Chapter Six: Teddy Bear

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The next day was a stuffy, hot day. You walked out of the house in a (F/C) T-shirt and blue denim shorts. Your (H/C) hair was tied up in a ponytail and you were wearing ragged flip-flops.

You decided not to risk taking out the bike. Who knew where Hoshi might be lurking? 

Lazily, you strolled through town, nibbling on one of the pastries Tadashi sent over. You stopped at a toy shop and stared at the window. A huge, adorable teddy bear was on display. You smiled to yourself, and then a cold jet of water sprayed the back of your neck. You flinched and turned around.

"Hi, (Y/N)," Hiro said, clutching a water gun. Tadashi was next to him, holding a bag. 

You nodded politely.

"What are you up to?" Tadashi asked, coming over. He peered at your face and nodded approvingly. "Your cuts are healing."

"I'm just looking around," you said, glancing back at the window. 

"Cute bear," Hiro walked over and pressed his hands and nose against the glass. 

"I'll get it for you," Tadashi offered to you.

"Why would you buy some useless bear for (Y/N)?" Hiro scoffed, pulling away from the window. "It'll just sit around, collecting dust."

"I guess," Tadashi agreed uncomfortably. "Anyway, I'll see you around, (Y/N). Hiro and I are going to SFIT."

"SFIT?" You had always wanted to go there. You had sent an application, but you didn't get a reply yet. 

"Yeah," Tadashi said, brightening. "I'm a student there."

"You're so lucky. . . I tried getting in. No reply yet." You shrugged. "Anyway, see you later." You walked past them towards the park. 

After spotting Hoshi and her friends having a picnic in the park, you quickly left, heading back home. Your stomach was rumbling, and you were looking forward to lunch. You grabbed some money from the bank and hurried back to your mansion.

* * *

The kitchen was quiet as you ate a sandwich. As you cleaned up, the doorbell suddenly rang. You opened the door to see a huge bear standing in front of you. You took a step back, surprised.

"Hi, (Y/N)," Tadashi's muffled voice said.

"Tadashi?" you asked, shocked.

Tadashi set down the bear. "I brought you this." He smiled at you.

"Wow. . . thanks," you said happily, lifting up the fluffy bear. "But why?"

"You said you lived alone," Tadashi said, scratching the back of his head. "So I just decided to get this for you."

"Thanks, Tadashi," you said, genuinely grateful. 

"No problem." Tadashi turned to leave.

"Wait," you called. Embarrassed, you gestured at the huge stuffed animal on your doorstep. "Is it okay if you help me take it inside?"

"Of course." Tadashi lifted the bear and walked inside. "Where do you want me to put it?"

"The bedroom is okay." You led Tadashi upstairs and down the hall. He plopped it down in front of your door and glanced at you. To your own surprise, you hugged him. "Thanks again," you said quietly.

He nodded and patted your back awkwardly. "See you later, (Y/N)."

You stood and watched Tadashi walk down the hall and down the stairs. Then you glanced down at the bear, and began to pull it inside.

* * *

That night, you sat in your dark room, and switched on your dim lamp. You began to sketch ideas for robots. You began to zone out, your hand sketching as if it had a mind of its own. 

You thought about Tadashi and the bear. Why did he still buy it if he agreed that the bear was useless? And besides, Hiro was the one who liked the bear. 

You snapped back to reality. You stared at your notebook, suddenly realizing you were drawing Hiro's robot. I don't need Hiro's dumb robot! You ripped out the paper and crumpled it, throwing it to the side. It bounced off your teddy bear and rolled under your bed.

Groaning, you got onto all fours and crawled towards your bed. When you reached under your bed, your hand touched something hard and cold. Curious, you pulled it out. It was a framed picture of you, your dad, and your mom. You were six years old, in your mother's arms. The three of you smiled at the camera, and the San Franksokyo Golden Gate Bridge was in the background. The glass covering the picture was cracked.

Your heart ached, and with a finger, you touched your mother's face. Our family has fallen apart.

* * *

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