Chapter 25

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     "I should be at school, but, I can't find a new one," Alluka whined, walking the streets of Musutafu city. She wore pink boots, green skirt, pink shirt, and a hot pink jacket.
     'Alluka, look over there,' Nanika said, pointing at an alleyway. The girl peeked her head into the alley and saw the same man from earlier.
     "Oh, it's that man again!" Alluka whispered, watching the man kill another hero. She frowned, not understanding his reason for killing.
     "I don't get why he's killing heroes," Alluka continued to speak in a hushed tone. Turning around, the girl checked her surroundings, there was no one nearby.
     "I'm going to say hi," The girl confidently said. Nanika tried to convince her it was a dangerous idea, but she had already begun walking into the dark alley. The concrete floor was cracked in many places, allowing small amounts of grass to grow. The walls were fairly clean, except the blood that splattered in all directions.
     The girl stopped when she was a few feet away from the killer. The man had finished slaughtering the hero in front of him and turned around to make eye contact with the girl.
     "You again, shouldn't you be in school?" The man said, standing up from his kneeled position. He placed his katanas back into their scabbards, wiped the blood of his face, and began walking to the girl.
     "Y-yes, me again. I left my old school, so I'm looking for a new one. I just so happened to walk by and I've been wondering, why do you kill heroes?" Alluka asked, looking at the noseless killer. The killer paused to think for a bit, not breaking the eye contact.
     "Is it because you're hired to kill? Are you an assassin by any chance?" Alluka thought out loud, that was the only reason she could come up with. The hero killer chuckled, walking to the wall to his right, and sitting down. He patted the spot next to him, signaling to the girl to sit down. Alluka debated for a while, but decided to sit anyway. Nanika would save them if they were to be attacked.
     "Of course not, I don't work for anyone, but, myself," the man began, looking at the younger female.
     "I kill the fake heroes that linger in society. They don't deserve to live, they aren't true heroes," the man explained.
     "How are they not true heroes?" Alluka asked, tilting her head.
     "In order to understand that, you need to know what makes a real hero. Are you willing to learn more?" the man asked, slightly smiling. Alluka nodded her head, she would love to learn more about what others think of heroes.
     "Where are you heading off too?" A man, with a hand on his face, asked. The younger boy ignored him, grabbing a water bottle, and his extra clothing. The white haired boy was putting everything in a black backpack.
     "Hey, answer me," the older said, growing irritated. He demanded attention and to be entertained. Killua continued to ignore Shigaraki, placing a mask on his face. Nanika had made the mask for him, saying it was a present. The mask looked like Nanika's face, white skin, black, scribble eyes, a thin, wide smile, and rosy cheeks.
     "Alright, I'm leaving," Killua said, walking towards the stairs. Shigaraki puffed his cheeks out in frustration, he wanted to play with someone. The teen chuckled, leaving behind the man child. He kissed Alluka and Nanika goodbye before leaving the building.
     Lately, he has felt a strange presence following him. It started when he met up with Todoroki a few days ago with Yaoyorozu. Continuing to walk in the shadows of the alleys, the same presence washed over him. It was different from Aizawa's. Whoever was trailing him knows how to hide well. Killua ignored the presence, walking to his destination. A buzz rang out and the boy grabbed his bug phone. He didn't know how to use the other ones yet, but he can use the one in his hands.
     "Hello?" Killua answered the call, walking farther into the alleyway. There was no noise, only static. Killua raised his brow, deciding to ignore it.
     "Why hello, it's nice to finally meet you," A man said, stepping out of the shadows. He wore glasses similar to Leorio, but his glasses actually covered his eyes. He had gray hair, tan skin, purple suit, one missing tooth, reeks of smoke, gold accessories, and a weirdly shaped beard.
     "Hey," Killua responded, looking at the man through his mask. The man raised his eyebrow, looking at the younger.
     "You're shorter than I had thought," the man chuckled out. Killua grew annoyed but ignored the feeling.
     "I came here for business, nothing more," Killua stated, turning his head around.
