Chapter Thirteen: My Star Necklace

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"Okay, how's this?" Hiro held up a blade with a vicious edge. It glinted in the late afternoon sun. 

"Great," Tadashi said. "Now stick it into the robot arm without cutting yourself." The two brothers huddled over the robot, assembling it.

You stood all the way across the garage, working on your own bot. You grinned and dropped your rag. "Finally, I'm done polishing. Okay, guys, I'm done!"

Tadashi came over to observe it. "It looks great!"

"Thanks," you said, suddenly blushing.

"Want to go test it out?" Tadashi lifted your new robot carefully. "You'll need to have working robots if you want to rock SFIT." He smiled at you, understanding your victory.

"You bet!" The two of you walked out of the garage to the sidewalk. You stared at the robot. It was a tiny figure with tiny pieces of armor. In both hands were two blades that could slice into metal. You had spent three whole days on it. 

Hiro walked out. He was holding his bot, new-and-improved. "That's nothing," he scoffed. "The armor gives the "robot" less flexibility to move around. Watch this." He set down his robot and it staggered over to your bot. You grabbed your controller and immediately your bot darted away from Hiro. Your necklace, a very special metal star on a chain, dangled loosely from your neck.

You pulled it off. It was a present from your mother before she died. Your dad always seemed uncomfortable when you wore it, and you didn't want anyone to see. You figured the Hamada brothers were trustworthy enough to be around it. You set down beside you so it wouldn't get in the way of the bot fight.

Your robot started slashing at Hiro's magnetic robot. Immediately, Hiro grabbed your robot and snapped it into tiny little pieces. Then it moved on. Before you could bat an eye, Hiro's bot picked up your necklace and snapped the star in half, tearing the tiny chain apart. You let out a cry and ripped the remains of the necklace away from the bot. "Hiro!"

"What?" Hiro concentrated on cutting a piece of bark off a tree.

Tears pressed at your eyes as you stared down at your ruined necklace.

"Yeah, about your bot. Told you the armor sucks," Hiro said smugly.

You didn't bother to reply as you sank to the floor, swallowing the lump in the back of your throat. 

"What's wrong?" Tadashi noticed your tears and crouched down next to you. 

"My. . ." You trailed off as you stared sadly at the cracked and broken star. You wrapped your fingers around it protectively and looked up at Hiro.

"Big deal," Hiro said, unaware of your misery. "I can get something like that at the ninety-nine cents store."

"Don't you see?" You snapped. "This was a gift. . . from my mom." A tear traced its way down your face.

Hiro glanced up at you for the first time. "Whoa, what?"

You got up abruptly. "Forget it. I'm leaving." You stormed back into the garage. Hiro and Tadashi followed you. 

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. . . I didn't know. . . my robot is magnetic, you know," Hiro pleaded, trying to step in front of you.

"Then why don't you go buy another one at the ninety-nine cents store then, you insensitive jerk?" You shoved your things in your backpack and slung it over your shoulder carelessly. "I'm sure you have plenty of money from bot-fighting." You were blinded with fury, not caring how mean or whiny you were sounding.

"(Y/N), calm down," Tadashi piped up gently.

Hiro grabbed your shoulder just when you were about to step out of the garage. You paused. "(Y/N), wait. I'll make it up to you somehow. I'll- I'll. . ." Hiro searched frantically for things to say.

You shrugged his hand off your shoulder angrily, then walked away. 

Hiro stared after you helplessly, then stared at your broken robot on the ground.

* * *

At home, you realized you had forgotten your key. Ugh, you thought, ringing the doorbell. One of the huge double doors opened, revealing Hoshi. You shoved past her furiously and hurried up to your room.

Once you were safely inside, you placed the remains of your necklace in your tiny treasure box. Your (E/C) eyes flitted over to your dresser, where a picture of you and your mom sat. In the picture, your mom was putting the necklace over your head. Another tear dripped down your face, and you hobbled over to your (F/C)-(O/F/C)-and-white canopy bed. You did a belly flop on the pillows and thought about your mother, only making you cry more. 

* * *

Hiro y u so rude?! <insert meme here>


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