Chapter 7

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      Gon was trying to pack his things, toast bread, and trying to escape Aizawa from styling his hair down.
     "Noooo, stay away from my hair!" Gon yelled behind the couch. Gon held his hair down in protection, as his eyes were squeezed tight. Aizawa used this advantage, he leaped towards Gon, but the slippery boy managed to roll his way out of the man's clenches. Aizawa landed onto the couch seat grumbling to himself. After a few minutes of chasing around, Gon trips over the small coffee table in the middle of the living room.
     "Gon, let me style your hair!" Aizawa grabbed the boy's foot that was over the small coffee table.
     "Nooooo!" Gon whined as the older dragged him to the bathroom.
      "You're going to make us both late again!" Aizawa explained. Once he finally gets Gon inside the bathroom, the pro hero wraps his scarf around the boy and keeps him still.
     "Why does my hair need to be down?" Gon asked he was clearly annoyed that he couldn't have his hair the way he wanted it to be.
      "If you're going to put my hair down, at least let me wear my boots!" Gon squirmed around as Aizawa began to put the gel in his hair. After thinking about what Gon had proposed, he lifted his hands from the boy's hair.
     "You know what, fine, have your hair the way you want it to be. Whatever you do though, don't wear the green boots to school," Aizawa lifted his fingers off the boy's hair and washed his hands. Gon smiled brightly, combing his hair to take the gel off. His smile flattered when he realized he couldn't wear his favorite green boots.
      "This world is too judgy..," Gon said to himself, getting the rest of the scarf off and entering the living room. The boy grabbed his backpack, went to the television, and was about to turn it off.
     "Breaking news, today in Musutafu city there was a villain attack near Aldera Junior High. It was reported that a blonde teen was taken hostage by a green slime villain. The villain's objective was to control the blonde teenager," the female reporter explained.
    "That blonde kid looks familiar," Gon said pointing at the television and pausing it. Aizawa walked up to the television, took a closer look, and scratched his chin.
     "Never saw him in my life," he says. Gon pouts and pressed slightly harder onto the screen.
     "I think that's Kacchan from my middle school, I mean junior high," Gon explains. Aizawa just nods and looks at the time.
     "We do have enough time to watch the news if you want," Aizawa explained. Gon sniffed the air and his eyes widened in realization.
     "MY TOAST!" Gon sprinted to the toaster and took his burnt toast out. Pouting, Gon decided to eat it anyway. Making his way back to the living room, Aizawa was already sitting down on the couch. Gon sat next to him and they unpaused the news.
     A few minutes into the news, Gon saw a familiar tuff of white hair in the background. Before Gon could take a closer look Aizawa interrupted his focus.
     "It's time to go." He said turning the TV off. Gon pouted, but followed the older man out the door. Hopefully they weren't going to be late again.
     Gon walked the halls of Aldera Junior High school. He managed to get to school a couple minutes until the bell rang, so Gon decided to explore.
     He walked inside a room labeled, 'Club Sign Ups. Open 8:00 - 3:30.' There seemed to already be a handful of people crowding at different desks. Gon looked at all the interesting clubs that the school has. Gon stopped in front of an All Might themed desk.
      "Hey, new kid! Wanna join our club?" A boy with short brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles cheeks asked. Gon raised his brow and looked at the All Might cut out.
     "Um, what's it about?" Gon scratched the back of his head. The other boy pointed to the sign taped to the desk.
      "Isn't it obvious? It's an All Might fan club. Everyone is welcomed, except Deku," he explains. Gon's eyebrows knit together in anger.
     "I'm not joining," Gon says, turning around and leaving the club room. Gon poked his head back into the room and checked the time before leaving again.
     "Almost time for class again," Gon sighs, walking towards his class room. School is kinda boring, he much rather go to the woods and explore. Although, because of his strange circumstances, he couldn't go anywhere, other than school, without a police officer, pro hero, or Yakumo with him. He felt like a trapped animal in a cage.
     Gon enters the class and sits down next to Bakugou again. The spiked hair teen's pride was hurt from what happened yesterday. So, as a way to replenish that pride, he decided to take out his frustration on the two quirkless losers in the class.
     "Oí, Freaks, what with the dumb hair?" Bakugou asked, throwing a paper ball at the top of his hair. The paper ball managed to land and stay on top of Gon's head. Gon pulled the piece of paper out and looked at the rude teen.
