Chapter Nine: Protecting Hiro, Sort Of

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You turned away from the door and walked back up to your room. Ha, as if would give him a ride.

You glanced out the window and saw Hiro sadly retreating from your house. You sighed. Okay, why not?

* * *

Hiro walked gloomily towards the city. Maybe, just maybe, he would still make it on foot. 

Suddenly something whizzed up to him and stopped. Hiro turned. It was a biker, with (H/L) (H/C) hair. She lifted her head. It was (Y/N).

"Need a ride?" She held out a red helmet.

"Are you crazy?" Hiro eyed her bike. "There's only one seat."

"Yeah, you can take it. I'm going a different way," she smirked. "A faster way."

* * *

If I fall and break my neck, then at least I don't have to live with Michiko and Dad, you thought. You climbed the fire escape on the side of an abandoned bakery. At least I have my helmet. 

When you climbed onto the roof, you glanced down and saw a tiny Hiro pedaling away. If he wrecks my bike, I'll kill him. You backed up, eyeing the next building. Then you took a running start, and leaped. You sailed through the air and landed neatly on the other building. Up here on the buildings, there is no streetlights, you smiled, watching as Hiro frantically pressed the button to cross the street.

You jumped from roof to roof, following Hiro's route to the city. You saw Hiro stop in front of an alley. Gritting your teeth, you jumped off the low roof, landing in front of Hiro and your bike. "I'll take that now, shrimp."

"You're already here?" Hiro's eyes were wide. "How?"

"Parkour," you replied. "Now go in. I need my bike."

"You don't expect me to walk home, do you?"

"Ugh. fine. I'll be here." You watched as Hiro walked down the long alley. "I don't think I heard a thank you, shrimp," you added haughtily. 

Hiro turned. "Thanks," he muttered, rolling his eyes.

Time passed as you waited outside. The sun sank lower and lower in the sky. Hiro needs to come out, now, you thought. Tadashi will kill him if he comes home after dark.

You locked your bike to a streetlamp and walked into the alley. It was like invading enemy territory. When you reached the back, you saw Hiro grinning nervously at a huge man. "It's just a game, right big guy?"

You rolled your eyes. (Y/N) to the rescue. Again. You walked up to the big man as he swung a fist at Hiro. Stepping in front of the Hamada brother, you blocked the huge fist with your forearm without even flinching. "What did you do now, Hiro?" He didn't reply.

The man tried to punch you again, but you blocked it. "I think it's time for you to get a real job," you said with fake sympathy. 

"No one likes a sore loser," Hiro said bravely. 

"Shut up, Hiro, and get back to my bike."

Hiro scuttled away. You began to follow him, but the man stepped in front of you. "Not so fast."

You gave him a bored look, and punched him in the jaw. He bent over and in pain, and you leaped over his back and ran for the exit.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Hiro said once you reached him. "Thanks." You watched incredulously as he took out his winnings and offered you half.

"Um. You're welcome. . . ?" You shoved the money in your pocket. "Hey, Hiro, if you don't get my bike safe and sound back to your house by eight o' clock, then I will personally tie you to the streetlamp outside of the cafe and lock you there."

"Okay," Hiro agreed. "Race you back?"

"You're on." You scarmbled onto a roof and began running back. Hiro furiously pedaled home.

* * *

Hiro pulled to a halt in front of Lucky Cat Cafe, panting. Where was (Y/N)? She was no where in sight. I guess I win for once, he thought smugly. 

"That took you a while," you said, stepping out of the shadows. "I've been here for half an hour."

Hiro scowled.

You glanced at your watch. "Seven fourty- nine," you said smoothly. "Not bad." You walked over to him. "I'll take that now."

Hiro handed over your bike. Once you began to walk away with your bike, he called, "Hey, (Y/N)! Thanks again!"

You didn't bother to reply.

* * *

I need a better chapter title TTATT


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