Chapter 16

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"First test is the 50 meter dash meter," Aizawa says, leading them there.
"You'll be timed by this machine right here and like I say earlier, please use your quirk, if it benefits you. Don't use it if it'll hold you back," Aizawa explained. Bakugo chuckled and glared at Gon and Izuku. The two teens sweat dropped and shook in place. Killua noticed his friend's change in behavior and glared right back at Bakugo.
In Bakugo's eyes Gon had been his rival during these tests, but now that they're allowed to use their quirks, he knows he'll dominant the testing field. He won't even need to think of the extra getting in his way anymore.
"Iida, Tsuyu, you two are up first," Aizawa motioned for the two to get to the starting line. Iida stretched, readying himself, and into his runner pose. Tsuyu's stomach was inches away from the floor, she had dropped into a frog like pose, ready to leap into the air, and finish as fast as possible.
"Three, two, one, go!" Aizawa shouted. Iida made his way across the 50 meters quickly, followed by Tsuyu.
"3.04 seconds!" The timer machine said out loud once Iida made it across.
"5.58 seconds." This time Tsuyu made it across. While students continued to take their turn, Killua was figuring out how fast he should go. Normally he could complete this in one point eighteen seconds. Although, his 'quirk' doesn't increase his speed much, it allows himself to run at full speed without getting tired. Although, that wouldn't be useful for this exercise. Pondering for a bit longer, Killua decided that over one second lower then Iida should be enough. He wondered if Gon was thinking the same thing. Although, the two can run at the same speed, Killua was a bit faster.
"Killua and Midoriya, you two are up," Aizawa explains. Killua made his way over to the starting line, hands behind his head. Midoriya was walking over like a stickman, extremely nervous, and slightly confused on what to do.
"Hey, aren't you the kid with All Might?" Killua whispered. Izuku, stood frozen and looked at Killua. He recognizes him from that one day. Izuku nodded slowly, turning his focus ahead.
"Alright, three, two, one, go!" Killua started running to the other side, counting the seconds in his mind, and hands in his pockets. Killua used a bit of electricity at the bottom of his feet to make it seem like his quirk was making him faster, which did not. This felt like a jog or speed walk to him. Izuku on the hand was far behind, trying to catch up.
"4.15 seconds," the machine spoke. Killua smiled, the perfect time.
"7.02 seconds," the machine said. Izuku has trying to catch his breath and looked at Killua. His eyes sparkled, ready to ask him many questions about his quirk, he was interrupted by Aizawa calling out the next group.
"Hey Killua, how come you don't look so tired?" A guy with spikey red hair asked. Killua looked at him and shrugged.
"I got a lot of stamina, just because I run fast, doesn't mean I use it all up you know," Killua explains, walking next to the teen.
"Ooh, I guess that makes sense. That means you run a lot don't ya?" The red haired teen smiled.
"Yeah, I do," Killua smiled slightly. Gon was a few feet away from Killua and for some odd reason felt hatred towards the red haired teen. He wanted to chat with Killua.
"The name's Kirishima by the way," Kirishima held his hand out and Killua accepted, shaking his hand. Gon was glaring at Kirishima's hand and was getting upset. Aizawa noticed this.
"Gon, Bakugo, you're up," Aizawa said. 'Hopefully this will distract him,' Aizawa thought. Bakugo grinned, ready to crush his opponent.
"You better cover your face before my dust hits you!" Bakugo explained. Gon raised his brow and thought what speed he should go. Not knowing what to do, he glances at Aizawa.
The teacher looks at Gon and whispered out, "Go slightly behind." Gon turned his head back to the finish line, understanding what Aizawa whispered.
"Three, two, one, go!" Bakugo immediately blasts off, leaving a trail of smoke and dust behind. This didn't bother Gon at all and continued to run just slightly behind him.
"4.13 seconds, 4.34 seconds." Bakugo turned around, facing Gon.
