Chapter 41

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     Alluka was sitting in a classroom with the rest of her inmates. She was glad she gets some form of education in this place but upset she couldn't visit anyone. They were currently going over social norms.
     "Let's go over a villain scenario. I want you to write down what you think the best option should be," The female teacher explained, putting her glasses on as she looked down at her papers.
     "You are walking down the street and you run into a villain trying to rob a bank. What do you do in this situation? A, Call the police or alert nearby heroes for help and then evacuate the area, B, Join the villain, or C, try to stop the villain yourself. I'll give you five minutes to answer," The slim lady explained, pushing her sharp glasses up. Alluka looked down at her paper, wondering what she would do.
     'C, because what if there isn't enough time for the police or heroes to help? The civilians should be able to stand up for themselves too!' she wrote down. Once the timer was up everyone handed the paper to the person in front of them and the people at the end of the row gave them to the teacher. The female skimmed through the responses, sighing in disapproval.
     "No, killing everyone in the crime scene and taking the money isn't an option. Satsujin, please get over your obsession with dead creatures," The teacher pleaded as she turned to the next card. Satsujin was the youngest in Alluka's group. He had dyed his hair red, he had brown eyes, tan skin, sharp nails, and a wide smile.
     "Mitsuko, joining the villain isn't an option, nor is trying to stop the villain yourself or to even help alongside the heroes. Can't any of you get this question right?" The teacher whined. She took a deep breath before placing the cards on her desk.
     "Okay look, if any of you want to go back to society, you'll need to learn how to be a good citizen, and good citizens don't do anything you people wrote down," The teacher explained. The students frowned and looked down at their desks.
     "Most of you here are vigilantes, meaning you want to be heroes. I understand that you don't want to go through school to get your license and then work a few years as a sidekick. If you truly want to be a hero, you would've gone through it anyway, showing dedication to your goals," She explained. Here was the problem with their teacher, she only cared about the vigilantes and hero wannabes. She ignores those who come from or are in a villainous path. She believes that those in the villain path have no future.
     "Sensei, who do you think will have the best chance of going back in society?" Asked the Alluka look alike. The teacher looked at the female before smiling widely.
     "I'm sure you and Hanbi,"  She explained. Alluka slumped down into her chair, fixing her hair as best as she can. Nise, the Alluka look-alike, sat straight and proud, a large smile on her face.
     "Why is it always Nise? Nise this, Nise that! I just wanna since her throat up!" Satsujin said, fiddling with his pencil.
     "Hey, she said my name too!" Hanbi stated, crossing her arms. Her hair was red, it was curly and short. Her skin was pale and she had freckles all over her body.
     "We all know you're nothing special," Sitsujin announced, looking back up to the board. Hanbi placed her hand to her chest, offended by his words.
     "Excuse me for being the sane one around," she puffed out. This time Sitsujin was the offended one.
     "Oh yeah, well I don't randomly cut people's hair!" he shouted, standing up from his desk and looking at her. Alluka froze up, grabbing her now short hair.
     "You're a liar, I had nothing to do with it. It was the girls from the other cell!" she protested. The teacher had given up trying to get the attention of her students so she went to sit down on her desk. Nise turned her head to Alluka who was sitting next to her.
     "We all know who the mentally ill one is here," She said as her eyes pierced Alluka.
     "I'm not insane!" Alluka countered.
     "You talk to yourself every day and don't forget that monster that lives in your body," Nise said, placing her fingers under her chin.
     "Nanika isn't a monster!" Alluka shouted. Nise only laughed and waved her off.
     "Sure, sure whatever you say!" Nise said, standing up from her seat and leaving the room. Alluka turned to her teacher, seeing her already asleep.
     "I don't think Nanika is a monster, I think she's very cool!" Satsujin said. Alluka smiled and looked at the eleven-year boy.
     "She really is!" Alluka agreed. They left the room as the timer went off, signaling it was free time.
     Alluka and James were hanging out again. James fixed Alluka's hair, making her short hair look amazing.
