Chapter 10

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     Killua leans over the drawing of himself and looks at it.
"WHAT THE F-," Killua's sentence was cut off. His eyes where wide and his jaw had the potential to hit the floor.
"Please, no cursing sir!" The lady at the counter yelled. Killua mumbled a sorry before grabbing the drawing and inspecting it.
"So, do you know what this is," Aizawa says, pointing at the drawing. Killua rolled his eyes.
"It's obviously a fake drawing of me," Killua said, he was panicking mentally, but thanks to his years of assassin training, he was able to keep a straight face.
"Are you sure about that? Last I checked, a detective drew this," Aizawa lied through his teeth. He wasn't about to say that Gon was the one who drew this. Who knows what this teen would do to his so-, to Gon.
"It's not what it looks like, really, I would never do this!" Killua pointed at the drawing and held it up to the man. The young boy was buying it and had thought a witness had told a detective about the scene. He knew most detectives would draw a crime scene or the person that committed the crime when given enough information.
"You better tell me right now who you are," Aizawa said, he noticed the boy was too calm earlier, then he started panicing quickly. He was really hoping that this drawing was a missunderstanding and that this boy was innocent.
"I'm Killua Zoldyak," Killua calmed his nerves and looked at the man in front of him. People were surrounding the pro hero and teen. Their minds filled with questions on what was happening. A child near by spotted the drawing on the table and pointed at it.
"Look!" The boy said pointing at the paper. Killua's eyes widened at the boy as other people tried to take a look at the paper. Swiftly, Aizawa took the paper off the table and stood up.
"Let's talk somewhere a little more private," Aizawa says. Instead of heading to the door, the pro hero quickly orders a coffee and two cupcakes to go. Killua following behind.
"Can we at least wait for my chocolate cake to arrive," Killua irritatingly said, once again he spent all his money on sweets. The man thought for a bit and nodded. Once they got their stuff, they started to walk to a police station.
Once they enter the station, Killua caught sight of black, spikey hair. Killua's eyes shined with hope, taking a closer look, he realized it was just a delinquent with a spray can in his hands.
Killua frowned and looked down at the ground, hands in his pockets, and bag hanging off his arms. He continues to follow the man into a small room. As much as killua wanted to walk away, he couldn't because he didn't want police and heroes following him around.
"Take a seat," Aizawa says. Killua sat on the wooden chair and looked at the man across the table, which was also wooden.
"Alright Zoldyak, can you tell me what your parents' phone number is?" Aizawa says, pulling out a notepad from no where. Killua thought of a way to respond. If he acted too calmly then the hero would become suspicious.
"I don't have their number," Killua says, technically it was true. He only has Illumi's and Milluki's phone number. Mainly to ignore it when they call. Aizawa wrote this down.
"Well, do you have an adult that can meet us here?" Aizawa asked. If this teen was a villain in someway at this age, then it mostly means that one of his family members, or someone he knows is also a villain.
"No," Killua responded.
"How come?" Aizawa raised his eyebrow. The question that Killua hoped he wouldn't say, but knew it was going to happen anyway. After thinking for a moment Killua decided to tell half the truth, well mostly half.
"Well, you see me and my sister ran away from my family. They where part time villains and wanted me to follow in their footsteps. Not wanting to be a villain, I took my little sister with me and ran away. I contacted a friend of mine if they could pay the rent for our house. At lest until we have the money to pay ourselves," Killua explained.
"I see," Aizawa says, believing his words. It was actually quite common in other countries for children from villain families to run away. He wrote that down and looked at the male.
"By the way the drawing wasn't made by a detective," Aizawa says, standing up. Killua looked at the man shocked and reliefed. Although, wondering who would draw him like that? Maybe one of his friends from home, but that's not possible. He'll ask Alluka later.
"I'm not telling you who drew this by the way. Also, what is your opinion in becoming a hero?" Aizawa stood at the door way and looked at the teen.
Killua was pondering in thought. He was making his way to the League Of Villain's base. Shigaraki had called Killua for a mission. 'Maybe, I'll ask Kurogiri about what he thinks? What if I get double the pay for giving them hero intel? Wait, I don't want trouble to rise. I do plan to be here for a long time, at least until I'm ready to go home,' Killua thought.
Killua had made it to the building and entered. Once he did he could here shouting and glass breaking onto the floor.
"What the hell is going on?" Killua jogged up the stairs towards the noise. As soon as he arrived at the second floor of the building, a glass bottle was thrown at him. Killua caught the bottle with his right hand and raised a brow at the man child.