     "Right," the man said, turning around, and motioning the other to follow. The two males walked in the dimly lit alley, the moon right above them, and wind blowing gently in the air. The feeling nature provided calmed Killua down. He enjoyed the walk to wherever they were heading.
     "So, where are you taking me?" Killua asked, following right behind the older.
     "You said you wanted to work a part time job, preferably something with no killing involved," Giran recalled. Killua nodded, not understanding where this was going.
     "You said nothing about fighting, so I hope you will sign up for underground battles," Giran explained.
     "Yeah, no, that sounds like risky business. I could make many enemies and they could follow me around. That's something I don't want to happen," Killua complained. The villain broker frowned, looking at Killua.
     "Although, I really need the money, so I'll give it a try," Killua added, scratching his neck. The other man grinned, continuing to lead Killua to a fighting arena. A few meters away, a female grinned. She had recently been following Killua ever since she witnessed him knock someone out with one hit. 'Meeting in an arena sounds great~,' she sang, her thoughts twisted, and yearning for blood.
     "So I just need to sign these papers?" Killua asked, looking at the forums. The villain nodded, handing Killua a pen. Taking the pen, Killua read through the forums, writing his villain name, and signature, wherever needed. He trained himself to write in different styles, so no one can trace him.
     "We are not responsible for your death. We are not responsible for stolen items. Be warned you may be followed home by frustrated losers. Blah, blah, blah," Killua read out. He didn't care, he could easily knock them out if he needed too. Killua made sure to opt out of the death matches, then gave the forums to Giran. The man grabbed the papers, reading through them.
     "Excellent, now you better get me money or I'm firing you," the man warned, leaving to turn the papers in.
     "'Kay," Killua said, deciding to wander around the building. He considered buying a ticket to watch the fights too. So he did, the fight started around midnight, pretty late in the day, but he didn't mind. He made sure to text Alluka and Nanika that he'd be home late. Killua had received a message from Leorio and Kurapika. They were both the same, showing two symbols, and a red cloth. Killua ignored them, thinking they were pulling a prank on him. He checked the time, one hour before midnight.
     "Maybe they have a vending machine around here?" Killua thought, walking down the halls. The presence from earlier was stronger, nearer. Killua looked around, finding a female staring right at him. She had a wide, chaotic smile, plastered on her face. Her hair was up in two space buns, she wore a normal high school uniform, black stocking, and brown shoes.
     "Uh, hello?" Killua said, confused, and looking at the female.
     "Hello Tric~ or should I say Killua," she giggled out. She began walking towards Killua, something was very unsettling about this female. Level Hisoka unsettling. Killua backed away slowly, feeling her bloodthirsty aura.
     'It seems she wants to kill you. You better run Killu,' the voice commanded. Killua listens to the voice, turning around, and escaping. The female laughed from the other side of the hall, smiling to herself, before taking a knife out to attack.
     "Come back, I just wanna see you bleed!" She begged, chasing the white haired boy.
     'If she wasn't trying to kill you right now, I'd say she'd make a perfect wife,' the voice comments, thinking of something Killua didn't want to know. 'DAMN ILLUMI! I swear I'll find a way to take the needle out. I can't stab into my arm like I did during the NGL attack. I have to find something or someone that can overwrite his manipulation," Killua thought, still running away.
     "Come on!" The female said, before throwing a knife at the boy.
     'Dodge.' Killua dodged by jumping up and landing back on his feet.
     "Don't dodge!" The female whined.
     "Leave me alone! I don't know who you are or what you want, so leave me alone!" Killua yelled, jumping out a window. Killua dashed off to his house, making sure the female didn't follow him.
     "Onii-Chan, are you okay?" Alluka asked, grabbing Killua's hand. The older of the two sighed, walking into the living room, and face planting onto the couch. Alluka crouched down, looking at her brother.
     "What's wrong?" Alluka asked, placing her hand on Killua's hair.
     "Some freaky female tried hurting me," He mumbled out, turning his head to face his sister. The female just sighed, patting her brother's head.
