Chapter 2

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It was a normal day like any other, a white-haired boy was getting breakfast ready for himself and his sister. During his break from adventure, he decided a while ago it was time to learn how to cook for the sake of his sister and himself. Now after many failures and burnt food. The boy was able to make decent food.
"Onii Chan!" Called a female voice. A girl with long messy black hair walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a pink long sleeve shirt, a white skirt, pink thigh high socks, and white shoes. Also a white headband with two yellow face pins on her head
"When are we going to eat? What are we going to eat? Can we go shopping? Oh maybe go to the park!" The little sister rambled on about how they should spend their day. The brother only nodded and smiled as he continued to work on the omelets.
"They all sound like fun places to go to, but I think today we should stay home and watch a movie. Also, we're having omelets," the boy looked at his sister and she nodded in agreement.
"Sounds like a great idea!" The girl ran off to the living room grabbing a box full of cassettes and searching for a good movie. The white-haired boy finished cooking the omelets and started setting up the table.
A sudden crash was heard from outside the kitchen window, the boy rushed to it, opening it up, and looking out in the bushes.
"Hello?" The boy called out. He used his nen to see if the crash was caused by a living being or if the neighbors got their baseball on their side of the wall again. Although he felt a familiar dark purple aura that was directed to him.
The boy's body started to shake uncontrollably and felt like wind could knock him off his feet. He clenched his fists, teeth grinding against each other, eyes widening in horror, and sweat gathering on his forehead. Frozen for a few seconds, the boy regained his control on his body when he heard more movement coming from the bushes. When he twisted his body so quickly he heard his joints pop.
"Alluka, come on we got to go NOW," the boy said. Alluka looked up at her brother in confusion but followed him anyway.
"What's going on Onii Chan?" She asked worriedly. The boy ran outside the house now holding Alluka in his arms.
"Illumi is back," he said. Alluka gasped and looked back in the direction of the house. There at the front of their flower garden was a tall silhouette headed their way.
"What are we going to do? Will we be safe?!" Alluka started panicking. Then she realized something.
"WHAT ABOUT BREAKFAST?" She shouted. The boy became irritated.
"CAN YOU BE QUIET FOR A MINUTE AND LET ME THINK?!" He shouted back. Alluka flinched and looked down sadly. The boy sighed and apologized to the girl. Unconsciously, the boy slowed his pace and came to a stop so he was able to comfort his sister. They hugged each other completely forgetting the older running to them. As the boy loosen his grasp on Alluka, the boy felt a cold hand on his shoulder. Soon enough he was forcefully pulled away from his sister. Another man slightly shorter than Illumi by a few centimeters locked Alluka into place. His white-blonde hair falling over his shoulder and his cold glaze focused on the female
"Onii Chan!" She shouted, struggling to get out of the man's strong grasp. She kicked his legs and flinged her head into the man's tough chest. It did nothing to the man as he now held her down to the floor.
"Alluka!" He screamed worry seeping into his voice.
"Put me down! What are you guys even doing here?" The boy too was struggling against his older brother's gasp. His arms held behind his back and a hand holding his head.
"Oh Killua, we just came back to pick you up. After all, you have a family business to take over," Illumi explained, giving a small pat on the younger's head. His dead cold eyes burn through Killua's. The boy was trying to think of something that could help him escape and get his sister. Soon enough Killua began charging his electricity.
The older brother watched in curiosity and let him continue. Alluka on the other hand was telling the man to let go of her.
"Dad! Let go!" She explained to her father. The old man shook his head. He lifted his hand ready to chop at Alluka's neck and knock her out.
"You have no right to call me father. You aren't even family, less likely even a human," he told the girl as he swiftly lowered his hand. A soft crack was heard before a thump came along soon after.
"ALLUKA NO!" Killua once again yelled. His throat was sore by now by the shouting and screaming. Hot tears rolled down his cheeks as his eyes glazed over his sister's limp body. Killua tried activating his electricity again once he noticed he stopped. Although this time his brother took action by kicking his legs to stop his movements. Immediately Killua lumped to the ground, unable to move his legs.