"NOOO, THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" Shigaraki yelled, he was now currently trying to flip the couch.
"What's going on?" Killua asked, walking next to Kurogiri. Kurogiri was sweeping the glass into his portal so it would land in the trash.
"His favorite anime had ended," Kurogiri explained, grabbing the bottle from Killua's hand. Killua ohed and sat on the bar chair, watching the man child throw a tantrum. Soon enough, Shigaraki calmed down and dusted himself, careful that all five fingers don't touch his clothes.
"Well, I see you have arrived late," Shigaraki said.
"Yeah sorry about that," Killua said. Shigaraki sat on the chair next to Killua and looked him dead in the eyes.
"I hate it when people are late," Shigaraki grind his teeth and slammed his fist on the table. Killua just rolled his eyes, looking at the couch that wasn't flipped.
"When did you guys get a couch in here?" Killua raised his brow.
"Oh, we temporarily moved it up here so we can clean down stairs easily," Kurogiri explained. Killua once again ohed and put his focus back on the furious Shigaraki.
"Don't change the topic," Shigaraki hissed at Killua. 'Man child.'
"Sorry, sorry, it wasn't my fault some hero walked up to me and took me to an interrogation room," Killua put his hand to his chest, pretending to be hurt. Shigaraki's eyes went wide at his statement.
"Did the hero figure out who you are?" Shigaraki asked. Killua shook his head.
"No, but he is suspicious," Killua trailed off for a bit before stating, "He did ask if I was interested in being a hero." Shigaraki's smile grew under his father's hand. An evil plan was being calculated in his mind. Killua didn't like the look of that.
"Alright Tric, I want you to happily accept and give us info about the heroes. In return you'll get double the pay," Shigaraki smiled, saying Killua's new villain name. Killua pondered for a while.
"It would be fun," Killua put a finger to his chin, "Yeah I'll accept what the hero said."
"Okay, now back to what I sent you here for," Shigaraki was explaining about the mission. Killua had to steal a drive from a journalist. The drive contains information about possible villains they can recruit and villains they'll need to eliminate.
It was around 3 o'clock in the morning when Killua arrived to the building. He wore his villain costume, which was just a black hoodie, mask, and black pants. He activated In and started stalking around the outside area. Carefully watching out for any cameras and destroying any he sees, Killua made his way behind the building and destroyed the power box.
Killua charged his electricity, since it's been a while, then he waited for the building's power to shut of completely. Once the building was completely dark, killua jumped up to the third level window and opened it slowly. He looked around and searched for the office named James. Guessing by his name, James seemed to be from another country, and had probably moved here to work.
Still lingering in the halls of the building, Killua spotted Jame's door. He opened the door up, and saw James himself was sleeping on the desk. 'Does this dude ever go home?' Killua thought. Jame's laptop was open and attached to it was a drive. Silently, Killua made his way to the side of James.
He looked at the screen and noticed it was the file on the drive we was supposed to take. Killua gently pulled the drive out of the laptop and backed away slowly. 'Walk in the park,' Killua thought, tossing the small device in his hand up and down. Killua exited the way he came in and closed the window before gracefully jumping down to the floor.
It's been a week since Killua had agreed on the pro hero's offer. The pro hero handed Killua papers to sign up. Aizawa was hoping that Killua would be placed in class B or in any other class, except the class Gon was going to be in. If they did end up in the same class Aizawa would keep an eye on them as best as he could.
It was summer break, Killua was filling out the forms, and Alluka was begging Killua if she could go to school too. Killua was refusing to let her go, on the count of Nanika's powers. After more begging and a promise that Alluka would have Nanika asleep during classes, Killua finally agreed and searched for a school. The summer was spent with the two learning how to write, working at their jobs, studying, and exercising together. Shigaraki was making big plans and Killua was somewhat there to support him, somewhat.
Alright everyone, it's almost time for school at UA to begin! What do you think about Killua going to UA? Also, I have no idea what the practice fights will look like, so if you know who should go against who, tell me. I just want the Bakugou and Izuku one the same though. I realized while writing this chapter that I have been spelled least wrong for a while now. Anyway enjoy! Oh and I'm updating on Wednesdays and Mondays now!
Credit time!
CRIMSONgoldROSE For suggesting Tric for Killua's villain name (suddenly realizing that I need to come up with hero names...). Their exact explanation for this *clears throat*, "Killua should be called Tric (electricity and because he doesn't really trust anyone)" I'm deciding not to change Alluka's name because I like the name Two Face (wait that's what I called her right?)

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