     "There we go! You're in luck, I used to work in a hair salon back home. Now I only dye Satsujin's hair," the man said laughing. Alluka looked in the mirror, feeling much better with her new look.
     "Thank you, James!" Alluka chirped, moving her hands all around the slightly curled hair. Nanika suddenly switched, wanting to see the look herself. She immediately squealed when she saw shortly was.
     "Do you like it Nanika?" James asked, putting the scissors away in his bag. Nanika quickly nodded her head.
     "That's great, I'm glad you enjoy it!" James said. Manila jumped off the brown chair, extremely happy with the new look. Nanika never knew how much she loved having short hair until that moment.
     "You remind me of my daughter you know. She would get so excited over the simplest of things. Her mother took her with her when we got divorced though. Never saw her since," James explained, holding the bag in his right hand. Nanika tilted her head looking up at the male.
     "Do you wish to be with her?" Nanika asked. James quickly nodded without hesitation.
     "I do, I wish I saw her. Her mother is verbally abusive, it was the reason I left. I wish I took her with me though. I lost custody over her because I didn't have the money or time to support her," James explained. Nanika walked forward, towards James.
     "James, give me a spoon," Nanika asked, hands out in front of her. James raised an eyebrow, but he nodded, walking into the cafeteria with her. He grabbed one of the spoons and handed it to Nanika.
     "Here you go," James said. Nankai held the spoon, placing it in her blue pants pocket.
     "Give me some soup," Nanika asked.
     "I'm sorry but they aren't serving any soup today."
     "'Kay," Nanika responded. For the rest of free time, Nanika kept asking for requests, until the final one came by.
     "James, give me your tongue," The female asked. The officer took a step back, surprised and concerned she even asked that. Other teens in the area looked up at Nanika, surprised by her request.
     "I'm sorry, but I can't do that! You-," James was caught off when his world went dark. His body went up into the air before being crushed into a thin paper and then into nothing. Nanika stood still for a little longer before she smiled and ran off to play in her cell.
     "AHH!" one of the teens screamed. Many of the kids were screaming, crying, and even some fainted. There used to be a man standing there and now there was nothing, no trace was left. Everyone was panicking.
     In America, a little girl with blond hair, brown eyes, and fair skin died. The wish wasn't a failure after all, as they got to see each other in heaven. That is what Nanika thought anyways.
     "So guys, what do you think of her?" asked Toga who was showing her friends a photo of Alluka.
     "She looks nice!" a man with a half-black and half-white bodysuit said.
     "She looks too young," The same man said, but with a deeper voice.
     "I'm always happy to welcome an LGBT member into our group!" a female with broad shoulders, explained.
     "She was very close to Stain right? Then I welcome her with open arms!" a lizard man declared.
     "Is she strong though?" a man with huge, exposed mussels asked.
     "Yup, I know, Agreed, yes, and no," Toga answered, closing her phone screen.
     "So she can stay?" Toga asked, looking up at her team members. They all nodded or at least shrugged, accepting the new recruit.
     "Yay!" Toga shouted. She immediately went on her phone again to text Killua, telling him that she has a place to stay at. Now all the needed was a plan.
It's late again, I'm honestly really stumped here, I know what I want to happen next, but I just can't write it all out you know? I'm also just more interested in writing my other story at the moment. Schoolwork has kept me busy and also my family just got a dog out of nowhere. Alright not from nowhere, he belonged to my mom's boss but she was too old to take care of him so mom brought him here. To be honest I'm not a dog person because I'm scared of most dogs. I like this one because I knew him since he was a puppy, before my slight fear of dogs became a thing. He changed so much, from attacking me, to lean against me every time I pet him. He needs a lot of attention too. It's hard to take care of a pet, especially one you didn't really want in the first place, I'll make sure to do my bust to take care of him anyway.
Edit: Yo, forgot to add a photo. This is Alluka before the hair cut.

 This is Alluka before the hair cut

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Very proud by how this came out.

Villains Heroes A New World Hxh and MHA crossover (old version)Where stories live. Discover now