Chapter Thirty: Hiro Forces You to Eat

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You were surprised. Very surprised. You shoved Hiro away. "Um."

Hiro stood up. "Well, since it's obvious you're just going to die here, I'll go." 

"Please do."

After he left the room, you slouched in your bed. You wanted to go outside. But then your dad would send Hoshi after you to make sure you didn't launch yourself off a bridge and kill yourself.

So you just huddled back under the covers.

* * *

"(Y/N)!" your dad yelled, bursting into the room. You opened an eye. "What is it?" you asked grouchily. "I was taking a nap."

"You take naps all day," your dad reminded you. "I bet that one didn't even count."

You sat up. "What is it now?" 

"Are you kidding me?" Your father looked horrified. "You must really take naps all day. How could you have forgotten?" He pretended to look hurt. 

"Can you just tell me, already?"

Your dad pulled out his glossy smartphone and handed it to you. There was a calendar on the screen. "Now, what day is it?"

"Um. . . Thursday."

"Aaaaand, what day is the wedding?" your dad prompted.


"Exactly!" Your dad pulled out a notepad. "We still need to buy flowers! (Y/N), you're going to help me. You really need to get some fresh air."

"Can't you just get Hoshi or Michiko to go?" you scowled, flopping back down on the pillows.

"No. They're buying makeup or something for their outfits. Now, up and at 'em! Take a shower and let's go!" Your dad hurried out of the room.

* * *

"Out of all things, you forget to buy flowers? I'm going to spend all day in some greenhouse or something?" You slid into the backseat of the car.

"Yeah, what could be better?" your dad said cheerfully.

You sighed. 

"Okay, so let's get some lunch first. Are you in the mood for sushi?" Your dad peeled out of the driveway. 

"Um, I'm not in the mood for anything."

"Then off to Lucky Cat Cafe!" your dad said enthusiastically, ignoring you.

You sat up. "There? Of all places?" 

"Why not? I love the food there." He glanced at you in the rear view mirror. "Are you alright?"

Swallowing back a reply, you just mumbled, "Yeah. I guess."

After a short drive, the car pulled up to the curb. "Parallel parking!" you dad said angrily. He attempted to park beside the sidewalk, backing up and going forward several times. A line formed in the busy street. 

Oh my gosh, you thought, mentally facepalming yourself. 

Cass must have heard all the honking outside, because she rushed outside. "(Dad's Name)?" she asked in disbelief.

"We need a little help," your dad grinned weakly. 

Cass let your dad's car park in her garage in the back. "Thank you," your father sighed. "I really hate parallel parking. Anyways, what's the special today, Cass?"

Cass sighed. "I haven't time to make any specials recently," she said, her eyes brimming with sadness. 

"Oh. Well, I guess that's okay." Your dad sat down in a booth, and you slid in across from him. "Order anything you want, (Y/N)."

"I'm not hungry."

"What brings you here today?" Cass asked kindly, taking out a notepad.

"We're buying flowers for the wedding," your dad replied, scanning the menu.

"Really? I know some great florists! I still have the catalogs, if you want them." Cass gestured to the counter.

Your dad stood up. "Show them to me," he commanded. The two left you alone at the table. 

Suddenly, the door flew open. Hiro rushed into the cafe, panting. His cheeks were flushed, and he was holding a bag. "I'm back," he wheezed. He noticed you and nearly screamed. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't ask to come."

"Are you eating?" He dropped the bag on a chair and came over to you. The boy lifted your chin. "Are you serious? You didn't even drink water!"

"I told you I wasn't hungry." You pushed him away. 

Hiro rolled his eyes and wandered off towards the kitchen. He returned with a heaping platter of chicken wings. "Eat," he ordered. 

"No. Hiro, just leave me alone!" 

"(Y/N)," Hiro said sharply. He picked up a wing and tore off a piece with a fork, then held it to your mouth.  "Here."

"Stop!" You tore away from the table and ran across the cafe. Hiro chased after you. 

You dashed up the stairs, and ran into the nearest room. Oh, great, of all rooms to choose from, I pick Hiro's room. You barely had time to hide before Hiro appeared in the doorway. "Got you!" he exclaimed triumphantly.

You backed away. "Don't touch me and you won't get hurt."

"Ha." Hiro shoved you onto the bed. With dismay you realized you didn't have any strength left. You kicked him in the stomach and tried to wiggle away, but Hiro was quick. He sat on top of you, which was extremely painful, and held the food in front of you. You sighed in defeat and accepted it.

Hiro cheered for himself. "I win!"

You didn't want to admit it. "Get off of me."

"Not until you eat everything."

"I can't eat that much!" You twisted around angrily, but Hiro took your wrists and held them over your head. "Hiro, you weigh a ton."

"I don't care. I won't let you leave this cafe until you eat a decent meal, even if I had to feed you every single bite." Hiro released your wrists and let you sit up. "I care, okay?"

* * *

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