Chapter 38

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Alluka was sitting in the villain's base. She was playing with a sailor moon doll and a big panda plush. Toga was playing with her, holding a doll with a knife taped on it.
"Admit you're the murder!" Alluka screamed, voice deep as she moved the Panda around.
"I told you I didn't do it!" Toga said, lifting the doll's arms up.
"Then what's that in your hands?!" Alluka pointed out, making the Sailor Moon doll point at the knife. Shigaraki was watching from a distance, utterly confused by what they were doing. He looked back at his console, trying to finish his game.
Stain had arrived earlier, turning down the request to join the League Of Villains. During his visit, Toga was trying to cut him with her knives while Alluka was standing next to him, trying to deflect the weapons. She ended up getting injured and they all took a small break to heal her. If Killua ever found out, they would all become dog food. So, Alluka agreed to keep this incident a secret.
"So, any ideas on how to kidnap that Bakugo boy?" Kurogiri asked as he cleaned a wine glass.
"Isn't there an upcoming field trip soon? Why don't we take action then," Shigaraki explained, not looking up from his console? Alluka perked up, turning her head to the other.
"Can I go too?! I wanna go on a trip!" Alluka asked, hopping onto her feet. Shigaraki and Kurogiri thought for a while, looking at each other, and back at the girl.
"Sure," Shigaraki said, not really seeing any problems.
"No," Kurogiri said, seeing many problems with it. Alluka frowned, looking between the two.
"Is that a yes or no?" Alluka asked, placing her finger to her chin. Toga stood up, skipping to her side.
"Of course, the more the merrier!" She yelled out, squeezing Alluka's shoulder. 'I have to keep an eye on her, who knows when that mystery person will try to take her,' Toga thought, forcing a smile for everyone. Kurogiri was about to protest, but Killua himself cut him off.
"I don't really see a problem with that," Killua said, yawning slightly. The boy had just arrived in the middle of the night.
"Onii-Chan!" Two Allukas yelled out, driving towards the boy for a hug. Killua was greatly confused, but returned the hug anyways, and stroking their head. He figured Toga turned into Alluka.
"Are you sure?" Kurogiri asked, surprised he would even say yes.
"Yeah, I mean, I have to let her do her own things you know?" Killua snickered. Alluka smiled widely and began to dance around the room with joy. Toga copied her movements while trying to stab Killua at the same time. It deeply bothered him that Toga was doing this. Alluka was also very weirded out as well.
"We need new recruits," Shigaraki explained, looking at the teenagers.
"Why? I think we're good enough like this," Killua said, walking to one of the stools.
"No offense, but there are more teenagers than adults in this room," Shigaraki pointed out.
"Don't forget about that one man child," Killua retorted, holding in a laugh. Shigaraki's face went red with anger and embarrassment.
"I AM NOT A MAN CHILD!" He screamed, scratching his neck aggressively. Killua let out his laughter as Alluka and Toga joined in.
"Oh, I know a group that could possibly join~," Toga suggested, still looking like Alluka. The realization hit him when he remembered how Toga's quirk worked. He was cut off by Shigaraki before he could say anything though.
"Well then, tell us," Shigaraki demanded.
"Nope, I have to see Killua bleed frist~," She ordered, smiling chaotically. Killua shivered at what could possibly be running through her thoughts.
"Alright then, Killua go make yourself bleed or something," Shigaraki ordered, shooing him off. Killua looked at him with a confused look before shaking his head.
"I'm not doing that!" Killua shouted. Alluka grabbed the toy knife, pointing it at her brother.
"Just a small scratch, besides, new circuits equals new friends!" Alluka said, smiling widely. Killua felt betrayed at that moment but caved in anyway.
"Fine," Killua hissed out. Toga smiled, running off to grab a container. She transformed back into her original form.
"Wait just a moment!" Toga yelled, dashing up the stairs. The female entered the floor where her room was located and walked to the end of the hall.
Toga smiled as she opened her room door. She looked around for her container, finding it under a Stain poster.
"Here it is~," Toga sang, wiggling the empty containers. While she walked out of her room, she was making calculations of how much blood she needed.
"I need to make this plan work," Toga said out loud, glancing at her notepad before shutting the door. The girl skipped down the stairs, excited to see her friend bleed. Downstairs, Killua was slightly panicking at how much blood he'll lose.
"This better be worth it," Killua growled. Alluka nodded as she took out a first-aid kit.
"Well, at least you can use these adorable bandaids!" Alluka chirped, showing her brother the Kitty themed supplies. Killua let out a groan as he slumped down to the floor.
"I'm back!" Toga said, skipping into the room. Killua tilted his head, weakly lifting his hand up.
"Hey," he said.
"Great, now let's get the blood!" Shigaraki grinned, a dagger in his hand. The man was excited to hurt the other, seeing as he never really got injured. Killua sent a deadly glare at Shigaraki before sitting up.
"LIKE HELL I'D LET YOU STAB ME!" He screamed. Toga rolled her eyes, walking over to the boy.
"I just need one cup at most," Toga requested. Killua's eyes shot up and his mouth fell.
"Excuse me, but that's a lot of blood," Killua said, starting to back away. Alluka looked at her brother than at Toga.