"Killua make a wish," she whispers softly. Her tan, but still pale skin, turned to a color deprived white. Blue eyes and small mouth turning to soulless, empty, black holes. Killua knew what to say and opened his mouth. Illumi had begun picking Killua up to begin leaving. Illumi slowly tries to cover Killua's mouth, but Killua already spoke.
"Nanika I wish you, Alluka, and me can go somewhere far away from our family where they can't get to us," Killua wished. Illumi raised an eyebrow and was kinda curious how this would work out, but even so, he began to walk away with Killua over his shoulders.
"Don't bother, you know that we'll always find you no matter the place or time," Illumi explained to his younger brother with an emotionless voice. Suddenly, Killua and Nanika started to glow. Then, a few seconds later they disappeared.
"Well, they actually vanished, " said the father.
"Indeed they did." Illumi said, showing only the slightest of surprise. He pulled his phone out and called a number.
"Hello? Hisoka?"
Killua fell to the rough, gravely street. He spat some dirt out of his mouth unable to move. Alluka soon landed on him, back in her normal form, and passed out. Killua groaned in pain, glancing up in front of him. He saw an old apartment building that was combined with a bar on the second floor.
The door to the place opens up and Killua sees a purple misty man looking down at them. Killua's body went numb as the pain consumed him and his vision blurred. Soon the boy passed out. The purple misty man walked up to the two kids passed out in front of his building. He picked them both up gently and walked inside.
Closing the door behind him, he looks over to a red couch placed a few feet away. Not wanting to hurt the kids by using his quirk, he begins walking to the couch slowly not to drop them. They were quite heavy, but he managed to put them down to the couch.
As soon as he did though a grouchy man walked down the stairs scratching his neck uncontrollably. He's red eyes glaring at the floor like it had offended him. His messy blue hair covered his dry face.
"Kurogiri what are you up too?" The blue haired man questioned. He glances up to the older and sees his hand hovering over a pair of kids, that were now sleeping on the worn out couch.
"And who are they?" He asked, not fully processing the situation. Kurogiri continues to look at the younger and then turns his attention to the kids that were shivering.
"I don't know, but they were left outside looking beaten up, so I decided to bring them in. I may be a villain, but I always will have a soft spot for kids," he says, opening a purple and black misty portal open. He pulls out a purple fluffy blanket, with white polka dots on it. He throws it over the children, technically teens, and tucks it under them to keep them warm.
"H-hey, that's my blanket!" The blue-haired male stuttered out angrily. He stomped his leg and glared at the kids that took his favorite blanket from him.
"You're too old to even own something like this Shigaraki. Besides the kids need it more then you do right now. Also I told you to take that silly shirt off many times," Kurogiri pointed to the shirt Shigaraki wore.
"Fine and just to let you know that this Saiki K. shirt isn't silly!" The man stomped back up the stairs to his room. Everyday Kurogiri has to put up with this man child and his obsessions.
Recently he's been obsessed with this anime called, 'The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.' on Netflix. When he learned the show had ended he was devastated and decided to show support to the anime even if it ended by buying a bunch of merchandise. Kurogiri would never understand what Shigaraki sees in anime anytime soon. He's fine with the man watching it as long as he didn't spend all his money on merchandise and spending hours upon hours without sleep. Which he did anyway.
A shuffling noise was made from the couch followed by a yawn. The white haired boy sat up slowly to prevent waking his sister. Taking in his surroundings, he sees a coffee table in front of him and three couches surrounding them. He lifted his hand to his eye and rubbed them. Soon without a second thought Killua leaned back into the surprisingly comfy couch and the soft blanket. He slowly closed his eyes and then shot them wide open not understanding where he was.
He looked forward and saw the same misty man from earlier walking towards him. In instinct he covered his sister to protect her. The man put his arms up to show he meant no harm. Now that Killua takes a closer look he sees he's not just a dark purple but also black. He's slanted eyes yellow and also misty. He wore a black suit that a bartender would usually wear as well and a gray metal thing around his neck.
"Who are you?"
Chapter 2 woooo! When I first wrote this chapter it was all rushed and difficult to understand, so I decided to rewrite it so when I publish the chapter it makes more sense. I like this version better and it gave me an idea of how I want Killua's and Alluka's story to go. Anyway I hope you enjoy bye!

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