Chapter 11

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"Aizawa, can you get the coco powder?" Gon asked, pouring sugar in a bowl.
"Okay," The older man reached over the cabinet, grabbing the coco powder, and handing it to the boy. Aizawa looked over the boy's shoulder before taking the whisk away from him.
"You're mixing it wrong, do it like this." Aizawa and Gon where making chocolate balls. Aizawa tried asking why, but Gon kept it a secret. With their little knowledge of baking and a bunch of YouTube videos, the two males finished making the food. Gon went to his room, took a white card stock out of his green dresser, a few markers, glue stick, and a pair of scissors.
Sprinting, practically jumping, down the stairs, Gon arrives back to the kitchen.
"One day until summer ends and you spend it by running around with a pair of scissors." Aizawa took the scissors away from Gon and watched the boy draw. Aizawa cut out the paper and Gon glued it together, placing the chocolate balls in the box.
"These are a common snack in my world, their called chocobots. My best friend loves these. There is usually a little robot figure in these, but I don't know how to make those," Gon explained, showing Aizawa the final product. Aizawa grabbed the small box and examined it.
"They look good," Aizawa says taking a chocolate out. Gon nodded and proceeded to shove the chocolate in Aizawa's mouth. Aizawa put his thumb up and Gon took the Chocobots, placing it inside the fridge.
"I don't know if they taste like the original, but it'll work," Gon said, looking at Aizawa. The boy runs out to the backyard, jumps up on the tree, and sits down. Aizawa smiles, he loved taking care of Gon, but eventually he'll have to get him back to his home. Where he'll be forced to say goodbye forever.
Today was the UA entrance exam. I was super excited to see what we'll be doing. I tried asking Aizawa, but he didn't answer. He did say there would be ranking system of some kind though. I hope it isn't something that requires punching. I mean sure I can punch stuff, but without my Nen my punch is only slightly stronger then average.
"Are you sure you don't want me to recommend you?" Aizawa asked. I thought for a bit and shook my head.
"Nope, I'm good! I wanna try the test everyone else gets to do!" I smile at him as I brush my hair. Aizawa seemed kinda worried that I won't do good in the exam, but he doesn't need to worry! After all, he trained me to not only use my strength, but my knowledge. If I can't solve something by punching, running, or jumping, I'll just use my surroundings to help me. Easy as pie!
Once I finish my hair, I walk off to where Aizawa was, and followed him into the car. According to him, he rarely drives before I got here. It makes me kinda upset, Aizawa should be able to feel the fresh air the plants and sea provides us. Well actually, I think I'm the only one that can smell the ocean from here. Unless someone has a super smell kinda quirk.
Once we arrived at the UA teacher's parking lot, Aizawa pointed to where I'll be heading. I ran of but stopped realizing my backpack was in the car. I sprinted to Aizawa shouting for him to wait. He looked at me crazy and I told him my backpack was still in the car. He sighed and opened the car. I went to the car and took my backpack out, then gave Aizawa the signal to lock it again.
The entrance to UA wasn't that far just a quick turn and boom, I'm there. Wait which door do I enter? It's probably number one, definitely number one because I'm going to be a freshman? As I walked to the door, I see izuku falling down and a girl hitting his face. I snicker at the scene and walk up to the duo. Izuku seemed to be over heating for some odd reason. He's just talking to a girl, why is he panicing so much?
"Heya!" I smile and wave at their direction. The other two looked at me and wave.
"The name's Gon Frecess! What's your name?" I ask the brown haired female. Putting my hand out for the girl, she took it and shook it.
"Ochako Uraraka! Nice to meet you Frecess," She greeted.
"Please, just call my Gon," I said letting go of her hand. Ochako nodded and waved goodbye before heading to door 1. Izuku was giving me a weird look and he was starting at my hand.
"How did you talk to a girl so casually?" He asked in a whisper.
"Oh, I guess it most have been all the dates I've been too," I responded. Izuku looked at me shocked and his jaw seemed like it was going to fall on the floor.
"And you didn't tell me why?" He asked, walking to door 1. Shrugging, I walked inside the building with Izuku. It looked like half of a football stadium, except more chairs. I was really excited, this will be my second school I'll go to, if I pass. 'No ifs Gon, only dos!' I thought, smacking my cheeks gently. Sitting next to Izuku, I spot Bakugou next to us. He was glaring at both of us. Probably thinking of something like, "Go home bastards," or "You'll never past quirkless losers." He upsets me sometimes, but I don't let him get to me. Who cares what one signal person says, like my Aunt Mito said when I was younger, 'there are hundreds others who will support me.'
After the long lecture of how things will be done, a person named Iida saying how we should be respectful to the exam, or something like that, me being the only one that responds to President Mic, everyone was finally able to leave. I swear I saw a fluffy tuff of hair somewhere in the crowd. I frown slightly, 'I miss Killua.' I made my way to exam sight C. Unfortunately, I couldn't be with Izuku for the test. That's fine thought, I'll make it without his help and encouragement.
I'll just cheer him on from a distance and I'm sure when he's not worrying about dying, he'll cheer me on too! Wait, that sounds like something Killua would think. Oh, wait the exam is about to start!
"Three," a woman with a white, skin tight suit says. She was black, silky, long hair, and is probably soft to the touch.
"Two." Everyone seemed to prepare themselves to make a run for it.
"One." I jog in place in excitement.
