My name's Delphi now where are the robbers

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*** Hello everyone, I want to apologize for this chapter because it's definitely not my best but still I hope you enjoy this filler chapter. With Brooklyn and Delphi getting a little bit closer, I'm hoping to write more chapters that's not necessary about a certain episode. if any of you have ideas for those please comment or message me. okay I'll let you read now, Remember to like and comment

- Dawn ********

Living in a new era has been interesting to say the least, the trio and I have been catching up on tv shows and movies. My favorites I think are Star Wars and Star Trek, the idea that there's more out there than just us is amazing to me. Brooklyn and I had a Marathon the other night when we weren't partroling which was nice, tonight we decided to try to create a lightsaber battle for fun.

We each stand on opposite sides of the ledge on the balcony of the clock tower, he holds a long pipe as I hold my boi staff at my side.

"Now from what I understand we bow first then we can start a fight, it is the Jedi way" Brooklyn says which we do. We bow to each other before getting in a starting stance, Brooklyn starts with the pipe above his head ready for an attack while I'm in a defensive mode smiling. I haven't gotten to practice like this in a while; it's a nice change.

I decided to take the initiative and run at him before flipping over using my wings and try to strike him to a parry using the left side of my staff which he blocks we continue going back and forth until I sweep my staff under his feet and point the end to his throat, my face forming into a smile "Concede young jedi, join me in the dark side we have cookies".

"I'll never join the darkside" he says tripping me using his tail and copying my move to point the pipe at my neck. I smile as he helps me up "Nice move though jedi's don't have tails" Brooklyn just shrugs "use what you got".

Elisa walks out of the clock tower as I put my boi staff in its holster on my back and jump down from the ledge. "Hello Elisa is it time?" I ask making her nod making Brooklyn raises an eyebrow "What's going on?"

"The lovely Delphi 'Maza' was one of 5 photographers whose art was put in the Whitney Museum of Modern Art" Elisa says making my cheeks warm and I scratch the back of my head "It's really not that big of a deal" I say modestly but Brooklyn puts a hand on my shoulder "Del That's amazing, but they can't know your a Gargoyle". I patted his hand turning to him, "I won't be making an appearance Red, I'll just go to see the show through the sunroof".

"May I go with you?" the red gargoyle asks me making me smile "Sure we can go invite the others also" I suggest starting to walk inside but Brooklyn jumps in front of me "NO!"

Taking a step back my mouth hands open with raised eyebrows making brooklyn cough then laugh rubbing his neck "Sorry no, we don't need to invite the others, it can just be the two of us".

Smiling I look at Elisa asking her if she was going to join us but she just shakes her head "no, no you two go have fun. Tell me how it went later.

The two of us leap off the side of the balcony and head toward the museum for the show


We sit on the roof looking in at the beautiful art work and I see a crowd around my exhibit making my chest flutter. That people actually like my work, even if it's some of the gargoyles but it's mostly of the places we've been to around New York.

"Your photographs are Beautiful Del" Brooklyn comments making my cheeks warm and my stomach fly, I don't feel this emotion often but it's a nice feeling.

"I'm excited that the humans are interested in my work, I must thank Elisa for the help she provided me over the last 2 months," I tell him running my hands through my white hair sighing. We watch the rest of the Exhibit show just about to leave being there for about an hour when I grab Brooklyns are my eyes glowing purple.

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