Chapter Thirty-Seven: Bye, Dad

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You burst through the hospital doors. "Where's my dad?" you said loudly. A few people looked over but you didn't care.

Hoshi rushed you into the elevator. "He's on the third floor."

"What happened?" you asked, your heart thudding madly. This dumb elevator is so slow! 

"A car accident happened." Hoshi's voice was grim. "I'm pretty sure we all know Dad isn't a very good driver. It was a hit - and - run on the freeway. Dad's car rolled off the freeway and landed in a tree."

You felt tears threatening to spill over, but you forced it back. "What are the survival rates?"

"How would I know? I'm not a nurse!" Hoshi snapped.

The doors whizzed open, and you ran down the sleek hallway. Hoshi led you to a room. The door was closed, but through the little window you could see your dad, still, on the hospital bed. Tubes poked out of him and doctors crowded around him, mopping up blood. Your stomach churned.

"We're not allowed to go in," Hoshi said sadly. 

"Where's Michiko?"

"She's trying to come as quickly as possible from work. I was coming home from school - we can leave campus at lunchtime - and I saw an ambulance on the freeway. The licence plate was your dad's. . . so I followed them to the hospital."

"You ran all they way across town?" you asked in disbelief.

Hoshi looked guilty. "I kind of took your bike."


"Well, what else could I do?" she shot back. "Anyway, the nurses told me what happened when I got there, so I called Mom then went to you."

You plopped on a nearby bench. "I hope he's okay."

After an eternity, Michiko arrived and you were allowed inside the room. Your dad's hand was cold and clammy when you picked it up. Michiko was crouched by the bed, staring at your dad sadly. 

Suddenly, the door opened. It was a nurse. "We will perform the surgery now," she said, gesturing for us to leave.

You stared at your father's still face a you were pushed out the door. "Will he be okay?" you called to the nurse. She didn't reply.

You sat in the hospital waiting room for hours. Outside, the sun set until it was night time. The hospital's lobby was practically empty by the time a doctor came out of the elevator. He approached your family, and you leaped up. "What happened?" you demanded, eyeing the doctor's glum face warily.

"He didn't make it," the doctor replied. "I'm so sorry."

"No!" you whispered, your eyes widening.

Hoshi put a hand on your shoulder, but you jerked away. 

"(Y/N), calm down," she begged.

"First Tadashi, now this? What's the point of a hospital if they can't even save lives?" you screamed at the doctor. 

"We tried our best," the doctor replied solemnly. "There was nothing else we could do."

"Then you're all idiots! I hate this place!" You were considering kicking the doctor in the leg but ran out the hospital instead, the cold air hitting your face. When you were safely behind a tree in the parking lot, the tears began flowing down your face.

The space behind the tree was shadowed, thank goodness. You heard Hoshi run out into the huge parking lot and scream your name. Then she went back inside. 

You stared out at the brightly - lit, empty parking lot. What's the point of living if the ones I love can't? 

* * *

Once again, you were thrown into depression, but worse. Both my parents are gone. It won't be long until I am too. You sat in your bed silently, the blinds drawn. 

For days, the whole family refused to eat or sleep. Michiko and Hoshi finally began taking the occasional shower, but you just stayed in bed all day. Michiko had to drag you into the bathroom and lock you there until you finished.

You considered drowning yourself in the bathtub, but you decided against it. Once you emerged from the bathroom, cleaned and fresh - smelling, you were about to head back to your room. You were interrupted by the doorbell.

You didn't want to open the door, but the bell kept ringing over and over. Annoyed, you opened the door to reveal Hiro. As soon as he saw you, he wrapped you into a hug. "I'm sorry," he mumbled into your hair.

"Sorry doesn't bring back my dad," you replied tartly.

Hiro pulled away from you. "You need to get your mind off of everything. Come on." He tugged at your hand. 

"I don't want to go anywhere," you said, yanking your hand away. 

"(Y/N), I don't want to go through this again," Hiro pleaded. "When Tadashi left, I had to feed you and sleep with you to make sure you were okay. You need to make this easier for me."

"You can make it easier for me  by turning around and walking away," you suggested. 

Hiro sighed. "Do you want to stay at my place, then?"


Hiro ignored you, and nudged you out onto the porch. "Let's go for a walk, then."

"A walk?" You looked skeptical.

"Fine, a picnic."


* * *

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