Chapter 1

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     Laying on the wet grass was a tan, short boy wearing a white tank-top, neon green shorts, and matching green boots. Frustration filled his honey-colored eyes. The boy clenched his wooden fishing rod and sat up. He aggressively threw the end of the line into the nearby lake to let his frustration out. This action surprised the foxbear sitting next to him.
     'I'm no longer useful to this world, ' Gon thinks, staring at the place the fishing bait is at. Gon had found his father, so his journey was now over, plus he had to leave Killua. It didn't help that he lost his nen. Sure he still works out, but all his hard work over the years to master his nen vanished instantly after his fight with Pitou. He didn't really regret it, after all, he did it out of vengeance.
     "Kon, what should I do?" Gon weakly asked, tears of frustration starting to form at the corner of his eyes. Kon the foxbear, looked into the boy's eyes, trying to think of an answer, but shook his head showing he couldn't think of anything. Kon placed his giant fluffy brown paw on his shoulder.
     "Huh," Gon said softly, leaning into the touch. There was a long moment of silence until they both heard something moving in the bushes behind them.
     "Who's there?" Gon shouted, eyes darting around the area, and immediately standing up. Kon followed the action and looked behind them. A sudden chilly breeze filled the air as someone flew towards them. Kon immediately reacted by attacking the nearing person. The cloaked figure turns around in mid-air managing to dodge the beast.
     Gon reels the fishing line back to him and prepares for the fight. The cloaked figure landed on the ground near Gon and dashes towards him. Gon clenched his fists, a little weary of his lack of strength, and threw a punch at the figure. The figure dodged effortlessly and took an item out of their pocket. Kon dashed to the figure from behind. Before body-slamming the figure to the floor, the figure released a huge brown cloth above Gon.
      Gon sidestepped almost caught in the cloth. The figure flicks their wrist towards Gon with the cloth following the movement. At the same time, the figure pushed Kon out of their way with their free arm. Kon held his ground and glanced at Gon. The boy was to slow too move out of the cloth's way and got captured.
     Kon let out a roar of rage, grinding his teeth and forcing his furry body to push the figure out of his way. The figure, who now successfully captured Gon. Used his hand to chop the foxbear's neck. Kon let out a painful scream and fell to the floor. The other animals of the forest gathered around to see what was happening.
     "Help me!" Gon shouted. The cloth that captured him was now formed into a bag and was unwilling to break. 'Weak, ' was the word that filled his mind. Devoid of his nen, he was weak, so utterly useless. It hurt his pride to see this was true. Even training his body the normal way did not help. Soon the boy struggled less, slowly accepting his fate, he deserves it. The boy waited for something bad to happen, his eyes now dull, and no longer having that unique shine to it. He was completely still.
     "Gon!" A distant scream was let out. An orange-haired lady came dashing to her nephew. It was already too late. The figure put the bagged boy over his shoulder and tossed another cloth over them before they disappeared.
     Kon glances up at the spot the boy used to be, the cloth gone. Gon's aunt was on her knees, hands covering her mouth, and tears of blankets staining her rosy cheeks.
"OW!" Gon's shout was muffled by the cloth. He landed on some sort of floor, maybe grass? It felt similar to the grass he was on, but this grass was dryer. How did he know? Because the cloth was no longer getting soaked with water.
     The bagged up cloth soon disappeared letting the boy see the new environment. Gon sniffed the air. The smell of rain was the first thing he noticed. Looking up at the sky he sees rain clouds hovering above, ready to pour its water onto the earth. The sky was also turning into an orange-pink color, indicating that nightfall is nearing.
"Where am I?" Gon whispers, his eyes adjusting to the light. This was not what he was expecting. He sits up and looks around the area. There was a path at his right and a grassy field to his left, trees were littered around. He began walking over to the path and smelled the air again.
     'Flowers, perfume, people, animals, and smoke. Smoke? No something similar?' Gon followed the scent. It leads him past the path and into an area dense with trees. There leaning against one of the trees was a man, with a strange black little box in his mouth.
