Chapter Eleven: Hoshi is What?

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You folded the receipt and tucked it into your pocket. I'll question him later, you thought. But right now, I need to get home. 

As you walked back home, you thought about the teddy bear. Why would Hiro give me something? We hate each other's guts. You stopped. What if it's a prank? He could've put some sort of camera in the teddy bear to watch me and find my weaknesses. He does make robot stuff, right? 

You clenched your fists. If he did something like that, you would move away or something. So you would never see him again. 

* * *

You slipped into the house quietly. But your dad heard you anyway. "(Y/N)!" he called.

You followed his voice into the kitchen, where he was chopping onions. You coughed, holding back the tears. "Dad, you could ask to talk to me after you chop onions."

Your dad ignored you. "Where have you been?" He frowned in concentration as he cut the onions. 

You flapped your hand, waving the question away. "Out. What did you need me for?" You wrinkled your nose as you breathed in the scent of onion.

"Well, go to the guest room really quick." 

"This is weird," you said. But you quickly left the kitchen, glad to escape the odor of onion. You glanced into the guest room, prepared to see its normal black-and-white furniture. You were really surprised to see a new canopy bed and furniture, all done in purple and blue. 

"Why. . . are you showing me a new room?" you asked as your dad walked up behind you.

Your dad smiled in amusement. "I just wanted you to be prepared."

"For what?"

"Your stepsister is moving in tomorrow."

"I have a stepsister?" You yanked your head out of the fridge. "You never told me that." 

"Well, you do," your dad said impatiently. "Michiko is bring in her daughter tomorrow. The guest room will be now hers."

"How old is this girl?" you asked hesitantly as you both headed back down the stairs towards the kitchen. 

"That's the best part," your dad said warmly. "She's your age." He scooped up the onions and tossed them into the pot on the stove. 

"Great," you growled. "I bet she goes to my school, and she can bully me every day. She'll spill all my secrets to Hoshi." 

"Hoshi?" Your dad began chopping carrots. "How did you know?"

"Know what?" A ball of ice formed in your stomach.

"Her name," your dad said, busily cooking. "Your stepsister's name is Hoshi."

* * *

"Can you believe that?" you growled, ripping a napkin angrily.

Tadashi gave you a sympathetic look. "Things must be tough for you right now."

"Why can't you just kick her, like you did to me?" Hiro asked, biting into a chicken wing. "That really hurt, you know."

"Then I'll be scorned in school forever," you pointed out. "She's popular, you know." You swept the napkin shreds into a neat pile. And you wait unitl I point out the fact you bought that bear.

Tadashi leaned over the table to pat you on the shoulder. "You can always come to us if you need to," he reminded gently. 

"Yeah, thanks," you mumbled sadly. 

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" Hiro asked, swallowing his food.

"I've lost my appetite," you moaned, putting your forehead on the table. "Augh! I may as well live in the streets."

"Cass wouldn't like that," Tadashi said, cleaning up Hiro's empty plates. "She thinks of you as her own daughter, you know."

"Video games!" Hiro shouted, running upstairs. You sighed, but you and Tadashi followed. 

"What do you want to play?" Hiro said, holding out (Favorite Video Game) and (Other Favorite Video Game).

"You play without me," you said, crawling onto the beanbag. Tadashi frowned at your sadness, and he grabbed your ankles and slung you over his head. You dangled upside down behind him. "Hey!" you shouted.

"Empty out all those sad thoughts," Tadashi instructed, jiggling you around. 

"That's physically impossible," you groaned. "Put me down."

"Fine, then turn that frown upside down!" Tadashi threw you on the bed and began tickling you. You kicked him in the face. "Tickling does not make me laugh or smile," you informed darkly.

"Nothing makes you laugh or smile," Hiro pointed out.

* * *







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