Chapter 42

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     Everyone was trying to avoid Alluka, fearful that she would kill them too. Others, found more joy trying to make the girl suffer. Rumors spread around that if you fail to meet her request that you would be left for the dead. Alluka was lonely, she just wanted to live a normal life and go to school. Although, she was stuck in this prison for befriending a villain. Alluka sighed, slumping down into her thin mattress.
     "Alluka, someone is here to see you," a lady said, opening Alluka's cell door. The female tilted her head in confusion until a wide smile was plastered on her face.
     "Kay!" Alluka shouted, hopping onto her feet. 'It must be Onii-Chan! He's here to break me out!' she thought, following the lady. They walked down the cell hall and took a turn to the left into another hall. At the end of the hall was a door leading to the communication room.
     "Alright, come on in," the lady said, opening the door for her. Alluka excitedly entered the room, looking around for fluffy, silver hair. Instead, she noticed blond.
     "Kurapika?" Alluka questioned, walking towards the calling booth. Kurapika looked up at Alluka before smiling gently. He watched her take a seat and pick up the phone.
     "Hello?" Alluka asked. The male shifted the phone to his ear.
     "Hello, Alluka," Kurapika greeted with a calm voice. Although, his face said otherwise. He scanned the female, seeing bruises and her short hair.
     "Kurapika! Why did you come here?" she asked, tilting her head.
     "I'm here to see how you are doing," He explained before mumbling, "and to set you free." Alluka's eyes shined brightly before they saddened. She looked at the lady before looking back at Kurapika.
     "But, I thought Onii-Chan was going to get me out," she whispered, frowning at the other.
     "He has exams coming up, he had to study," he explained. Alluka ohed.
     "I need you to command Nanika to get you out. Are you able to do that without going through the requests?" Kurapika asked. Alluka looked at Kurapika in shock before pondering.
     "I've actually never tried," Alluka pointed out. Kurapika stood up, holding the phone close to his mouth.
     "Well, why don't you try. I'll be waiting for you in the nearby park," he stated, placing the phone back and taking his leave. Alluka also hung up, standing up and walking to the lady.
     Alluka was in her cell again and she began to gather her things. She'll leave at sundown. The female walked out of her cell since it was time for lunch. She quickly rushed into the cafeteria area and paid for her food. Satsujin walked up to Alluka, a wide smile on his face.
     "Hello," he greeted, grabbing a salad for himself. Alluka looked at the younger boy, before greeting him back. The two walked over to a table in the far corner of the room.
     "That was really cool," Satsujjn stated, remembering the murder that happened a few days ago. Alluka sulked, looking down at her noodles.
     "I mean, you squished him into thin air with only the blood left! I wish I could do that!" Satsujin said.
     "You wish?" Alluka asked, tilting her head. Satsujin nodded his head, his red bangs covering his face.
     "Of course, imagine all the people I can kill!" he declared, smiling even wider.
     "Satsujin, can you pass me a napkin?" Alluka asked. The boy nodded his head reaching over the table to grab the napkins. Once he grabbed one he handed it to Alluka. The female took it, wiping her mouth off.
     "Satsujin, can you give me your arm?" Alluka asked. The boy looked at Alluka weirdly, shaking his head.
     "Nuh-uh, I need to my arms," he said. Alluka frowned.
     "Than can I have your eyes?" she asked.
     "You're asking for strange things.., I'll see you later," the young boy said, getting far away from Alluka. The female frowned, standing up and following the others.
     "Satsujin, can I have your eyes?!" Alluka asked out loud, drawing the attention of everybody.
     "No, leave me alone!" the boy pleaded, running into the cell room. Police walked up to the Alluka, holding her shoulder.
     "Hey, Kid, what do you think you're trying to do?" The police asked. Alluka walked forward, slapping the police's grip off her. She then continued to follow the other. One she got near the boy once again, she asked for another request.
     "Can I have your life?" Alluka asked. The young boy shivered, leaning against the wall.
     "No!" he yelled, for once he felt like the prey instead of the predator. The boy began to cry as his body was squished out of existence, leaving only the blood behind. The police entered the area, gasping at the blood on the floor. They began to gather more police up as they told Alluka to head to her cell.
     The female obeyed and once she was in there, she grabbed her stuff. She didn't want to hurt anyone else.
     "Nanika, can you send me to Mamapika?" she asked. She didn't know if it would work or not, but she still hoped. A few moments later and Nanika's face appeared.
     "Kay," She simply said. A white light flashed in the room as they began to disappear.
