Chapter 37

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"It can't be true, can it? I don't want to put Tric in any danger," Toga said, covering her mouth from the news she received.
"Unfortunately, it is. Shigaraki's teacher wants us to capture him and bring him to a certain person," Kurogiri explained, sadly wiping the wine glass in his hand.
"We can't do that! He's our teammate, our friend! He's worth more than money and a stupid wish! I didn't even watch him bleed!" Toga screamed. Although only she knew that if they were to give them Killua, they would take Nanika and Alluka too. Shigaraki was looking down at the table, he's mind was scrambled, and he didn't know what to say. Toga looked at the two males, who had grim expressions on their faces.
"An order is an order," Shigaraki let out, tilting his head away from the female. Toga's eyes went wide, trying to hold in her emotions.
"But, he didn't exactly say when we needed to bring him over," Shigaraki added. The two others looked at him in confusion, wondering what was on his mind.
"I think we should take our sweet time with this. Maybe if we take long enough the deal will be cut off," he explained, scratching his neck.
"Y-yeah, of course! We'll just focus on the Class 1-A student for now!" Toga declared, giving them a hopeful smile.
"Yeah," Shigaraki repeated, searching his neck more. The stress was too much for him to handle. The three of them were planning on what to do, they didn't want to give their friend up.
'He may annoy me, but he's also my gaming pal,' Shigaraki thought.
'He's the first person to dodge my knives and he isn't afraid of my bloodlust or me in general,' Toga recalled
'Tric is very amusing and fun to have around. He knows many good types of alcohol and coffees,' Kurogiri remembered.
'I don't want him to go,' They all thought, looking at the TV.
"Hunter Beast, try landing a hit on Shoto!" Endeavor yelled out. It was the second day of internships, Gon, Killua, and Todoroki were all doing training today. Killua stood to the sidelines, watching Gon lung forward with his fist out. Todoroki blocked the punch using his ice. The ice shattered and flew everywhere, but melted due to Endeavour's flames.
"Shoto, Hunter Beast, we are not using our quick during this training. I want to see how you can fight without the usage of quirks," the man explained, frowning at the two. The two teens gave a quick sorry before focusing on their sparing.
Gon used his right leg to kick Todoroki, but the teen bent down, blocking the attack. Gon than brought his foot down, although, Todoroki rolled out the way, and jumped back a few times. Gon dashed forward, chasing the boy around, but Gon was faster, so he eventually caught up and leaped right at him. The two boys skidded across the floor, Gon on top of Todoroki, who was on his stomach.
"Got you," Gon smiled, gently patting his head.
"Can you please get off me?" Todoroki asked, trying to lift himself up.
"Oh right! I'm sorry," Gon responded, getting off the other. Endeavor walked in front of the two boys, looking down at them.
"Hunter Beast, you are very quick and agile, but your punches and kicks are predictable," Endeavour pointed out, looking into the boy's eyes judgingly.
"Shoto, you clearly have a lot to learn. Although, you have quick thinking and relaxes that helped you dodge Hunter Beast's attacks. Unfortunately for you, he was faster and stronger," the man said, giving his son a very disappointed look. Todoroki frowned, clenching his fists and looking facing away.
"Will I do anything?" Killua asked, watching Gon run towards him.
"Next time, for now, I have a very important meeting to go too," Endeavor said, walking out of the room.
"You may do whatever pleases you, we'll meet again at six in the morning," he said, shutting the door. The three students stand there for a while until Gon broke the silence.
"He's really strict, other than that it's quite fun here!" Gone chirped, holding into Killua's hand. Killua blushed, paralyzed for a moment.
"Idiot, stop doing embarrassing things!" Killua shouted before puffing out his cheeks. Todoroki looked between the two, then at the ground.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled out, catching the attention of the two boys.
"For what?" Gon asked, tilting his head.
"I'm sorry for what I said back at the school festival. I didn't mean to assume you two were dating and relatives. If I had said nothing, then maybe Killua would've done a better job," Todoroki explained, recalling the horrific event. Gon frowned quite a bit, still aching from the words his friend said that day.
"I should be the one apologizing, I hurt you quite badly causing your battle to be delayed. Not to mention I've said worse things," Killua said, rubbing his left arm. Gon noticed the gesture and gripped his friend's right shoulder.
"All is forgiven," Gon said for the both of them, seeing as they didn't want to talk anymore. The two nod, facing away from each other.
