Chapter 12

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     Alluka and Killua where visiting Alluka's junior high school. A few days before the UA entrance exam begins. Killua brought some papers with them and looked around the building.
     "Alright Alluka, you think you can memorize where your classes are?" Killua asked, looking at Alluka's class schedule.
     "Yup!" Alluka smiled widely. She was excited to finally experience school life. The two teens walked into a feild behind the school. Tables where set up and staff were helping families get their children ready for school. Killua walked over to the GYM uniforms.
     "Onii-Chan, I can pick the clothes out myself," Alluka puffed her cheeks out. Killua ignored her as he put the shorts up against his younger sister. He was trying to make sure they weren't too short or tight.
     "I'm just making sure you have clothes that would fit you," Killua said, grabbing another pair of shorts.
     "What the hell, they are either to short and tight, or to long and lose!" Killua shouted. Alluka sighed and grabbed a pair of shorts.
     "You know, I don't mind if they're short," Alluka trailed off. Killua shot her a look and Alluka whistled, trying to avoid eye contact.
     "Maybe, you should wear sweatpants instead," he explained, a threatening tone lacing his voice. Alluka just nodded frantically and grabbed a pair of sweats and a shirt. Killua paid for the gym clothes and they headed off to the uniforms. 'I'll have to buy shorts later when Onii-Chan isn't around,' Alluka thought. She did have a part time job now, why not spend some money?
     The same situation with the shorts, happened with the skirts. Alluka ended up getting a skirt that was longer then it needed it to be. Killua was explaining to her that, if the skirt was too short, then boys would try hitting on her. Alluka just rolled her eyes at his statement. A girl should be allowed to wear whatever she wants.
     "Onii-Chan can't I just wear my normal clothes?" Alluka groaned. Killua shook his head, grabbing Alluka a binder.
     "Unfortunately no, many schools here require uniforms. There are a few loop holes here and there but dress codes are strict," Killua explained. Killua showed Alluka a dark blue binder with yellow stars on it.
     "Do you want this or something else?" Killua asked.
     You don't have to look for me! Also, yes I do want that," Alluka grabbed the binder from Killua and they paid. They'll have to get school supplies such as pencils, erasers, notebooks, and more at stores. When they finished gathering everything Alluka needed for school, they did a last minute check on the list, and headed back home.
     It was one day until the UA entrance exam, Alluka started school already, and Killua was at the league's base. He was currently drinking Kurogiri's special hot chocolate milk. Shigaraki was still having a crying mess after his favorite show ended. Killua looks around grabbing a Nintendo 3ds and handing it to Shigaraki.
     "Stop mopping around. Don't you have some game to finish with All Might or something?" Killua asked. When he found out All Might was going to teach at UA, he was kinda worried. He didn't feel like talking to the number one hero again.
     "That's right!" Shigaraki snatched the gaming device out of Killua's hand, careful not to place all five fingers on it.
     "Your applying to UA right?" Shigaraki grinned wickedly and stared at Killua's eyes.
     "Yeah," Killua responded. Shigaraki would find out one way or another that he applied to UA anyway. All because Shigaraki knew what he actually looked like. 'If only I didn't land so close to them, I could've had more freedom,' Killua thought, scratching his chin.
     "I got a plan," Shigaraki's grin grew into a twisted smile.
     It was finally the day of the exam. I was feeling quite excited to see what the number one hero school had in store. Running up the hill causally, I had a book bag, and black clothes. I don't have a middle school uniform, so this'll work. When I arrived to the gate of UA, I see a kid falling down and getting smacked in the face. I hold in a snicker, until I realized that the kid who fell was the same person that's with All Might.
     Ignoring them, I slowly walked around them, and dashed to door one. I swear I felt a familiar aura, maybe it was just the broccoli kid? Deciding not to look back, I walked inside the building, grabbed my card that was placed on a table, and headed to my seat. I sat down next to a kid with bright, spikey, red hair. He looked at me and grinned.
     "The names Eijiro Kirishima," he whispered, placing his hand out.
     "Killua Zoldyck. Call me Killua please," I say back. We shook hands and turned our attention back to the main stage. I thought about chocobots and how I really want some. Maybe I can talk to Mrs. Sato about making them. It would be fun to try baking, after all I've improved since the hunter exam.
     "So, what do you think the exam is going to be?" Kirishima asked.
