Chapter Twenty: A Box of Chocolates

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You stood abruptly. This complicated, arrogant shrimp, you thought furiously. 

Hiro gave you a challenging look. "What?"

"Just go," you said in a low voice. Hiro shrugged, then blew the shreds of the receipt into your face. You gritted your teeth. 

After several minutes, you still didn't hear the front door open. What's taking him so long? You opened the door, and saw Hiro downstairs. He was talking with Hoshi. 

You couldn't hear what they were saying, but Hiro had his hand on her shoulder. You snorted. I guess Hiro has a thing for Hoshi now. You watched as Hiro nodded to Hoshi, then hugged her.

Hugged her?

You couldn't take it. You closed the door with much more force than expected, and the conversation downstairs ended abruptly. A moment later, Hiro left, running down the driveway.

* * *

 You climbed the stairs to SFIT quietly, your backpack feeling heavier than usual. When you pushed your way through the huge glass doors, you decided you didn't want to be seen. You slipped on your jacket hood and trudged to your lab. 

"Hey, (Y/N)!" a cheery voice called. You turned slowly to see Honey Lemon, GoGo, Fred, and Wasabi waving you over. With a sigh, you walked to the group. "Hi," you mumbled.

"Where are you off to?" Honey asked kindly. 

"Uh, my lab." Where else? 

GoGo laughed. "It's free time, you know."

"I know," you said quietly. I just want to spend it alone. 

"Then that means you have to hang out with us!" Honey exclaimed, taking your hand. "Let's go to the track; it's such a beautiful day."

"No point wasting it inside," Wasabi added.

You let them usher you outside, where small cherry blossom saplings grew around a wide, dusty circle. "Why are we here?" you asked, bored.

"To get some fresh air," Honey said innocently. Ri-i-i-ght, you thought. 

"I got plenty of fresh air walking here," you said, forcing a laugh. "I'll be getting back to my lab now." 

"Wait!" The four of them screamed at once, and grabbed your arms. You twisted away. "What now?" you asked, getting annoyed.

"Race you to the fence!" Honey said quickly, then immediately darted to the far side of the track. Immediately everyone scurried after her. You rolled your eyes, and walked slowly after them. 

"This is ridiculous," you complained to the group once you caught up. "Just let me get back to my lab already."

"Not yet!" Fred replied. "You need to- um- help find my Marvel comic!"

"First edition or second?" you asked flatly.

"Um. . . first!"

"That's in your backpack," you said, your voice irritated. "It's hanging out since you don't bother to zip  the darn thing."

"Wow, Fred, nice move," GoGo mumbled.

"I don't see you helping!" Fred whispered back fiercely.

Something was definitely up. 

"Okay, what's going on?" you asked, crossing your arms. 

"Nothing," they all chorused. 

"Fine, see you all later," you said, turning around. You began to leave when four sets of hands grabbed your backpack. Immediately you shrugged off the backpack and took off. 

"Get her!" Fred screamed. They ran after you as you sped back into the building, dodging students as you hurried back to your lab.

You stopped short when you saw the lab door. It had (F/C) and (S/F/C) letter magnets all over the metal door, reading "TO: (Y/N) (L/N)." A (F/C) bag of something hung from the doorknob.

Your four friends stopped behind you. "(Y/N)," GoGo called. But you didn't bother to answer. Carefully, you lifted the bag off the doorknob and peered inside. There was a small box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates and two keychains, one a (Favorite Animal) and a (Second Favorite Animal).

Surprised, you turned to face your friends. You saw Hiro, standing by the entrance, staring at the door with wide and confused eyes.

* * *

So who's your secret admirer? ;)

Sorry if you don't like Ferrero Rocher xC But they're so good even if they're really expensive

This is probably the last chapter of the day, and maybe even the week because of school TT_TT


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