Chapter Twenty-Seven: Kill or be Killed

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A/N: This chapter came out long before Undertale was released. So please don't freak out on me because I put Flowey's quote in this chapter.
I love Undertale to bits so I was laughing so hard when I first heard the line in Undertale
tfw you predict the future

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Tadashi stared at the red helmet Hiro shoved into his hands. "We can't wear these! The weight of the metal would slow us down, and the guy in the Kabuki mask would kill us in an instant."

Suddenly, a light knocking shook the garage door.

"I'll get it," Tadashi grumbled, handing the helmet back to his brother. The garage door slid up, revealing Honey, Gogo, Wasabi, and Fred.

"Hi, guys!" Honey chirped, and Gogo said, "What's with the robot outfit?"

 "It's not a robot outfit," Hiro retorted. "It's a power suit. We'll need it to defeat him."

"Who's him?" Fred took your helmet and looked at it. "Cool! Is this what you've been working on?"

Hiro nodded. "'Him is. . ." He paused dramatically. "Callaghan."

"What?" Wasabi spluttered. "Why would you need to defeat him?"

"We're all in danger!" Hiro cried. "He wants to take over everything and be rich!" He took the helmet from Fred's hands and set it on a table. "See, he wants to overthrow (Y/N)'s family so he can take her dad's company. And now he wants to kill us!"

"O-o-o-kay. . . " Honey Lemon mumbled. 

Fred was ecstatic. "How can we help?"

"I guess I'll have to make more suits," Hiro said thoughtfully, stroking his chin. "Give me a day or two. Sound good?"

"No, this does not sound good!" Tadashi exclaimed. "Don't you see how dangerous this is? We can all be killed!"

"Not if Baymax is there to help," Hiro said. "Come on, think of this as an . .  experiment, to see if Baymax is truly a healthcare robot."

"Come on, Tadashi," you said, prodding his arm. "If we don't do anything, we'll all be killed anyway. We might as well try."

Tadashi relaxed. "Okay, fine."

Hiro lifted your helmet and set it gently on your head. "It looks great!" he said happily. "Now, here, (Y/N), put on the suit."

* * *

You stared at yourself in the mirror. Your suit looked just like Hiro's except it was (F/C) and (S/F/C). "It's nice. What can you do?" You asked after a moment. 

"Okay, look." Hiro took your arm and turned your hand over to reveal a thin box on the underside of your forearm. "This thing has telepathic rope. You can be an octopus!"


"You just think if you want to release rope," Hiro explained. The rope bends to your mind. The mind-scanner is in your helmet. Try it." He stepped back and looked around the garage. "Get me that wrench," he decided, pointing to a tall shelf.

You willed the rope to grab it, and immediately black rope shot out from under your wrist, and rocketed towards the wrench. The rope curled around it and zipped back to you like a tape measure. You caught the wrench before the rope went back inside the box.

"Impressive," Tadashi commented. "This is really something, Hiro." He sighed. "Too bad we're using it to fight."

"It's okay, brother," Hiro said, giving Tadashi a nudge. "But right now, it's kill or be killed."

* * *

Sunlight washed over Fred's huge lawn. You stared, astounded, at the team. They were all decked out in their own suits, each with a special ability. 

"This is amazing!" Fred's voice was muffled inside his fire-breathing suit.

Hiro smiled and put on his own helmet. "Now, Baymax, show them your epic suit!" Everyone turned to see Baymax waddling after a butterfly, his arms outstretched.

"No, no, big guy. If you want to help with my. . . mood swings, then you need to focus. Got it?" Hiro grabbed the robot's arm and tugged him back to the group.

"Mood swings?" you tried not to laugh.

As the team went to put away their new suits, Hiro went over to you. He pressed the little button on the side of your helmet, and the clear protector flew up, uncovering your face. "(Y/N), please don't tell your father about this," Hiro pleaded. "He can't be disturbed now, with the wedding and stuff. It's best if we handle it on our own."

You stared at Hiro, whose face was practically two inches away from yours. "Okay," you said finally.

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