     "You're leaving again? This is the third time this week!" Alluka shouted, looking at her brother, who stood at the doorway.
     "Don't you think me and Nanika will get worried? You're coming home very late and bringing lots of cash home! Not to mention you seem very bothered! Just tell me what you're up to," Alluka said, looking at her brother sadly.
     "You know what, if you keep hiding secrets from me, I'm taking all your sweets, and I'm going to ghost you for the rest of this month!" Alluka threatened. She looked at her brother's face, seeing him smile sadly.
     "I'm sorry, I can't tell you," Killua softly said, before leaving the house. Alluka began to tear up, her brother won't tell her what was wrong, or what he was even doing these past few days. She sadly returned to her room, where she spent the rest of her afternoon crying. Killua walked down the streets, backpack on, and wearing baggy clothes. He has been fighting in the underground arena.
     "Maybe I should stop this, I'm not that desperate," Killua muttered out, kicking a can. He would get in huge trouble if the police found out what he was doing.
     "I'm doing this so I can provide for my sisters. It's my fault I spend all the money and need to get more," Killua said, walking into an alley. He didn't want to let his sister know he was still fighting, even if there was nothing wrong with that, it just felt like she would be disappointed in him. Especially Gon, he had been thinking of what he said. He didn't want to get himself in trouble and leave his sisters because of that.
     "Ha, and I thought Gon was selfish," Killua sat down on the ground, thinking about his already made decisions.
     'Don't worry about them Killu, you don't need anyone like them in your life,' the voice said.
     "Yeah, you're right, I don't need them," Killua repeated, standing back up. The boy froze at what he had just said. Shaking his head, he cursed himself for saying those words. The female girl from a few days ago had come out of the building to greet him.
     "Killua, welcome back! Hurry up, the matches are going to begin soon!" The female smiled, rushing over to her new friend. Killua looked at the light blond female, following her into the building.
     Gon and Killua meditated, focusing on strengthening their auras/nen. Killua twitched every so often, feeling guilt, worry, and more emotions pile onto him. The hypnotic voice of his brother was not helping him either.
     'Kill him now, he's distracted,' 'Listen to me,' and 'You don't deserve anyone's love,' were a few things the voice said. Killua tried his best ignoring the voice.
     "Hey, Killua?" Gon asked, peeking at his friend. Killua just hummed, telling him he was listening.
     "I'm going to win the Sports Festival," Gon declared, now facing his friend. The white haired boy hummed once again. Gon pouted, wanting his friend's attention.
     "Killua," Gon whined, scooting closer to the other. When he got no reaction from the other, he repeated the process, until his face was an inch away from the other's.
     "Kiiilllluuuuaaaa," the boy whined, his mouth near Killua's ear, and his tone screaming, give me attention. The other boy snapped, quickly turning his face.
     "What?!" Killua shouted, voice lingering with annoyance and anger. Gon smiled brightly at Killua, who had just noticed how close their faces were.
     "You're cute," Gon complemented, making the other blush even more.
     "IDOT, why would you say that?!" Killua yelled, backing away. Gon shrugged, giggling at his friend.
     "I'm going to win," Gon said, looking into his friend's eyes. Killua raised his brow, before laughing at his friend.
     "Yeah, good luck. I'm just going to place fifth or something, just to impress my sister," Killua smugly said, thinking about his proud sister. 'Than maybe she'll stop ghosting me and forgive me?'
     "Come on, you have to try too!" Gon cried out. Killua chuckled, shaking his head.
     "Nah, I'm good," Killua stated, looking at the other students. Gon frowned, crossing his arms, and facing away from Killua. This action made Killua laugh more, it wasn't funny at all, but he felt he needed an excuse to laugh, and not think about the bad things.
     It's Sports Festival day and Alluka was wandering around UA grounds. She bought herself some food before heading into the stadium. Thanks to her brother's connections, she was able to get a seat at the event.