     "Donno, maybe something to measure our strength and strategy. It would be best to do something that will allow everyone to have a chance of success," I explained. Kirishima nodded in agreement.
     "Man, I hope we can both get in!" Kirishima said a bit to loudly.
     "Excuse me sir, but can you quiet it down! We are taking an exam, this is not social hour!" A loud booming voice called out. It belonged to a teen with electric blue hair, and square glasses. 'Imma call him Robot,' I smile to myself, placing my hands in my pocket, and feet on top the desk.
     "EXCUSE ME! BLAH BLAH BLAH," I tone the loud robot out and look at the stage. I look around and see people starting at me or the robot. Then I spot Broccoli boy next to someone with spikey blond hair, and someone with their head down. Something seems familiar about him, but I brush it off. Soon enough the lite dim and focus on the stage. I put my legs down and prepare for the explanation ahead.
     'THIS IS SO STUPID!' I thought. The system this exam was based on made it almost impossible for simple quirks to pass. What if someone had some type of mind quirk or an invisibility quirk? They'll have to just come up with a good strategy. Fortunately for me, I have electricity. This should be a breeze. Although, I don't want to stand out to much. What was the highest score again?
     Everyone was waiting for the exam to start. I was at exam sight A and so far I only recognize Kirishima. Deciding not to interrupt him, I look straight ahead. Soon enough, a booming voice rang through a speaker.
     "Allllrrright my listeners, welcome to you're exam sights! We will be beginning in fifteen seconds! Now remember everyone, you're beeeeeeeiiiiinng WWAAATCHED!" President Mic explained.
     "Seven." His speech took longer then expected that he lost track of the seconds.
     "Four." 'GO ON ALREADY!"
     "OONNEEE, GO!" All the students rushed into the exam sight. Right of the bat, the blond haired teen was exploding himself into the air and destroying nearby robots. Students around me were staring in awe. I took this chance to run off and destroy more robots. Putting my palm flat on the robot, I sent a circuit of electricity into it, making it explode loudly. This time it was everyone's turn to look at me.
     This seemed to snap everyone to reality and they started rushing off to destroy robots. Continuing my kil-destroying streak, I ran into the blonde haired teen.
     "OI, watch where you're going extra!" He yelled blasting his quirk towards me and taking off. He turned his head back with a grin, probably thinking I would be on the floor, covered in dust and disappointment. No he won't get that reaction from me, so instead I stared right back at him, glaring him off. Trying not to slip blood lust, I dash of to another area.
     I continued electrifying robots and jumping from building to building. It was like this for most of the exam, pretty boring is you ask me, but it was necessary for me to past. If I want money I gotta go through this. I mean, I don't plan going back home anytime soon anyway.
     "YOU DAMN BASTARD STOLD MY POINT!" The spikey blond hair man was blasting towards me. I was dashing off, trying not to us to much of my power.
     "GO BREAK ANOTHER DUMB-BOT THEN!" I shouted back. To be honest, he was destroying robots while trying to kill me and that was kinda scary. Well, I'm also destroying robots while running away. Thankfully, the count down began, signaling that the exam was almost over.
     "GET BACK HERE!" He shouted. When he got to close to comfort, a red haired male stepped in front of me. He turned his skin into rough spiked and braced himself for impact.
     "Kirishima, are you ok!" I asked. I hate it when people get hurt because of me. The count down ended and the smoke cleared. Kirishima turned around with his quirk still activated.
     "I'm okay!" He explained, smiling. I just laugh at him and his brightness. Soon enough, everyone started to empty the sight, and head to the lockers.
     Okay, I'm not insane, I swear I saw someone familiar! I was just minding my own business and then some wolf-dog person was shouting at a kid. I tried ignoring it, but I couldn't help and peek at what was happening. When my eyes landed on a black and green haired boy, I felt like I was walking on air. His hair was shorter then Gon's, so it couldn't have been him.
     Walking down the hill, I ignored the possibility that Gon was in this world. Right now I need to head home to Alluka. I promised her we'd go shopping.
Alright once again I don't have much to say. Unless you watched Dr. Stone and if you have. Imagine if the two humans we had to relay on to restore humanity were Killua and Gon. Humanity would be doomed. Also, WHO GOES AGAINST WHO? For All Mights Villain vs. Hero class, who should fight who. The first team stays the same though! Anyway enjoy and goodbye.

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