Chapter 39

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Killua and Gon were filled with a sense of adrenaline. Most of the city was on fire, people screamed as they evacuated, and large beasts roared on the streets. Gon was about to punch one of the Nomus but was instructed to help with the evacuation. Sadly, the boy followed the Pro Hero's orders with Killua doing the same.
     "I wanna fight!" Gon whined, walking down the destroyed streets.
     "Yeah, it's such a letdown. All because we're internets," Killua said, hand in his pockets. Killua directed the crowd to where they needed to go. Gon, on the other hand, went patrolling the area, making sure no one was under any rubble. Killua was slapped in the face by an old lady because Killua just got that treatment from ladies. Gon found a child under a broken wall. Thanks to the car in front of him the wall didn't fully crush him.
     "Are you okay?" Gon asked, looking under the wall and at the small child. The kid only cried, hiccuping every so often. Gon took a closer look and saw his legs were cut from the glass of the car.
     "It's alright, I'll get you out of there! Just take deep breaths and try to calm down. By the way, the name's Hunter Beast," Gon explained, standing up and examining the broken wall. There was another wall right on top, it was a miracle that the little boy didn't get crushed.
     Gon got to work, he walked over to the second wall and lifted it up and moved it to the side. Then he proceeded to lift the other one.
     "Do you think you can crawl?" Gon asked. The kid shook his head, he was curled up on the floor. Gon sighed, going under the wall by crushing. He held it up so it would fall on both of them. He inched slowly at the kid, then when he got to him, Gon pressed a little button on his wrist. A static noise filled the air before a voice began to speak.
     "Hello?" the voice asked.
     "Hey Hunter Electric, I kinda need your help. I'm currently under a broken wall with a kid that's unable to move. I'm holding the wall up so it doesn't crush us," Gon explained, placing his hand back up to support the wall. He was saddened he needed to hold back his power because if he didn't, he wouldn't need to ask Killua for help.
     "Alright on my way," Killua said, deactivating the signal. Both Gon and Killua added small walkie talkies to their costumes so they can communicate with each other. Gon actives it by pressing a button on his watch, while Killua just uses his electricity. Killua got the idea from Kaminari's device.
     "Everything is alright! Soon my friend will be here and we can get out of this mess. Hey, I'll even buy you ice cream if you want!" Gon said, smiling wide and trying his best to calm the kid. The boy looked up at Gon, his breathing went steady and he was no longer shaking. The boy quickly nodded at the word ice cream. Gon's soft laughter rang in his ears, the boy was at peace, and they chatted for a bit.
     "Hey Beast," Killua said, peeking under the wall.
     "Electric! Perfect timing, grab the kid," Gon explained. Killua nodded and began to crawl under the wall, he grabbed the kid and went into a crushing position. Killua began to exit the area and when he left Gon went out too.
     "You were so brave! Great job keeping calm!" Gon cheered. The boy smiled and the trio began to look for someone who can watch the kid.
     "WATCH OUT!" A lady screamed, pointing behind the boys. They all turn around and their eyes grew wide. A Nomu was headed towards them.
     "Quick, get the kid to safety!" Gon yelled, pushing Killua out of the way. Killua took a few steps back, while Gon was punched on his side and flung to the other side of the street. The Nomu went to follow him.
     "GON!" Killua shouted, he was about to run towards him until he remembered the boy in his arms.
     "Hey lady, hold onto him will you?" Killua said, walking forward, and dumping the kid in her hands. Killua began to run forward, starting at his friend on the ground. The Nomu hovered above him, right arm going behind it. Gon looked up then rolled to the side after the hit.
     "AH, IT'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Gon screeched. Killua facepalmed and sneaked up behind the Nomu. 'What the hell Shigaraki, are you trying to get your head cut off?' Killua thought. Gon ran off towards a building, running up the wall before doing a backflip onto the Nomu's shoulders.
     "Take this!" Gon shouted, smashing the creature's head. The Nomu let out a distressed yell, moving everywhere to try and get the other off. Killua joined Gon, standing in front of the Nomu. Electricity escaped his hands as he shot it at the Nomu. The beast screamed once again, falling to the floor. Gon hopped off and kicked the thing's exposed brian. Killua did the same thing. Bystanders were greatly confused about why two teens were kicking the brain of a monster.
     "Hunters, what are you two doing?" Endeavour asked. Walking up to the duo.
     "Letting all our pent up frustration out," Killua replied. Gon hummed in agreement, still kicking the dead Nomu. The pro hero sighed, rubbing his forehead.
     "Just stop. Go back to helping the civilians," the man said.
     "Were is Shoto?" Gon asked.
