Chapter Twenty-Four: Hiro's Warning

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You were startled from the seriousness in Hiro's brown eyes. "Get off," you mumbled, shrugging off his hands.

Hiro lowered his eyebrows. "(Y/N)! Listen to me."

"Okay, okay, I'm listening." You looked away, feeling self- conscious. 

"Stay away from Callaghan," Hiro warned. "And keep your dad away from him too."

"What? Callaghan? As in Professor Callaghan?"

"Yes!" Hiro whispered fiercely. "Watch out for him."

You tried to step around Hiro. "Why? This is ridiculous; why are you telling me this?" You nudged his shoulder. "Let me through."

"You don't know Callaghan," Hiro called after you. "and his threats."

* * *

You had to admit; Callaghan was pretty creepy. He kept his eyes glued on you as soon as you walked into the college, as if he was finding out every secret in your brain.

"But he's just a professor," you murmured out loud. You were in bed, unable to sleep. Your mind kept going back to Hiro's "warning." He's just pranking me, you tried to reassure yourself. But why would he bring my father into this? 

You tossed and turned in your sheets, trying to sleep. It was impossible. 

I have to know more, you thought. You sat up and glanced at the clock. It read 10:32 PM. You pulled out your phone and scrolled through the contacts. Callaghan's was in there, so you searched frantically for it.

Your eyes landed on a name. Hiro Hamada, it read. 

Huh? Hiro's name was never in there. You didn't even know his number. I guess that's what he did to my phone a few weeks ago, you thought grimly. 

Suddenly, a beam of light shone into your window. You jumped, and slowly you turned your head to look out the window. 

A shadowed figure was huddled in the tree outside of your bedroom window, shining a flashlight into your bedroom.

You almost screamed, but you swallowed it down. I know martial arts, you reminded yourself. I can defend yourself. 

But the figure didn't enter your room, just leaped down from the tree and began to run off. 

You jumped out of bed and ran for the window. You glanced out just in time to see the figure running down the sidewalk as if their hair was on fire.

* * *

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Your dad filled a glass of (Favorite Breakfast Drink) and set it in front of you. "You look like you're going to fall asleep in that (Favorite Breakfast)."

"I'm. . . fine," you mumbled groggily. You had stayed up all night, worrying about the strange figure. 

"Well, then, eat up! You need to get to SFIT," your dad replied cheerily, pouring a glass of milk for Hoshi. "Then you're going to shop for a dress with Michiko and Hoshi."

"Oh. Yeah." You barely heard him speak as you sipped your (F/B/D). 

"Aren't the Hamada brothers going to SFIT too?" Michiko asked, walking into the kitchen. "They're going to the wedding with their aunt, right?"

"Yes, and yes," your dad responded. "They seem so well-behaved."

You gulped down your (F/B/D). "Okay, I'm going to go."

"But you didn't even finish your (F/B)," your dad pouted. 

"I really need to get to SFIT," you thought. And interrogate Hiro more about this. If it's a prank, I'm so going to kill him. 

Your father patted our hand with a huge oven mitt. "Well, bye then," he smiled. "She's so smart," you heard him say when you left the huge kitchen.

Too bad Callaghan might be after you, you thought, leaving the house sleepily. After both of us. 

* * *

So yeah. . . 

You thought Hiro was going to confess huh. 

Not today. *whips out gun*



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