"That shouldn't be possible, your score was 5.59 seconds last year! You can't possibly improve by that much!" Bakugo yelled. Gon sweated and looked side to side.
"Well I just go on a lot of runs you know?" Gon scratched the back of his head. Bakugo continued growling out at Gon.
"A fellow runner, just like us!" Kirishima yelled out, putting his arm around Killua's shoulders. Killua rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. Gon frowned, feeling a weird emotion inside him. Noticing this, Aizawa told the class to quite down. He than began to talk about the next test.
"Alright everyone, finale test, throwing," Aizawa explained, "Just like Bakugo demonstrated earlier, you'll be throwing this ball as far as you can using your quirk. Uraraka your up first." Uraraka nodded and walked off to grab the ball. Getting into a throwing position, she actives her quirk once she throws it. It flys off, far, far, far, far away.
"Infinite," Aizawa says plainly.
"INFINITY?!" The students shouted. Izuku and Gon felt crushed under the new expectation of how far they expect them to throw. Killua on the other hand, was getting curious. He had been using Gyo as he watched his classmates use their quirks. Only a few closely resembles nen, like Bakugo's explosions, Yaoyorozu's creation, Mina's acid, and that was about it. They just remind him of transmitter and conjurer types.
"Killua get a new ball from the shed over there," Aizawa demanded. Killua signs, walking over to the shed. As he passes Gon, he smiles at him, and continues walking off. Gon slightly blushes, watching Killua walk off.
"Oooo, do you like him?" Uraraka whispered next to him. Gon jumped in surprise and looked at the browned haired teen.
"N-no!" Gon stuttered out.
"Sure~," Uraraka sang. She then continued blabbing on about how great he and everyone else were doing. Gon talked about who he thinks will top first place in the tests.
"My bet is that Momo over there, gets first place!" Gon smiled.
"One, don't use first names unless you got permission. Two, well I think Bakugo there will win! I mean, 705.2 meters! Come on who can compete!" Uraraka tried explaining, completely forgetting she got infinity distance.
"Uraraka, you got infinite," Gon explained, clapping his hands together and pointing them at her. Uraraka let out a nervous laugh and went to bother Izuku. By now Killua had returned with two new balls, one just in case.
"Here you go tech," Killua gave him the balls.
"Thanks," Aizawa forced out. The two glared at each other.
"You think they have some mysterious past with each other bro?" Kirishima asked Gon.
"Um, maybe?" Gon questioned. He was confused when the spiked teen got here. Somewhere at a close distance was the Pro Hero All Might. He was keeping an eye on Midoriya and Killua. He was thinking of talking about his cuts later this day, after talking to Midoriya.
The tests where over and everyone was waiting to see the scores. Aizawa set up a small projector and showed them the scores. In fist place was Momo Yaoyorozu, followed by Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, and Killua Zoldyck. In seventh place was Gon Freecss. Last place was taken by Izuku Midoriya.
Midoriya felt his world ending, he was going to be expelled. Gon and a few others pitied him, while others didn't care or, if your a certain someone, are glad. Killua was busy thinking, he noticed how Midoriya's Quirk is similar to All Might's. Bakugo was getting seriously pissed off about how Midoriya used a quirk at all.
"I lied about expelling someone. That was a rational deception meant to bring out your best," Aizawa smiled widely. Most students were creeped out by his smile.
"Now get going, back at class you'll get documents about the curriculum. Killua, please stay for a bit," Aizawa explained. Everyone left the area, except Killua, and a hesitating Gon. Aizawa eyes Gon in confusion and sighed.
"I see you two know each other," Aizawa said. Gon and Killua nodded.
"Well, Gon, I guess you can stay here. You have to listen to this too," Aizawa explained. All Might, who was still hiding behind the building, listened to their conversation. Killua noticed his aura and his eyes staring mainly at him.