"I don't see the problem with that," She said. Toga took to put her knife, walking towards Killua.
"Come here, I need that blood!" Toga yelled. Killua dodged and the female kept trying to cut him. A few minutes of playing cat and mouse, Killua finally gave in and let the girl take the blood.
"Yay!" Toga cheerfully yelled, watching as her container filled up. Alluka turned away, feeling a bit nauseous from the sight. A few moments later and Killua withdrew his arm, sticking his tongue out at the female.
"I'm leaving now," Killua said, standing up. Alluka turned around, rushing to her brother's side.
"Wait Onii-Chan, you need your bandaids!" She yelled, holding onto his arm tightly. Killua hissed at the slight pain as Alluka began to place the bandaids on his arm.
"There, all better," Alluka smiled, looking at the blue kitty bandaids. Killua was a bit embarrassed by the cutesie look, but he didn't exactly hate it.
"Thanks or whatever," Killua grumbled out before taking his leave. Alluka waved goodbye and went back to her toys. Toga kept an eye on Killua, analyzing his every move. 'I swear that he'll never get his hands on my friends,' she thought, grip tightening on the containers filled with blood.
Killua arrived back at Endeavour's agency and outside, waiting for him, was none other then Gon.
"Yo," Killua greeted walking up to his best friend.
"Hi!" Gon cheerfully responded, analyzing his friend's body. Killua looked at him in confusion, especially when Gon was starting at the lower part of his body.
"I-Idiot, what do you think you're doing?!" Killua shouted, shuffling around and trying to cover himself. Gon looked up in curiosity before blushing at the mistake.
"Ah, no! You see I just smelled blood coming from your arms and I was just worried! I wasn't looking anywhere bad, I promise!" Gon explained, frailing his arms around. Killua remained slightly tense but overall calmed down.
"Yeah, about that, the crazy girl stabbed me," Killua bluntly said, scratching his cheek. Gon's face was covered with worry once again, not understanding why he would say that so casually.
"Did she hurt you!" Gon asked, catching the attention of nearby citizens.
"Sh, we'll talk about it later. Let's get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow," Killua pointed out, placing his finger on Gon's forehead. The boy immediately lit up, remembering the conversation with Endeavor.
"Right, our first patrol!" Gon chirped happily. Killua nodded and began to enter the building. Gon followed right after, thinking about what pajamas to wear and how to possibly avoid getting sleep kicked at the face.
Alluka was watching Stain leave as Shigaraki goes on a scratching fee. Alluka was cheering on Stain, agreeing to his morals. Shigaraki was bothered by this fact, quite jealous actually. He wanted the girl to look up to him and agree to him, yet she chose to have a murder as her influence.
"We can't agree on a basic level and he annoys me," Shigaraki frowned, crossing his arms. Alluka only patted his back, feeling sorry for him.
"Kurogiri, bring out the Nomus," Shigaraki demanded. Alluka tilted her head, not recognizing the name. Although her curiosity was hidden by a mask that looked like Nanika's face and her bangs.
"What's a Nomu?" Alluka asked, tugging the older's sleeve and interrupted his speech. Shigaraki looked at the female who was wearing a red dress, black tights with matching boots and jacket.
"The creature coming outside the portal," Shigaraki explained, pointing behind him. Alluka turned around, almost wanting to scream at the sight in front of her. There were beasts coming outside the portal and all of them had their brains exposed.
"Are they okay?" Alluka asked, starting at the exposed brain.
"Of course they are," Shigaraki shrugged off. Alluka watched as the creatures began to move out to destroy the city. 'This doesn't look too good,' Alluka thought.
'I have a bad feeling,' Nanika said, frowning deeply.
Shigaraki laughed as he watched his toys destroy the city. Alluka covered her ears, not enjoying the screams at all.
"Now this is a good game!" he laughed out. Kurogiri placed a hand on Alluka's shoulder, trying to calm her down.
"I should've gone with Toga," Alluka whined out, the warm light of the fire burned her skin, and it was getting hard to breathe with all the smoke. The man continued to laugh, watching the citizens scream for help. Alluka, looked around, hoping to find her brother somewhere. Instead, she found a familiar hero costume running in the streets. 'Iida?' Alluka thought, watching as he took a turn to the alleyways.
"Is this a good idea?" Alluka asked, watching a child and car get buried under some rubble.
"Everything is great, soon enough I'll win this game!" Shigaraki yelled out, smiling in triumph. The female found Gon running towards the area the kid was at.
"Look, it's gone!" Alluka pointed out. Shigaraki looked over, frowning at the brat.
"Hey, it's the kid who finished off my last Nomu! I'll make sure he pays for that!" Shigaraki yelled, scratching his neck. Alluka frowned, not wanting to figure out what he had in plan.
Edit: Gasp, no one told me I wrote chapter 28 instead of chapter 38! Also while I was at it, I've edited the chapter, added a few things, and even removed some stuff. You can reread if you wanted to, but it's no big deal.
Here you go, a new chapter! If you guys don't remember I'll be updating on Wednesdays! We're getting so close to one of my favorite parts of this story! I can't wait to see everyone's reactions. Also, whatever could Toga be planning?
Fun fact about Eisuke Yakumo:
If you search the meaning of his first name, it means; protection or help/aid.

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