"GOOOO!" Everyone started to dash through the door, some people already starting to attack the robots. I ran over to a small robot punching it, the metal crushed easily, but right my hand stung. 'I wish I had my nen!' I thought. This was the worse case scenario, having to punch to win!
Thankfully, Aizawa trained my punches to be more powerful and it strengthen the pain resistance. I started dashing off finding more robots to crush, some took one hit, others took multiple, but I was getting it done. I also took time to help others in need. There was this one guy who was surrounded by many robots, I jumped in and together we fought them off. I made sure to only weaken them, so he could get the points. To which he thanked me. Another time, this girl was falling off a building because she reached her quick limit and I caught her.
I'm always happy to help others in need! I am doing great so far after all, might as well help others. Every once in a while, I see people with white hair, it puts my mood down, but I push on. I wanna have as much fun here as possible, before finding out a way home. Killua should be proud of me, fighting without the need of Nen and actually doing good.
My cheeks start to warm up, I smacked them, trying to get the warmth to stop. I continued punching the robots and my hands started to slightly bleed.
"I'm over working myself," I say out loud. I need to find another way to fight without punching or kicking. Maybe if I use water to malfunction them? I sniff the air in search of water, I found a pipe attached to a building. Gathering robots around me, I grab the exposed pipe, ripped it out of the wall as best as I could, and the water started rushing out in front of me. I'm standing on a concrete stair, so the electrified water doesn't hurt me. The robots start to buzz and shut down. Some gave off lots of electricity and broke down.
Seeing as the exit in front of me is blocked off, I ran up the stairs in the building. I look out the window and see the girl from earlier looking at me.
"Here I'll help you down!" She said smiling. I grab her hand and she carefully moved down with me holding onto her. She moved sideways to avoid the water and when we reached the floor I thanked her.
"It's nothing, you saved me after all," she ran off after that and I went off to find some kinda weapon to attack with. For some odd reason, I feel like Aizawa was proud of me.
A few minutes pass and a huge robot was released. Everyone was running away and others hiding. My eyes sparkle in awe, that thing was so cool! I really wanted to take it down, but in my state, I couldn't. My fists were bruised and bleeding from all the punching. I even got a cut form a broken piece of glass laying on the floor, I made sure to pick it up and put it in a near by trash can. This place really is city like.
"One minute 'till it's over!" Yelled the female from earlier. She was standing on a wall near the entrance. I look around if I could help anyone. I wasn't in the condition to fight, but I was able to help. I didn't want to just sit down and do nothing anyway.
"Thirty seconds!" She shouted again. Maybe I should rest, I sit down and look around. I see a guy with purple hair giving commands to someone, he probably has a mind control quirk. I think of Illumi, of how I wish to just punch him out of existence. Although, I'd probably die trying. On the other side, I see a short person with purple balls on his head. He was planting the balls inside the robots, which messed up their circuits, and broke them down. That was actually a smart idea. Everyone had such great quirks, they'll all make good heroes.
     "Ten seconds left!" The lady started to count down too one, everyone was in a frenzy trying to get last minute points. I started to walk towards the entrance, still avoid the huge robot.
     "And it's over! Everyone make their way to the entrance. Everyone that inquired please head to the white table outside to get fixed up!" The lady pointed to the entrance with her black whip. I made my way to the table once the door opened. Me and many others got bandaged up and where given lollipops. Everyone was already heading to the lockers to get their stuff out and changing. Once I finish I headed to the teacher's parking lot.
     "Did you have fun?" A wolf/dog like guy asked me. I nodded my head.
     "Yeah, I had lots of fun!" I said, smiling at him. I continued to walk to Aizawa's car, but the man stopped me.
     "Where are you heading kid? The exit is that way," he pointed to where everyone else was heading. Some kids where looking at me in curiosity.
     "I'm going to Aizawa's car," I said, pointing out the obvious. The man shook his head.
     "I'm sorry kid, but Aizawa has a lot of work to do. He can't be giving out autographs and such," he began to push me back to where everyone else was. I puffed my cheeks out in annoyance. Aizawa said to wait outside the car for him once I finish the exam. Didn't he tell the staff members that I'd be there waiting?
     "Aizawa told me to wait for him there," I pouted. I peeked behind him and see Aizawa exiting the building. Students start gathering around trying to see what was going on. 'Can't they mind their own business?'
     "You can ask him yourself," I said pointing over to Aizawa. The wolf, dog, person looked at his direction and back at me.
     "No can do kid, Aizawa is a very busy man. Now run along and go home," he says shooing me away. Frowning, I turn around deciding to walk home. Some people started laughing at me and whispering to each other. Just as I made my way to the gate, I see Aizawa blocking my way.
     "What are you doing? I told you to wait for me," Aizawa grabbed my arm and pulled me to the car. The wolf, dog, person looks at us in shock, including other students.
     "I'm sorry," I said, not bring up the fact that a man told me to walk home.
     "It's fine. Next time do as your told. You are after all under hero supervision," Aizawa said. We enter the car and started heading home. I took out some chocobots from my backpack and eat them.
     "Don't eat to much sweets," Aizawa says. I nodded and put them back, taking out a sandwich and eating it.
Will Gon pass or will he fail, only the future will know. Also I have an idea, should Gon have a mini sale and sell chocobots? If so I wanna make a small song to go along with it. Kinda like cookie cats from Steven universe. It'll take a while, but I think it would just be something fun to put in there. You'll never know a white fluffy cat may show up. Anyway can't think of anything else to talk about, so I hope you enjoy and good bye!

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