"I don't trust you," Aizawa pointed at Killua, "the drawing Gon made of you, portrayed violent behavior. So, unless someone clears it up, I'm going to think you're a villain. Especially after that thing you did yesterday and because I think your a villain, I'm not going to allow you to be near Gon unless needed to." Killua puffer his cheeks in annoyance and turned his head away. Gon frowned and looked at his feet. Aizawa grabbed Gon's wrist and pulled the teen behind him.
"Aizawa, Aizawa, calm down," All Might said. He walked over nervously, moving his hands up and down in front of him.
"I see, you where watching the class," Aizawa looked at the older man in the eye.
"Yeah, I have. Now what's this and Killua being a villain?" All Might asked. He placed his hands on Killua's shoulders and brought him safely to him.
"Gon here drew a drawing of Killua ripping someone's heart out," Aizawa explained.
"Aizawa that's just a drawing. Kids got wild imaginations," he stated.
"Well, Killua also got a hold of villain broker Grian!" Aizawa shouted irritated. Killua glared at Gon, this all happened because of a drawing. Gon sweated nervously, looking back at him.
"He's just misunderstood! After everything his family did to him, he's going to slip up sometimes, but with enough patience and help, he can be a good person." All Might tried to reason with the other pro hero. Killua shivered at the word family, bringing up bad memories.
"He doesn't even care about other people, unless they benefit him!" Aizawa argued. A few student started walking by, noticing the heated conversation. They where going to stay, but was chased off by Killua's glare. Gon was confused about what was happening. He looked at Killua and he shrugged, signaling he had no clue too.
"Aizawa, you have to understand the things this boy went through, made him take a wrong path, but it's not to late to change it. He's not a villain."
"If he's not a Villain then explain to me why he killed an innocent person."
"W-what?" All Might raised his brow. Gon was taking in everything and one he understood what he just heard, he glared at Killua. Killua whistled and looked away.
"The boy, he killed an innocent person. The person was a child, no more then the age seven. He just happened to walk by at the wrong place, at the wrong time," Aizawa's hold on Gon's wrist, tightened. All Might frowned, not one of anger, but one of sadness and pity. Gon, was now glaring daggers at Killua, wishing to punch him for his stupid act.
"I had to explain to the parents what had happened. There was a whole argument about bringing him to the police. I had to convince the police to let him go and tell them that UA will watch over him. They agreed to proposal and decided not to bring it up on the news or internet. After that, the boy started attacking me in rage, I was forced to attack him back. Soon after, Killua ran off," Aizawa explained, looking down at the floor. All Might was speechless, his grip on the white haired teen losen.
"Is this true?" All Might asked.
"Yes," Killua flatly said. All Might sighed and then engulfed the teen in a hug.
"Please, don't ever do that again. I want to help you, I can't do that if you get your self in prison," All Might explained. Aizawa continued glaring at Killua, before turning around and taking Gon with him.
"W-wait! I wanna talk to Killua," Gon said, trying to get out of the hero'a grip. Aizawa didn't respond and continued walking off with him. Killua frowned seeing his friend taken away from him. He was extremely upset that he won't be getting those Chocobots too.
It is here, this was actually fun to write. Anyway, warning next chapter is going to contain, mention of past abuse, how awful Killua's family is, except Alluka and Nanika of course, and more. Now my only problem, WHO IS AGAINST WHO AND WHO IS PAIRED WITH WHO??!! There is 22 students in class 1-A. Each is partnered with another classmate. These two students are against another pair of two. Making it four students inside the building. So long story short, there is a remaining two students. I can only think about having one 3 vs 3 match. Other then that I don't know what the teams should be. I want Izuku and Bakugo's battle to stay the same though. Also won't be writing everyone's battle. The deku vs Kacchan will likely be summarized, seeing  as we already know what happeneds, and I'll just write some reaction from Killua and Gon. Wait will this all fit on one chapter? Anyway hope you enjoy, Imma catch up to the latest MHA chapter, well just read as much as I can... I'm thinking if I should do an other Alluka in school chapter later.
PS. You'll never find out what he did with that razor two chapters ago. Unless you guess what actually happened.

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