"Let's get going," Gon said, leading Killua out of the building. Todoroki watched the two leave but remained where he was.
"Killua, are you sure you're okay? Aren't you able to get the needle out like before?" Gon asked, petting his friend's hair.
"I'm fine and no, I can't get it out," Killua explained, turning to his side. His head was laying on top of Gon's lap and the rest of his body was on the couch. Killua was sucking up all the attention given to him, ignoring the calls from Shigaraki and the others. The two were back at Aizawa's house because Killua was apparently under hero supervision.
"You sure there isn't away? Something to cancel it out? Maybe if you asked Shi-," Killua cut him off by turning to look at him.
"I've tried him already, it just doesn't work!" Killua whined, covering his face.
"His power his getting stronger, he can control my actions even more than before. I can't handle it anymore, I just want to be free and live a life of my own," Killua chocked out, trying to hold in his tears. Gon frowned, removing Killua's arm from his face.
"Don't cry, everything will work out, I promise," Gon whispered, brushing off Killua's tears. The boy sat up, gripping onto Gon's neck, and began to sob. Gon just continued to pat him, letting his friend let out all his feelings.
"Everything will be alright."
Alluka was extremely happy, she had baked some homemade cookies with Kurapika. She planned on giving them to her brother and friends.
"Look, I made this one look like Stainy!" Alluka chirped, showing Kurapika the blob of red, white, and black.
"Great job Alluka!" Kurapika praised, as he took out the next batch of cookies.
"Are there any Chocobots left?" Alluka asked, remembering how Gon had sold a few boxes a few days ago.
"I think they should be in the freezer," Kurapika replied, taking a cookie for himself.
"Ai!" Alluka said, opening the freezer. The two were peacefully doing their own thing, until very aggressive nocks we're heard on the front door.
"OPEN UP, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE KURAPIKA! I TRACKED YOUR PHONE DOWN!l" a gruff, loud, voice said. It was like his definition of inside voice was normal and outside voice was screaming times two. Alluka immediately smiled, dashing to the front door. Although, Kurapika was frozen, not knowing what to do.
'How did he get here? Go and see him,' the voice commanded. Kurapika gulped, taking slow steps into the living room.
"PAPAOREO!" Alluka squealed, flinging the door wide open. She was met with a tall, spikey haired figure, who snatced the girl up, and spun her around.
"Alluka, long time no see! How's Nanika?" he asked. Alluka giggled before her face turned pale and her eyes and mouth became black holes.
"Hi," Nanika greeted, enjoying the pats revived to her.
"I see you're doing well, isn't that great?" He said, bending down.
"Le-Leorio?!" Kuapaika stuttered out, stunned by the other. The man looked down at Kurapika, a serious expression on his face.
"We need to talk," he demanded, crossing his arms. Nanika looked between the two before backing up a bit and turning back to Alluka.
"This seems like a married couple problem, I'll be going," She said, turning around and leaving.
"MAKE SURE THE COOKIES ARE SAFE!" she yelled back, waving goodbye.
"Where is she going this late?" Leorio asked to himself. He turned to face Kurapika, starting straight into his eyes.
"I'm going to help you no matter what you do. I'll find a way to remove the needle without it killing you," Leorio explained using a calm voice.
"Do you hear me Illumi? NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, I'll HAVE MY FRIEND BACK!" Leorio screamed into Kurapika's ear, earning a slap to the face.
"Get out of my way," Kurapika sternly said before kicking him out of the house.
"You're not going to disrupt my plans." Kurapika's eyes were dark and emotionless.
"And if you do, I'll make your friend here kill you with his own hands." Kurapika, no, Illumi said, shutting the door.
A tall slender man was sitting on the rooftop, frowning at what was happening with his puppet. Leorio was trying to knock him out, not like it would do anything. It was a bit amusing though, he will admit that.
"I'll focus on him and I'll leave the rest to that AFO guy. I got other plans to accomplish first," the man thought out loud, grinning devilishly. He stood up, making his puppet to go on autopilot, and followed Leorio, to make sure he didn't do anything that would ruin his plans.
We're getting closer to the event, I can't wait to show you all what I have in mind! Also, things are going to get sadder, especially with that emotional attachment Alluka has with Stain, hehehe. I'm thinking I'll skip final end of the exams test, idk. If you guys can come up with something, shoot! I'm willing to try it out and if it doesn't work, I'll just skip it. Anyway, hope you all enjoy, bye!

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