Chapter Thirty-Eight: Wanted: Hiro

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Hiro threw a picnic blanket over the shaded grass. "Now sit," he ordered.

"So fancy," you joked, but you sat down on the red - and - white checkered blanket.

Hiro sorted through the basket of food. "What do you want to eat, (Y/N)?"

"Nothing. I'm not hungry." You plucked at the grass, staring around at the empty park. "I'm not in the mood for anything."

"We are not going through this again," Hiro said, rolling his brown eyes. He pulled out a tray of sushi and pulled off the lid. Then he held it out to you, who turned away.

"I don't want to eat anything," you repeated.

"Just one bite," Hiro begged. You shook your head stubbornly. 

"You're going to starve to death," Hiro complained.

"Great! Then I won't have to go through the misery I'm going through right now!" you snapped. "First it's Tadashi, then my own father! I wouldn't even be surprised if you died, too!"

Hiro's face fell, and you realized what you just said. "I didn't mean it that way," you said quickly. "I just meant. . . I just meant. . . "

"I know what you meant," Hiro said sadly, staring at his lap. 

You still felt guilty. You weaseled your way into his arms, and lay there. Then you ate a piece of sushi no matter how much it made your stomach churn. Hiro smiled halfheartedly at you.

"I ate one piece," you said haughtily. "Happy now?"


The next few weeks were agonizing. Hoshi was no longer the Queen Bee of the high school, since everyone found out she was hanging out with you. And she wasn't doing her duty of being rude to people, since she was grieving.

The funeral for your dad was one of the most painful days of your life. You hated every single minute of it.

* * *

"(Y/N)! Dinner!" Michiko's voice floated up to your room. 

Wearily, you trudged down the stairs. A delicious aroma floated around the dining room. "What's on the menu tonight?" you asked, sliding into a chair. 

"Cajun seafood pasta and baked dijon salmon," Michiko replied, setting the heavy plate in front of you. You picked up your fork and together, the family ate in silence.

"So. . . how was school today?" Michiko asked after a moment. Before, your dad would do all the talking at the table.

"I got an A+ on my math test," Hoshi offered, twirling her noodles with her fork.

"Good," Michiko said approvingly. "How about you, (Y/N)?"

"I'm tired from all the work at SFIT," you mumbled, stuffing a piece of fish in your mouth. "And I guess you could say I'm falling behind in work."

Hoshi and Michiko exchanged a look.

You stared at your food. "Can I eat upstairs?"

"Sure," Michiko agreed. "Don't get your bedroom dirty."

Upstairs, you pushed the dish to one side and began working on your robot. You put the finishing touches on, then tested it out. Immediately, the robot stabbed itself in the stomach and flopped down.

You swallowed back a groan of frustration. As soon as you reached for the robot, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Hiro.

Hiro: Hey :)
(Y/N): Hi
Hiro: What's up?
(Y/N): Work -.-
Hiro: Oh
Hiro: Do you want to come over?
(Y/N): I can't. . . I have too much work.
Hiro: Oh okay :( Bye

You shut off the phone. Inside, you wanted Hiro to come over. You wanted him to comfort you and you would both travel all the way somewhere, far away from reality.

* * *

Mind checking out my Instagram? :D I have art there @greenblueandblack


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