     "Mister, what's that thing in your mouth?" Gon asked, curiosity making his eyes bright once more. The man slightly jumped, shock filling his senses. 'When did this kid get here?'
     "Geez kid, you scared me," the man laughed nervously, scratching his head, and dodging the question. The man wore a black beanie, a white shirt underneath a black jacket, and the pants were dark blue with rips in them. Overall, Gon was fascinated by the man's fashion. The male's rosy-pale skin was quite dull, a dirty color, maybe not even a rosy-pale tone anymore. The brown hair was flat but spiked at the ends and hazel colored eyes with a slight shine.
     Gon let out a 'hmp' when his question was ignored but decided to ask another question. Something more important, "Where am I?" The man froze once again, looking at the kid, and almost dropping the still exposed little box.
     "We're in Musutafu," the man replied. After inspecting closer at the boy he sees that Gon is only wearing a wet, dirty white t-shirt, green shorts with a wet spot on his behind, and green boots with wet grass attached. Overall, a soaked green child.
     "Hey kid, by the way, what's your name? Mine's Eisuke Yakumo," By now the man put the black box into his pocket and reached out for a handshake.
     Gon accepts the handshake and brightly smiles, "My name is Gon Freecss. Nice to meet you!" Eisuke was a bit weirded out by the boy's name, after all, it wasn't a normal name in Japan. The man glances up at the sky seeing the faint purples and blue quickly taking over.
     "Hey, kid I think you should head home. It's almost night time, plus rain clouds are starting to clump together," Eisuke pointed to the sky to prove his point.
      Gon stopped functioning for a moment before letting out, "I don't know how to get home Eisuke." The man looked at Gon with wide eyes.
      "What do you mean you don't know? Also, don't use my first name," Yakumo asked with a worried tone.
     "I don't know where my house is from here." Gon spoke like it was a regular occurrence. This worried Yakumo even more. Yakumo grabs Gon's arm.
     "Alright then, I'm taking you to the police station to see what they can do about your current situation," Yakumo drags Gon out of the park and into the city. Gon looked around with eyes full of curiosity. Seeing so many new things was one of his favorite parts of exploration. The city seemed extremely more advanced in technology then the places he ever visited as well.
     "Someone help that woman took my purse!" A lady shouted from across the street. This caught Gon's interest as he looked to his side. A woman was running their direction holding on to a jewelry purse? Gon wanted to do something to help, but he knew he was weak. So, utterly weak. The light in the boy started to fade again, questioning his existence.
      "You boy, please help me! Please do something and help me get my purse back!" The robbed lady shouted at Gon. The boy landed his honey-colored eyes at the exhausted lady. 'No, even if I'm weak, I have to at least try!' Gon thought to himself. He dug his fingers into his palms and dashed to the thief.
     "Wait Gon don't!" Yakumo shouted at the already too far boy. Gon threw himself on top of the thief and successfully put her to the ground. It was easier than expected. Reaching down for the bag the thief spat something on his arm, leaving a burning sensation. Gon looked down at this action in surprise. There was a green liquid on his arm, leaving a burn mark. 'This women knows nen?' Was his first thought.
     Gon swiftly grabbed the purse, ignoring the acid's pain and jumping far from the thief. The thief got herself up and made a mad dash at the boy, readying her attack. Gon looks to the lady the purse belonged to. Looking back at the thief, he dodges the acid attack, and he runs off. The thief follows Gon in annoyance, but accidentally slips on her own acid. She then falls on her back.
A white scarf wraps around the thief to restrain her. Glancing at the short green boy, his lips formed a frown.
     "Hey! What do you think you are doing?" He shouted at him. Gon looked back at the sleep-deprived man. He already returned the purse and was heading back to Yakumo.
      "Returning the lady's bag of course?" Gon spoke out the obvious.
