Chapter Thirty-Two: A Night With Hiro

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After a painful ten minutes, Hiro finally freed you from the plants. "Now, don't step over there again," he said teasingly. He gave you a slight grin as he walked away, hands in his pockets.

You turned away, your face red. You couldn't tell if Hiro was trying to be funny or even flirty. Suddenly, something brushed against your face. You looked down to see the ivy attacking your shoulder.


* * *

Hiro forced you into a chair, then plopped a bowl of soup in front of you. He shoved a spoon into your hands then sat down across from you. "Eat," he ordered.

"I can't exactly do that when you're staring at me intently," you said, staring at the steam rising from the bowl.

"I have to make sure you eat it all."

You glanced across the empty cafe. It was late, so the restaurant was closed. Cass was trying to teach your father how to take handle the flowers he bought, but your dad kept messing it up every time.

"You have to mist the leaves," Cass instructed.

"That takes too long," your dad whined. "Why can't I just water it?"

Amused, you turned back to Hiro, who was still staring at you. You blinked at him. "Take a picture, why don't cha?"

Hiro blushed. "Well, sorry!"

You sighed and began eating the soup. Hiro left the table and brought you more once you finished. 

"I'm already full!" you complained. "You eat it. You didn't eat dinner, either."

Hiro shook his head. "I need to make sure you eat first."

"Well, I'm done. You eat it."


You leaned over the table and took the spoon from his hands. You spooned up some soup, then held it to his mouth. "Here."

Hiro gave you a look, leaning away from the spoon. You rolled your eyes and shoved it into his mouth. 

"Okay, okay," Hiro grumbled, snatching the spoon again. He finished the bowl. "Happy?"


"I did it!" your dad suddenly screeched triumphantly. Immediately, the flower drooped. "Oh."

Cass laughed. "Well, I think you got it. Just keep it by a window and mist it every morning." She stroked a petal on one of the flowers. 

"Right," your dad agreed. "(Y/N), let's go."

"Already?" You glanced back at Hiro. "But. . . can't I stay? For a little longer?"

"It's too much of a burden to Cass and Hiro," your dad pointed out. "Besides, the day of the wedding is the day after tomorrow. They need to prepare as much as we do."

"(Y/N)'s not a burden!" Hiro piped up. "She never will be."

Cass and your father exchanged an amused glance. "Well, she's certainly welcome to stay for the night. Besides, I want some advice on my outfit for the big day," Cass grinned.

"But we need help with the wedding," your dad argued. 

"Dad, I'm pretty sure you got it. Besides the fact you killed almost all the flowers, I'm sure it'll be fine." You stared at him pleadingly.

Your dad stared at you, then sighed. "Fine."

"Yes!" You pumped your fists wildly, jumping up and down.

* * *

"I'm sure you can sleep in Tadashi's old bed," Cass said, handing you your pajamas. Your dad had dropped off your stuff.

"Thanks," you beamed. 

After hours of video games, Hiro pulled out (Favorite Movie) and put it into the TV in front of his bed. "Want to watch?" 

"Okay." You crawled onto his bed and leaned against the headboard. Then you both watched the movie, the screen illuminating your faces in the dark room. You glanced at Hiro, but his face was emotionless in the dim light. 

You eventually began dozing off, your head falling onto one of the pillows on Hiro's bed. 

* * *

You were pretty surprised when you woke up, because one, you weren't in your bed, and two, you were in Hiro's. Three, you weren't just also in his bed, but you were in his arms. 

So basically the first thing you saw when you woke up was Hiro's chest, rising and falling as he slept. You felt his breath stir your (H/C) hair, and his arms were loosely wrapped around you.

You felt like you should wake Hiro up. But at the same time, you didn't. You were perfectly content, just laying there with Hiro.

So you just went back to sleep.

* * *

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