Chapter Seventeen: Locked In With Hiro

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You sat alone in your lab, the lights of San Fransokyo glittering against the night sky. You had called your father, telling him you would stay late. 

Your pencil scratched gently against your graph paper, sketching a new robot. Suddenly the door creaked open to reveal Tadashi. "Hey, (Y/N)," he said cheerfully. "I'm going home early." 

"Is Hiro going with you?" 

"No," Tadashi admitted. "Cass is going to pick him up on her way back from the store. He wants to stay later." 

"Okay. Bye, Tadashi." You gave him a half-grin, and he turned and left. Silence filled the room once again. You stared at the design you had drawn. I'm so tired, you thought. But I have to accomplish at least something on my first day. Your eyes felt heavy, and you set down your pencil wearily. 

It wasn't long until you were fast asleep, your head resting on your notebook.

* * *

Your eyes fluttered open, and immediately you sat up. The clock read 12:46 AM.

SFIT is closed by now! you thought, alarmed. You stood up and ran for the door. When you opened it, you were faced with a dark hallway. 

No. No. No. You pulled out your phone and turned it on, only to be faced with an empty red battery. Charge your phone, it flashed.

You gritted your teeth and shoved it back into your pocket, and in the dark you ran down the hall. You had no idea where you were going, and the green Exit signs were no where to be seen. 

Panicking, you looked around frantically. "Hello?" you called. Silence hung in the air. You began running again, looking for some sort of way to get out. 

When you turned the corner, you almost crashed into something. You screamed and jumped back. The figure shone a light into your face. You shielded your eyes.

"(Y/N)?" The figure did a double take.

You pulled your hands away. It was Hiro.

"What are you doing here?" Hiro turned off the phone, plunging you both back into darkness. "I fell asleep and lost track of the time," he confessed.

"Isn't there janitors to let us out?" Your eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness.

"They clean every other day," Hiro replied. "Besides, they would have already left."

"Great," you muttered. "So I'm stuck here with you?"

"Hey!" Hiro protested.

"What?" you asked icily. "It's not like you want to be here, either. You must be really stupid if you think I forgot about what you. . . said."

"Fine, you can find you way back yourself," Hiro shot back. "Bye." You heard him shuffle around, then a crash. "Ow!"

You were about to turn away, then realized you didn't even know which way you came from. The dark wasn't helping. 

The phone turned back on, lighting up Hiro's smirk. "Need help?"

"No." You began to walk away in a random direction.

"That's the way to the boys' restroom," Hiro called. You turned and glared at him. "Then you lead me back."

"You just said you didn't need my help," Hiro pointed out, but he took your shoulder and steered you towards the way you were going before you crashed into him.

"Where are we going?"

"My lab. It's nearby."

"I'm not going to your lab-"

"Shut up if you want food."

Of course you shut your mouth. Hiro guided you through the dark to a door. He opened it and turned on the light. 

Hiro's lab was much more cozy than yours. Pictures and designs were all over the walls, and a desk was piled with papers. There was even a couch and a TV. And a mini fridge.

"What is this even for?" You raised an eyebrow at the fridge.

"Hey, I get hungry sometimes." Hiro closed the door and turned on the TV. "What do you want to watch?"

You sat on the edge of the couch. "I don't know. I thought you said you were tired."

"Not anymore." Hiro plopped down on the couch next to you, making you uncomfortable. 

"Um." You were about to stand up, but Hiro put a hand on your thigh. "Stay here," he ordered. "I don't have a blanket, so there's no way for keeping warm here."

"Ew!" you shouted, leaping up. "I'm not cuddling with you!"

Hiro rolled his eyes. "Geez, that's not what I meant." But he was embarrassed, you could tell. 

You sat down on the other side of the couch. "Don't come near me."

"I can do whatever I want," Hiro responded, but he didn't move. 

There was an awkward silence, then Hiro looked at you. "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Not when I'm alone in a building with a boy I barely know. And we're sharing a couch," you pointed out.

"You have a messed up mind. I bet you wouldn't say that if Tadashi was in my place." Hiro crossed his arms and gave you a look.

"That's because I actually know him," you argued. "You complain about being the third wheel, but it''s technically your fault."

"Whatever. Are you hungry?" Hiro went over to the fridge and pulled out a bag of (Favorite Chips).

You made a face. "Who keeps chips in the fridge?" But you accepted the bag. You remembered the teddy bear, and decided this was the best time to point it out. "Hey, Hiro."


"When was the last time you went to Toy World?" You couldn't stop the grin spreading over your face. Hiro froze.

"A long time ago," he blurted out.

You turned to face him on the couch. "Oh, yeah? Then how come I found a receipt from you, saying you bought the bear Tadashi gave me?"

Hiro shifted. "What's the big deal?"

You gave him a look.

Hiro glanced out the large window. "Yes, I bought the bear. So what? Tadashi's not the only one who likes someone."

* * *




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