     "He ran off somewhere. Saying one of his classmates was in trouble," Endeavor explained.
     "In trouble!?" Gon yelled, taking his phone out. He wanted to check if anyone has written a message asking for help. Killua thought for a bit before his eyes grew wide.
     "Could it be Tenya? He did say he was interviewing here. HE MUST HAVE GONE AFTER THE HERO KILLER!" Killua yelled, alerting the two males.
     "The Hero Killer Stain? You two stay here, I'll send back up!" the man ordered.
     "Midoriya sent coordinates! That must be where they are!" Gon said, showing Killua and Endeavour his phone.
     "I bet he ran off to get his revenge! Tenya let the anger take control, just like me," Gon whined. Endeavor rose his eyebrow in confusion. Killua began to explain how Tenya's older brother almost got killed and was forced into retirement. He also talked about how it seemed to affect him.
     "I see," Endeavour said, looking at the alleys.
     "Alright let's go, no quirks, no fighting, stay by my side," The hero ordered. Killua and Gon nodded in understanding. They all began to gather up a team of heroes to go with them. They also noticed a winged Nomu headed the way they were going to.
     "Do you think it's after our friends?!" Gon asked.
     "I don't know, let's just hope they'll still let us come even with a new threat," Killua said, eyeing the Nomu. 'Why would he do this?' Killua thought. His only wish was that his sister canceled her plans to meet with Stain today.
     Alluka couldn't stand the sight of the creatures destroying the city anymore, so she began her search for Stain.
     "I wonder what we'll do first?" Alluka thought, placing her finger on her white mask.
     'I love Stain,' Nanika said, happily willing to search for the man.
     "He's the best," Alluka said with pride. For some reason, Alluka had a bad feeling about this. The world seemed dim and although there were noises in the alleyway, the world seemed to go mute. Alluka gasped at the sight of Stain getting kicked, punched, and then burned. Her face grew pale as the man fell limp on the floor. Everything in her world turned black and she could only see the mangled body.
     "S-Stain?" Alluka chocked out, her voice is hoarse and throat dry. She held back a scream, but she couldn't hold back the tears. Clear liquid slipped down her cheeks and off her face. Luckily for her, the look of distraught was covered by her mask. It took a while for her to fully process what had happened and Nanika seemed to already figure it out.
     Nanika screamed. She began to scream louder, crying, and more screaming. Alluka couldn't hold it in anymore, she began to cry and scream too. She hiccuped and she rubbed her eyes from under the mask. Some she cared about could potentially be dead.
     "STAIN!" Alluka screamed, catching the attention of the three UA students and the singular hero at the back. Her eyes were red, her nose began to run, and she fell to her knees.
     "Alluka?!" Midoriya yelled, rushing over to her. Just as he exited the alleyway, a winged Nomu began to pick up the boy. This gave more despair to the girl, watching her other friend fly off.
     "Ah, help, HELP!" Midoriya screamed, trying to wiggle free from the beast. The Nomu dug its claws into the boy's stomach, causing him to slightly bleed. A group of Heros quickly made their way over here. They noticed the boy being taken away and a masked female crying on the streets.
     "Alluka!" Killua yelled, dashing to his sister's side.
     "What's wrong?" Killua asked, holding onto her tightly.
     "Stain," Alluka weakly whispered with huge tears rolling down her face. We gently lifted her arm and pointed to the alley. When Killua turned back and only saw his classmates and a hero.
     "The word hero has lost all meaning in this society. The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you, who chance petty dreams!" All of a sudden the Nomu screamed, falling to the floor with Midoriya.
     "You must all be purged." There stood a weak Stain, with his burnt and mangled body, hovering over the beast. Everyone froze up, everyone but Killua and Gon.
     "Everything I do is to create a better society," he said, slowly getting up. Alluka was very glad he was okay, but she feared that this will be the last time she'll see him. 'If that's the case, I'll do everything I can do to make his dreams a reality,' Alluka thought as she looked down at her hands.
     "Excuse me, Stain? What do you mean by a better society?" Gon asked. Killua wanted to facepalm. Everyone was shocked Gon was moving freely like he didn't feel the bloodlust at all, to which he didn't. The Hero Killer slowly turned around looking at Gon, face mask falling off. He then caught sight of the saddened Alluka in the corner of his eye, and who he presumed was her brother next to her.
     "The world is filled with fake heroes, I shall purge the world from them," Stain explained.
     "What counts as a fake hero? I mean if the person helps another person, does that make them a hero, or do they need to save multiple people to be considered one?" Gon asked, genuinely confused by the topic. This time everyone wanted to facepalm. Just as Stain was about to speak, he saw Endeavor walking up to them. When the Pro caught sight of him, he began to prepare his attack. Alluka's eyes widen and she tried to stand up. Killua held her in place though, not wanting her to get injured.