     Kurapika was drinking a shake, waiting for the female. Illumi stood at the end of the alley, watching the area carefully. Soon enough, they saw a white light and Nanika appeared.
     "Get it," Illumi commanded. Kurapika dropped his shake, launching at the girl. Nanika turned around, she saw Kurapika, then Illumi. Just as she was about to scream, she was knocked out. Illumi walked over to the girl, picking her up, and a needle in his other.
     "I have you," He stated, placing a needle in her forehead. Illumi let go of the girl and watched her fall to the floor.
     "You want to be like Stain? You'll have to do everything it takes to do that. You'll even need to kill," the man explained to the unconscious body. Kurapika picked up the girl, pacing her over his shoulders.
     "She'll have to follow his ideals too, meaning she'll kill the fake heroes. Kil would have no choice but to fight," He said to none in peculiar, walking farther into the alley and opening a door.
     Dull blue eyes slowly open, they examine the dark area as a hand went up to scratch their forehead. The whined in pain as they felt like something was jammed in there. She had no memory of what happened a few hours ago. The girl stood up slowly, looking around the room. There were many boxes laying around.
     "Where am I? I thought I sent myself home," Alluka thought out loud. She walked over at one of the boxes, opening it up. Inside were knives, daggers, and all sorts of other sharp weapons. The female sweats nervously, putting the box away and looking through another one. Inside the next box was clothing that looked similar to Stain's outfit. Alluka gently lifted it, seeing the clothes were made in her size.
     "Okay that's just weird," She said, dropping the clothes, and walking over to the door on the other side of the room. When she opened it, she noticed Kurapika sitting on a sofa. It turned out she was back home, and she was just in the storage room.
     "Oh, so the command did work!" Alluka yelled cheerfully, only to see herself in the living room mirror.
     "AH! I CAN'T LET ONII-CHAN SEE ME LIKE THIS!" Alluka screeched, dashing up the stairs.
     "Nice to see you too," Kurapika mumbled out, flipping through his Chain Fashion Magazine.
     "Alluka is home?" a tall man asked, poking his head through the kitchen. Kurapika looked up and over at the man.
     "Leorio, are you seriously cooking right now? Get out of the kitchen, I'll make the food," Kurapika demanded, placing his magazine down and standing up.
     "Hey, it's my turn to cook!" the man shouted.
     "You're food is horrible!" Kurapika admitted, walking past the man who was wearing a pink, 'Kiss the Chef,' apron.
     "It's not that bad! Besides Menchi said yours was just as bad as mine!" Leorio countered.
     "So you admit it's bad?" Kurapika asked. Leorio froze before gambling and walking into the kitchen. Kurapika laughed as he took charge of dinner. They both stopped when they heard a scream from upstairs.
     "ALLUKA WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU!" Roared a raging voice. Leorio and Kurapika sweatdropped, both taking their leave from the house.
     Alluka was solidified, she had no clue what to say to her older brother. The silver-haired teen grabbed Alluka's hand, marching down the stairs.
     "We're getting you a hairstylist, a manicure, massages, and comfort food," Killua listed.
     "Onii-chan, other then the hairstylist, these sound more like your coping mechanisms," Alluka pointed out. Killua stopped midway through the stairs. He turned around, face dark, and a huge smile on his face.
     "Of course they are, we wouldn't want anyone dead right?" Killua spoke out. Alluka shivered as they continued to walk down the stairs. The front door slammed open, Aizawa and Gon were on the other side. Killua got a text from his hunter phone, he hired a person to fix it, and he looked at who sent it.
Clown Man 🤡:
-Hisoka sent a nail photo-
I need my nails done stat. 😔
     "What the hell.., " Killua thought out loud. Killua then noticed the many messages he missed from Gon.
Annoying Puppy: Killuaaaaa, Hisoka keeps asking for photos of my crocks. I left them back at Kiri's place, but I don't understand why he wants a photo.
     Killua stuffed the phone in his pocket, not bothering to read anymore past that. Alluka was confused by the conversation but shrugged it off. They both headed to the front door as Killua texted Kurogiri to open a portal. Once it opened they headed inside, stepping in front of a hair salon.
     "First, let's get that hair tamed. I bet you'll look twice as cuter with short hair!" Killua cheered. Alluka smiled widely, walking into the building. The two siblings chatted, although it mainly consisted of Killua treating the hairstylist to be careful and to not tell anyone they were there.
Hehe, we are getting closer to my big twist! Can anyone guess what it is? It's okay if you don't, I'm really bad at foreshadowing. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter good by!

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