Chapter Fifteen: Arriving at SFIT

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The three of you walked quietly down the long, curved driveway, your dad talking about how proud he was of your acceptance into SFIT. 

He cranked up some old 80's song in the car. He began bobbing his head around to the music.

You made a face. "Seriously, Dad?"

Your father pretended to look hurt. "Hoshi doesn't mind my music," he pointed out.  

Rolling your eyes, you stared out the window. Hoshi glanced at you from the passenger seat. Ever since she moved into your house, she was quiet. She left you alone.

"Okay, we're here!" The car turned into the SFIT parking lot. "You can call us anytime, (Y/N)! We'll be at the mall!" Your dad waved at you as you climbed out of the car. You pulled out the box that held all your stuff.

You stared up at the huge building of SFIT. Honestly, you were intimidated. 

"Good luck!" your dad called, peeling out of the driveway. You watched the car swerve down the street, sending up a cloud of smoke. You winced. Your dad was never a good driver.

Taking a deep breath, you glanced back at the huge, silver building. You clutched your box so hard your knuckles were white. 

Suddenly, a scooter pulled into the parking lot. Two boys hopped off and pulled off their helmets. Tadashi and Hiro.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" Tadashi called, walking over. "I forgot you were at SFIT now," he added, pulling off his San Fransokyo Ninjas cap. 

"Yeah," you said absentmindedly, staring at Tadashi's messy black hair. Hiro rolled his eyes. 

Tadashi fit the cap onto your head playfully. "Come on, let's go inside."

You glanced up at the black cap covering your (H/C) hair. Smiling to yourself, you followed the brothers to the building.

* * *

Professor Callaghan was waiting in the hall when you arrived. He approached you and shook your hand enthusiastically. "It's (Y/N) (L/N), isn't it?" he greeted you warmly. "I suppose you already know me- Professor Callaghan."

". . . Yeah," you said uncomfortably. 

Professor Callaghan rambled on about SFIT, then handed you a bunch of papers to go through. You eyed them nervously. 

When the professor finally let you go, you glanced over at Tadashi, who was smiling at you. "Let's get you a lab," he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders casually. You nodded, awed by all the prizes and certificates hanging on the sleek walls.

Hiro raised an eyebrow at the both of you, then walked away. 

"Don't pay attention to him," Tadashi sighed, glancing after his brother. "He's been weird for the past few weeks." He glanced down at his shoes. "He won't tell me why."

You gave Tadashi a reassuring smile as he led you into a lab. A huge window was opposite the door, giving a great view of San Fransokyo and the San Fransokyo Bay. A bunch of shelves, desks and cabinets were already there for you. A sign on the door read '(Y/N) (L/N) - Robotics.'

"It's perfect," you said, setting down the box on a chair. You went over to the window and pressed your palms and nose against the huge window. 

"I convinced Callaghan to get it for you," Tadashi said, glancing around the room. "It's right next to mine."

"Thanks, Tadashi," you said, genuinely grateful. You hugged him tightly, then pulled away, worried if the hug seemed weird.

But Tadashi just gave you a smile, his eyes filled with something you never had for yourself. 

It was love.

* * *


Have fun choosing.

Anyways, sorry for the short chapter!


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