     "Stain," Endeavor spat out like venom, if he were to say his name again, he'll surely kill the other. The hero arched his arm back, Alluka tried interfering but Gran Torino beat her to it.
     "Wait Todoroki!" he yelled, looking over at Midoriya who was finally free from Killer's grasp. Endeavor looked at the boy and lowered his hand, making the flames disappear.
     "You false hero," Stain hoarsely said, more bloodlust releasing from him.
     "I'll make it right," He said, inching closer to Endeavour. The hero froze in place, unable to move.
     "Using the blood of hypocrites, I'll reclaim the title Hero," He said. Gon grew bored, he didn't know why anyone wasn't doing anything but backing away. Should he do something? He talked about how the only person who will kill him will be All Might and how he was worthy.
     Gon walked up to the killer, standing in front of him.
     "Are you okay?" Gon asked, pointing at all his injuries. Just as Gon said that, the villain froze, bloodlust ceasing to exist. Alluka's eyes teared up again after getting herself calmed down.
     "No, STAIN!" Alluka cried, running to his side. Killua tried to stop her but she pushed him away. The girl engulfed the villain with a hug, not wanting to let go. She buried her face into his chest, making the mask slip a bit.
     "Stain," Alluka whispered, unable to say anything more.
     "Get out of the way, we need to arrest him!" one of the heroes said. Alluka shook her head violently, holding onto the man more.
     "No, no, I won't let you take him." the heroes didn't know what to do, the girl wouldn't let go. Endeavor walked up to the girl, harshly yanking her away from the man. Killua narrowed his eyes, glaring at the man. Gon was also watching him carefully.
     "If you are this upset about this, you must be one of Stain's followers. In that case, we'll have to keep watch over you," He said, tightly holding the girl's wrist and making her a few inches off the floor.
     "No, let go! Let go!" Alluka shouted, trying to escape. Gon seriously felt like punching the hero. Killua was just about to do that, but his friend stopped him.
     "He's not worthy," Gon simply said. The police came by and Stain was taken into a car, Alluka was forced into one.
     "Stop! Let go! ONII-CHAN!" Alluka screeched, kicking the police. Killua and Gon were trying to grab the girl but they were being held back by the other heroes and police.
     "Geez, he's strong," The female hero said, grabbing Killua's arm tightly.
     "So is this one." They were both pushed to the ground and held still.
     "LET GO OF THEM!" Killua yelled. The heroes we're confused as to why he said them instead of she, but the students already knew why. Killua wasn't losing just one sister.
     "Let go!" Gon whined trying to get away from his restrainers. Their classmates watched in horror. 'Alluka and Nanika are followers of Stain?' they all thought.
     In the distance, Shigaraki was scratching his neck, he had no clue what to do.
     "We should save her, Killua will kill us if we don't, but is it the right time? Maybe she's safer under watch then with us? UGH, this unpredictable event changed the whole game!" Shigaraki whined. Kurogiri was thinking about getting her free, but he didn't know where to put her. If they were to get her away from the police, they would need to hide her.
     "We should wait," Kurogiri explained looking at the distressed Killua.
     "Huh?" Shigaraki said, looking at Kurogiri like he was crazy.
     "We should wait. At least until we can find her a safe place to hide," The man said.
     "Alright, I get what you're talking about. So, should we follow the police?" Shigaraki asked.
     "Yes, and we should send Toga to do it. Her quirk would be rather helpful for this task," The man explained. Shigaraki nodded, taking his phone out, and texting Killua the plan.
     Killua was on the couch, crying very loudly. Gon gently rubbed his back, feeling the same sorrow from the event.
     "They're gone, they're gone again!" Killua cried, head on Gon's shoulder.
     "We'll get them back, don't worry. Just like Shigaraki said, we just need a safe place for them to hide, then we can take them back!" Gon explained, trying to cheer up his friend. Killua only continued to cry.
     Kurapika stood at the top of the staircase, looking down at the boys.
     'This is the perfect time to strike.' Illumi said to Kurapika. The blond male walked down the stairs and to the front door.
     "I have some business to attend to, I'll be back in a few days," Kurapika said, shutting the door behind him.
Yay! We got to the part I've been wanting to write for the longest time! What do you think will happen with Alluka and Nanika? Hehe... Also, Illumi is on the move. If you didn't notice, I've changed the up the events of the Huso attack. School has begun and that means I'll have lots of work to do before I can write. I'll try my best to finish the chapters on time! I handled writing two chapters a week during school, so I can handle this. Anyways, enjoy the book bye!

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