     "I hope Onii-Chan does great!" Alluka said to Nanika. Even though she was extremely upset at Killua, she still couldn't help but cheer for her brother. Nanika nodded her head, she wanted to watch the event with her own eyes, but they couldn't risk letting others see her.
     'Alluka, do you think I'll ever get to show myself?' Nanika sadly asked.
     "Of course you will someday! Everyone will see just how great you are!" Alluka yelled out loud, proudly looking at Nanika in her mind. People who passed by gave her strange looks and started whispering to each other. Alluka noticed this and blushed, quickly making her way into the stadium.
     "Now where's my seat?" The girl said out loud, looking around. She spotted Yakumo, but let him be. She did reserve a spot after all. It's supposed to be close enough to Killua and his classmates. Following the numbered rows, she found her spot next to the student seats. Sitting down, she looks at the arena below.
     "HEEEYA! MAKE SOME NOISE, SPORT FANS! GET THOSE CAMERAS READY, MEDIA PEOPLE! We're about too witnesses the most fantastic performance from the first years!" The yellow haired hero's voice boomed around the stadium. Alluka's eyes sparkled when he saw the hero. 'Such nice clothes!' Alluka thought, squealing a bit.
     "Let's get it started! First up, we have our special class, the one who fought villains and survived! Everyone, give a big cheer for CLASS 1-A!!!" Alluka took out her phone immediately, recording their entrance. The first person to walk out was Gon, followed by Iida, Izuku, Todoroki, and etc. Killua was in the middle of the crowd, examining the seats, in search of his sister. Once he caught sight of her, he waved, smiling.
     Alluka smiled happily, Nanika too. They both loved getting attention from their brother. The crowd was cheering loudly, making the students down in the arena, even more nervous.
     "Next up, a class just as talented, and needs more screen time, CLASS 1-B!" The crowd continued to cheer on the next classes. Once all classes were out on the arena, the R-rated hero, Midnight stepped onto a small stage.
     "Can I have everyone's attention! We will begin the student pledge!" She said, whipping her whip up. The crowd went in a daze, staring at Midnight, Alluka on the other hand, envied the grown women. She cried internally, wishing for her body to be more feminine like her's.
     "Katsuki Bakugo, you shall be giving the student pledge, come right up!" Midnight explained, whipping her whip at the teen's direction. The class 1-A students all panicked, worried about what he may say. Bakugou stood on the stage, remaining silent for a moment.
     "I just wanna say, I'm going to win," he blankly said. The students from other classes began booing, some threatening him. The students of 1-A expected him to say that. Iida scolds Bakugo, Midoriya just staring, and Gon frowning. Bakugou threatened them back, walking back to his class.
     "Well, that was interesting. Now onto the first event! What will it be?" Midnight cheerfully explained, pointing at the rolling screen. Gon and Killua were playing rock, paper, scissors as they waited. Gon had won, which means Killua had to give him a present. The other students were all concentrating on the big screen, waiting for the event to appear.
     "The first event is the OBSTACLE COURSE!" Midnight shouted and began explaining the rules. Gon smiled widely, this was something he and Killua can beat, no problem. Killua also thought that, but knowing UA, they may have some really difficult obstacles. The students lined up, all staring ahead. 'So, that's how it's going to be,' Killua thought, looking at the narrow tunnel. The lights went from red to yellow, and finally green. Midnight gave them the go and they all began running.
Edit: as you can see, this chapter had many things added to it. I wanna try my luck and make it more mysterious and um, idk gloomy? I'll still have all that funny, happy, cheerful stuff, but I'm getting more of a solid idea for this story. Still half winging it though.
I decided the Sports Festival will be on Gon's birthday, because I was inspired by Inseparable Interdimensionals by robits (on! Their story is very original and different from the ones I've read so far! I highly suggest checking it out!). Btw, everyone that originally made it to the finish of the obstacle course stays, plus Killua and Gon, so that would make it 11 teams. This is just a heads up. I felt like I had more to say, but I don't remember. If I do, I'll mention it in the next chapter.

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