     "Oh, this is how my hair naturally looks!" Gon says cheerfully. Bakugou raised his eyebrow and threw another paper ball at him, receiving a frown from him. Gon sighs and looks up to the teacher's desk. Class still hasn't begun, so the teacher wasn't there.
      "Hey, your hair's stupid." A paper ball hits his head.
      "I bet you lied when you said you know Eraserhead." Yet another paper ball.
     "You're a quirkless nobody." Paper ball.
     "You can never be a hero without a quirk." Paper ball.
     "You should quit on your dreams." Paper ball. 'Seriously, how much paper does he have?' Gon thought. Gon grabbed all the paper balls and started uncrumbling them. The next paper ball thrown at him wasn't only one, it was quite a bit. Other students seemed to join in and threw paper balls at Gon and even Deku once he entered the class. Gon let out a screech of fear seeing all the paper thrown at him.
     "Come on guys, you should all stop wasting paper. It's like you all don't care how many trees were chopped down to make them," Gon says. Whenever a paper ball was thrown at Gon, he caught them and uncrumbled them. Gon tried his best to straighten them up and piled them neatly. Taking a minute to process what Gon has said, everyone stopped throwing the paper balls and picked them back up. Some students went to Gon's desk to grab some paper.
     "Alright everyone, class begins in a min-," the teacher pauses at the fully opened door, seeing students grabbing paper balls off the floor and desks.
     "I'm not even going to question it," the teacher walks to the front desk and grabs a piece of chalk. The bell rang signaling that class has begun.
     It's been a few months and Gon has noticed something strange about Midoriya. Gon never saw Midoriya as a work out kinda guy, but here we are, Gon going on a jog with Yakumo and watching the other green haired boy clean the beach.
     "Hey, Izuku!" Gon yelled and waved from his spot. Midoriya looked his way and waved back. Gon talked to Yakumo for a moment before he came skidding down the beach's edge.
     "What are you up too?" Gon asked, he looked around the beach disappointed by the amount of trash. 'This world really is different,' Gon thought. He looked down where the ocean meets the breach.
     "Oh I'm cleaning the beach up as a part of my training," Midoriya explained, moving a wheel to the truck. Gon nodded, his focus still on the water. Midoriya turned around and watched Gon from afar. Lowering his hand, Gon swiftly picks up a trapped bird. Midoriya and Yakumo gasped and ran down to where Gon was.
     "This poor creature," Gon says. Gon tried calming the bird down, so it didn't struggle when he pulled the plastic rings off it.
     "This is one of the reasons humanity sucks," Yakumo said. Midoriya nods and runs back to the truck.
     "Wait, I think there's a pair of wire cutters in the truck." Once Midoriya rummages through the trash and finds the wire cutter, he rushes back to Gon. Gon had managed to calm the bird down. Handing him the cutter, Gon got to work on freeing the bird. Once the bird was released, Gon checked for any injuries, thankfully there was none.
     "There you go little fella, you can go home now," placing the bird back to the sand, Gon stood up. The bird spread its wings and shook the cold water off. The bird flew away after a few moments.
     "Now that's what you call a hero," Yakumo says, "Sometimes it's not about the quirk, fame, or money. It's about helping the world in any way possible. Either that means helping an old lady cross the street or freeing a bird from garbage." The two teens nodded in agreement. Midoriya thought about it, maybe Gon does have the potential to become a hero without a quirk. To Midoriya, he was more than qualified in his mind.
    "Oh right, why are you training here?" Gon asked. Midoriya flushed and muttered out his answer. Both Yakumo and Gon didn't understand.
     After refusing their help to help him clean the beach, Gon and Yakumo left. All Might walked passed the two, waving. He walked down to Midoriya and looked at his process.
     "Great job young Midoriya," All Might smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Midoriya nodded, going back to his work. Izuku noticed a brown cloth was left where Yakumo had been. 'He most have dropped this, I'll give it to him later.'
     "Any Idea how to contact this Killua guy?" Midoriya asked.
     "Nope, it's like he doesn't even exist. He got to find him for the sake of his safety," All Might explained.
This chapter is a bit short then usual, but I bet you all don't mind. Now Gon's life isn't that interesting yet, at least not until he gets to UA high school. Like I said previously, I'm winging most of this story. Now, whatever could have happened with Killua? Find out in the next chapter. (This chapter is brought to you by a 2 month, plus five days, in story timeskip. (Gon went to school at may 9 and now it's on July 14) HopeI got the Japanese school schedule right).

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