Chapter Forty: In the Meantime

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Silence filled the room. "So. . . we're leaving," Hoshi said after a moment.


"Like, as in we pack up our stuff and fly to where ever this place is and never come back."

"It's New York," Michiko corrected. "And we can visit." 

Hoshi shrugged. "Okay. There's no point for me to hang out with my 'friends' at the high school anymore," she mumbled bitterly.

You, however, were in shock. "But we can't move!" you burst out. "I've lived here my whole life, and I made so many friends here."

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Michiko said quietly. "But this is the way to let go of your father."

"I don't care how we 'let go' of him! We can still do that while living here!" you said rather loudly. "And did you really have to choose a place so far away from San Fransokyo?"

"(Y/N), calm down," Michiko said sharply.

"No! I won't! Why are you doing this, anyway?" You stood up, scraping your chair back. 

"Because I'm your mother, and I want to do what's best for your family," Michiko replied, her voice hard. Hoshi watched the scene with wide eyes.

"You're not my mother!" you shouted. "You never will be."

* * *

You needed Hiro more than ever. You really regretted yelling at him earlier. 

You picked up your phone and texted Hiro:

(Y/N): I need to talk to you.

Immediately, Hiro replied.

Hiro: What's wrong now? :/
(Y/N): Is that supposed to be an insult or something? .-.
Hiro: Call it what you want.
(Y/N): Forget it -.-
Hiro: K.

You stared at the glossy screen in your hands. You felt broken. There was no one to talk to. All your other friends weren't close enough to rant to, and Hiro was busy being mad at you. Well, you had to tell him sometime.

(Y/N): I'm moving, okay? Geez. Glad now?

In tiny letters, the word 'read' popped up under your message. You watched Hiro begin to type, then stop. Then he began to type again. And stopped.

Then the phone rang. You picked it up, and immediately Hiro asked, "When?"

"In two weeks," you replied, plucking at your blanket. 

"And. . . where?"

You swallowed. "Um. . . New York."

"But that's all the way across the country!" Hiro said loudly, nearly blasting your eardrums. You nodded, even thought you knew Hiro couldn't see you.

"I'm coming over," Hiro said abruptly. 


"No buts," Hiro interrupted. "Meet me out on the sidewalk."

"Are you kidding? It's freezing outside." You glanced out the window. "And it's dark. Besides, it's almost dinnertime."

"I don't care. See you there."

* * *

You shivered, jumping from one foot to another. I should have brought a coat, you thought. Well, I can't go back in. Hiro's going to be here any minute. You felt awkward, just standing there in the dark without a coat.

Then you saw Hiro turn onto your street. He noticed you, and began running. His unzipped jacket flapped at his sides, and his dark hair was blown back in the chilly night breeze. As soon as he reached you, he swept you into a hug. 

"I'm sorry. . . about earlier," you said quietly.

"It's all good," he replied. "Listen, you have a phone. Use it. We can videochat once in a while, too. And promise you'll message me every single day."

You nodded shakily.

Hiro stared sadly into your (E/C) eyes. "In the meantime, we need to spend as much time as possible together before you go."

* * *

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