Chapter 31

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     "ALRIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS, it's finally time for the last battle of the day, Gon vs Bakugo! Who's going to win this fight, and the entire Sports Festival?!" The two boys looked at each other, both glaring with the intent to win.
     "Ready, Set, GO!" Bakugo used his explosions to close the gaps between them. Gon had also dashed forward towards the other.
     "Right off the bat, the two boys dash towards each other!" The black and green-haired boy jumped up when they were only inches apart. Grabbing a hold of the other's wrists, Gon flipped himself and the other in midair. The action caused the other to landed face-first on the floor, with Gon on his feet a few feet away.
     "Did you see that?! Gon did a flip in midair while holding Bakugo! What strength, what strategy!" The crowd cheered.
     "Damn it," Bakugo said, standing up, and covering the bleeding nose. A vein popped on the Conner of his forehead as he dashed forward, ready to punch him with his right fist.
     "I won't let you win! Especially because you got your quirk back!" Bakugo shouted as a memory of a certain bushy-haired rival appeared in his mind.
     "Too bad, I'm going to win," Gon explained, sidestepping away from the attack. Bakugo turned himself to his right, aiming his left hand to punch him. Gon caught the fist, only for his hands to be blasted by an explosion. Gon hissed, letting go of the fist and blowing on his own.
     Bakugo smirked, grabbed the other's shirt, and blasting up to the sky with him. Gon held onto Bakugo's hand, trying to escape the hold, but the other had flung him to the floor.
     "There he goes, throwing Gon to the floor! Will he survive the attack or face total annihilation?!" The black-haired boy aimed his head to where he wanted to land, with his limbs stretched out to slow the falling movement. When he was close to the area he pulled his arm and legs together, twisting his body so he was in the perfect landing position. He let his arms out to slow the impact timing.
      "Is that the best you got?" Gon smiled, landing on all four limbs and standing up.
     "Woah, what kind of landing technique is that?! That was fast!" The pro hero looked out at the arena, genuinely confused.
     "He copied the movement of a squirrel. That is the technique they use to land and survive great falls, " Aizawa explained, drinking coffee with a straw.
     "So he's a forest boy," Present Mic bluntly added. Aizawa spits the coffee out of his mouth before nodding.
     "Yeah, practically," He responded, drinking his coffee again.
     Bakugo screamed and blasted his way towards the boy. Gon smiled, placing his fist on his hand, and taking a step back.
     "Show me rock! Rock, paper," Gon began, wind moving towards his fist. The other recognized this attack and immediately blasted back a few feet.
     "It looks like Gon is using his attack from earlier!"
     "PAPER!" Gon shouted and a blast of orange nen escaped his palm, shooting itself at the target.Bakugo's eyes widened, having not seen this attack. He blasted to his side, dodging the attack.
     "Would you look at that! It's different from the previous one!"
     "HA! You can't even move that thing!" Bakugo shouted, looking back to where Gon was. The boy was no longer there.
     "Show me rock!" The boy's eyes grew wide, slowly turning his head.
     "Rock, Paper, ROCK!" Gon shouted, punching Bakugo to the floor. An explosion was heard and smoke covered the arena. The crowd leaned in, trying to get a view on what had happened. The dust cleared up and there in the middle of a crater, was a beaten blond.
     "Di-Did he wins?" Present Mic asked. Midnight walked to the teen, who had somehow looked pissed even when passed out. The lady tapped Bakugo's shoulder, earning no response.
     "Did I kill him?!" Gon panicked, walking up to his classmate. Killua facepalmed, 'Is that his first reaction when someone passes out?!' The pro hero placed her fingers on his neck, a pulse was still present.
     "No, he's alive, just knocked out," the lady said, calling the robots to pick up the student.
     "You need to control your strength, this is the second person you put under Recovery Girl's care," Midnight explains walking back to her spot.
     "Sorry," Gon replied, sticking his tongue out.
     "The winner of the final battle and Sports Festival is, GON!" She shouted, whipping her whip at the boy.
     It was finally over, fireworks were released, and the winners appeared. Bakugou was chained down, Gon was admiring the lights, and Shinso was just standing there. They where given advice, hugs, and the awards from the Number one hero. Killua gave Gon and Shinso a thumbs up, happy that his friends were winners.
     All might ended the event off with a "Good work everyone," while the audience said, "Plus Ultra." They started to boo at the missed opportunity, Killua snickered, and Gon was just beaming in joy.
The group of friends was now sitting in Aizawa's living room. Alluka was sitting on Kurapika's lap, while Gon sat on Killua's.
"Get off me," Killua said, trying to push his friend off.
"No!" Gon responded, clinging onto the other. Alluka giggled, snapping a photo of the two. Kurapika only smiled slightly before looking serious once more.
"As I have already told you, Illumi is coming. I ran into him before I was brought here," Kurapika explained. Killua managed to push Gon off, eyes turning dark.
"We can't let him do that, for once in my life I feel like we're in a safe place. If he comes and ruins it, I'll never forgive him or myself," Killua grumbled out, clenching his arm. Gon crosses his legs, looking at his friend in worry.
"We'll find a way to get rid of him for good! We can even ask the pro heroes for help! After all, they have powers!" Gon stood up, shouting at Killua. Killua scratched his neck, looking away.
"I don't know, if people find out we're from another world, who knows what will happen," Killua said, eyeing Aizawa who had just entered.
"What are you guys talking about? Is there an enemy we should worry about?" He asked, glaring at the white-haired teen.
"It's none of your-," Killua was cut off by Gon.
"Yes, it is an enemy and yes, we need your help," Gon explained, keeping his hand on Killua's mouth. The boy screamed, kicking, and trying to escape Gon's grasp. Alluka laughed, taking as many photos as she could and sent them to the League Of Villains.
"Alright, and who is this enemy?" Aizawa asked, sitting on the couch next to the boys. Gon let Killua go, eyes dark, and a deep frown on his face.
"It's Illumi, Killua and Alluka's brother." If Aizawa had a drink, he would spit it out. He remembered the boy talking about him a while ago.
"LISTEN UP HERE, you're going to send me to where my friends are or I'm going to punch you!" A man with spiky shouted, slamming his fist on a table.
"I'm sorry sir, but we're closed right now, you'll have to visit another day," the lady said.
"I can't go another day, for all I know they could be dead that day!" The man shouted, grabbing the collar of her shirt.
"Sir, please," the lady said, cowering in her boots. The man just sighed exiting the building.
"Don't worry guys, I'll be there soon."

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