      "I know, but why did you do that? Don't you know that vigilante heroes are illegal?" The dressed in all black men scold the boy, not looking away from the thief. Yakumo ran to the two males looking at the female thief then to the pro hero.
      "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I tried explaining to him that he shouldn't have run after the thief, but he didn't let me finish because he had already dashed off, and I didn't know what to do," Yakumo started mumbling. His hands were clapped together and his head hung low.
     "Are you this boy's guardian?' The sleepy man asked, ignoring Yakumo's mumbling.
     "Oh? Oh no, no, no, no. I just met him today. You see this boy doesn't know how to get back home. So I was going to take him to the police station to figure that out, but then all this happened an-," the man caught Yakumo off.
     "You don't know where you live?" The man looked at the boy. He then shook his head realizing he needs to take the thief to the police station.
     "You know what never mind follow me. I got to put this thief behind bars, then we can discuss your special situation. Problem child," he whispered the last word quietly, but Gon's advance hearing caught his voice.
     "Hey!" Gon crossed his arms and slumped his shoulders. Unexpectedly a crowd of news reporters and everyday citizens gather around at the scene.
     "Who's that old man?" A person asked.
     "I think that's pro-Eraser Head hero! He's known as an underground hero, so it's very rare to see him in action!" Another person said in delight.
      "Woo, so cool!" The previous person said. Soon enough everyone in the crowd started talking. Some news reports gathering close to the group surrounding the thief. Eraser Head groaned in frustration and mentioned the two males to follow him faster. His eyes starting to get sore. He needed to get away from the media immediately.
     Once the trio and the plus one entered the police station, the Eraser Head hero dropped the villain to the police. Gon noticed the man's hair fall down. The boy wished he was able to use nen again so he can see these powers at work properly.
     "Alright boy what's your name?" The Eraser head hero lowered his yellow goggles around his neck.
      "Gon! Gon Freecss!" Gon explained to the pro hero. Gon then thought for a second.
      "Is your name really Eraser Head? Isn't that an odd name?" Gon blurted out.
     "G-Gon! Don't disrespect a pro hero like that... and besides your name is even stranger." Yakumo whispered the last part of his sentence. Gon shot him a look of annoyance. The pro hero sighed and rubbed his eyes.
      "No, that's not my real name, but I will tell you what it is once we enter a questioning room. Also Mr..?" The Eraser hero looked at the man.
      "Oh, my name is Eisuke Yakumo!" Yakumo looked proud to announce his name to a pro hero. The Eraser hero only nodded before turning to the police asking a few questions.
     "Alright Yakumo please wait here," he said pointing at a couple of chairs lined up against a wall. Yakumo nodded and obeyed his words. Meanwhile, Gon was lost in his thoughts, wondering what a pro hero is.
'Maybe it's similar to being a pro hunter? I mean they both had the word pro in it. Also, so far it seems more people know the existence of nen, which is bad. After all, only Pro hunters, with a few acceptions, can learn nen and all its abilities. Now what would Killua do in this situation?'
     "Alright Freecss follow me please," The pro hero started to walk away. Gon frowns at the being called by his last name, but ignored it momentarily and follows the man.
2267 words
Hello it's junky here with a brand new book. Lately I've been obsessed with anime, a reason why I don't really work on my stories. Although two certain ones I like are Hunter x Hunter (currently my #1 favorite) and My hero academia (I ranked it in the top 10 but I don't remember the number). So I decided to make a crossover. Especially after reading many other versions of this crossover (all such good books). I will have probably prepared three more chapters before hand. I'll post them throughout the week until I published all 4 (including this one). Then after that who knows when I'll update again? Just kidding I'm really inspired to write this story, so I'll be updating at least once a month. Don't get your hopes up. I will also be switching prospectives a lot, but they will mainly be in third person. Sorry this a long end. Also please point out my mistakes so I can fix them. Goodbye!

Villains Heroes A New World Hxh and MHA crossover (old version)Where stories live. Discover now