT, remember? You're just the kid who botfights all night."

"Well, so does (Y/N)!" Hiro said, his eyes blazing. Tadashi stopped. You turned to look at you. "(Y/N), what is this bot for?" 

You stared at your feet. Hiro's smug grin burned into your (H/C) hair.

"(Y/N)," Tadashi sighed. "Bot-fighting is illegal."

"So, you're not going to help me?"

"You could get into serious trouble."

"Okay, so you're not going to help me." You grabbed the bag of tools. "I'm not surprised at all. Even my dad doesn't even bother coming home to help with my life." You shot one more murderous glare at Hiro. "And I don't bot-fight for my own amusement. I do it so I can provide food for myself. Too bad you were there to take my meals for the week."

"(Y/N)," Tadashi started, but you slung the bag over your shoulder and walked out of the garage. Bitterly, you shoved on your helmet, not bothering to clip it on. You began to ride away. 

Tadashi raced out of the garage, "(Y/N)!" Hiro followed sulkily behind. 

You glared at the two Hamada brothers, and turned back to the sidewalk. Suddenly, something shoved you from the side, knocking you off your bike. Your helmet flew off your head and you sprawled across the cement. Not again, you thought numbly as you squinted up at Hoshi. You covered your eyes with your gloved hands, shielding them form the sun. "Seriously?" you muttered. The chain on your bike was cutting into the skin on your leg, and you felt the wounds that Tadashi treated open again.

 "Don't mess with me ever again," Hoshi snarled. 

You laughed, spitting out blood. Still covering your eyes, you said, "Hoshi, isn't it time for you to find some other tactic to bully me other than shoving me off my bike?" You grinned.

Hoshi spat at me. "Maybe it'll teach you to not come to school again." They retreated, their high heels clicking as they walked away.

You heard Tadashi approach with Hiro. "Don't," you said before they could say anything. You held out a hand in a stop gesture. "Leave me alone."

"You're bleeding again," Tadashi said.

"I don't care. Leave me alone."

"But you're bleeding. I can't leave you here." 

"Yes, you can. And if you touch me then I'll kick you in the face." 

Tadashi ignored your threats and lifted you up. You writhed in his arms. "Let go! I don't need you to take care of me!" You slithered out of his arms, and began to sprint away, the cut in your leg throbbing.

"(Y/N)!" Tadashi called, but you were already hurrying away.

* * *

Two Hamada Brothers (Tadashi/Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now