Chapter 24

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     "Are you sure your okay?" Gon asked Aizawa worriedly.
     "I'm completely fine, thanks to you there wasn't much damage," Aizawa responded. The two of them where walking to school because Aizawa can't drive with his arm cast.
"Maybe we should've taken that ride from banana hair teacher. He did seem to want to drive us to school," Gon complained, scratching the back of his head.
"No," Aizawa flatly said, irritated by the topic. Gon let out a sigh of frustration, he loves walks in the outdoors, but it's not the same when you're surrounded by a bunch of tall buildings and people.
"Gon!" A familiar male voice called, a few feet in front of them.
"Yakumo! How are you?" Gon asked the now approaching man.
"It's been great, how about you and Aizawa? Heard the Villain attack was awful," Yakumo asked, fiddling with something in his pockets.
"We're doing great, although we have to walk to school for now." Gon frowned looking at the floor. The older man patted Gon's back, feeling the pain of walking around in a big city.
"Be thankful I can even walk to school with my own feet and not pushed on a wheelchair," Aizawa said, still looking forward.
"But, your bouncing," Gon and Yakumo said in unison. Aizawa was in his sleeping bag, bouncing to school. Nearby citizens where judging the man harshly, calling him homeless or crazy.
"Same thing," Aizawa said causally. Yakumo laughed, pulling a cloth out of his pocket. He stared at the cloth for a while before looking at Gon.
"Hey, I made this just for you! You can wrap it around your hand like boxers do!" Yakumo explained, wrapping the cloth around Gon's hand.
"Thank you so much!" Gon smiled happily. Aizawa let them be, not bothering them.
"You're welcome, I hand stitched a few images of somethings you might find familiar," Yakumo said, pointing at a bear and fox combined.
"Woah, a foxbear, just like Kon! How did you know about him.., wait, how do you know about this creature?" Gon asked, seriousness filling his eyes. Yakumo chuckled, letting go of Gon's hand.
"I remember you drawing that creature many times when we hung out!" Yakumo explained. Gon ohed, taking a closer look at the cloth. 'Red eyes and Leorio's glasses? How did he know about them, I don't remember drawing Kurapika or Leorio,' Gon thought for a bit, before turning his head.
"How di-," Gon paused in his stops, looking around.
"Aizawa, were did Yakumo go?" Gon asked, catching up to the older.
"Didn't he leave when he put that cloth on your hand? After that, you were talking to yourself," Aizawa explained. Gon looked around once last time. 'Where did he go?" Gon thought. His stomach felt achy and had a gut feeling that something was going to happen.
"You guys, did you see the news last night? It was cool getting a few moments of screen time, but I bet no one noticed me in the background," Hagakure spoke, getting upset in the end.
"Well it is quite difficult to stand out if you're just gloves," Ojiro explained.
"Look at us becoming famous, all those news channels loves us," Kaminari smugly  said, leaning back on his chair.
"Yeah, it's kinda crazy," Kirishima added. Jiro roller her eyes playing with her earphone jacks.
"The only reason they're interested is because the UA's hero course got attacked by villains," Killua explained.
"Yeah, we wouldn't have maked it out alive without the help of the teachers and Gon!" Izuku said, eyes glistening in curiosity.
"He has a quirk, a quirk! Maybe he was a late bloomer? He did mention before he was able to use it and couldn't for sometime, so maybe a villain. Oh, oh, maybe," Midoriya began muttering and writing in his notebook in speeds only gods can track.
"Gon is so cool, but Killua is way better in my opinion!" Mineta yelled out. Killua blushed slightly in embarrassment, he wasn't use to complements or encouragements, not even from Gon, and he says then all the time.
"Yeah, but Gon punched that beast and won! What did Killua do?" Sero said, punching the air to prove a point.
"I did nothing, so stop talking about me," Killua said, placing his hands behind his head. Remembering what has happened two days ago.
"Killua is such a nice boy. Yesterday me, Todoroki, and Killua went shopping. He was so well behaved and willing to try new things," Yaoyorozu explained. Killua once again blushed at the complements. Mineta and Kaminari glared at Killua, he was getting all the attention form the girls.
"What do you mean? I was waiting for you two, but you never arrived," Todoroki said plainly and looking at Yaoyorozu.
"Huh, but you where there! Isn't that right Killua?!" Yaoyorozu smacked her desk, getting up, and looking at Killua.
"Yes, I remember," Killua shivered at the thought of yesterday. Todoroki was dragging Killua through many clothing and makeup shops. He also remembered being forced to wear a murder costume. 'Dress up, he says. More like bringing bad memories back.'
"I remember," Killua said, terrified. Yaoyorozu, sweated nervously, looking back at Todoroki, and sitting back down:
"If it wasn't you, who was it?" Yaoyorozu thought. Killua on the other hand was currently memorizing everyone's aura. Iida stood up in front of the class, telling them all that class was going to begin, before returning to his seat.
"I wonder who's going to teach today," Ashido asked out loud, putting her finger on her chin, and looking up.
"Me too, Aizawa is still recovering after all. Kero," Asui thought, also putting her finger to her chin.
"Hello everyone," Aizawa made his appearance, walking up to the front desk, with Gon behind. The boy jogged over to his desk and sat down.
"Heeey," Gon greeted Killua. The white haired boy waved, smiling at his best friend.
It was now lunch time, everyone in class 1-A was talking about the sports festival. Everyone but Killua, for he did not know what the sports festival is.
"This is our opportunity to get recognized by the Pros!" Kirishima stated, getting very excited.
"Yeah, lets all do our best!" Gon cheered. Killua walked up to Gon, grabbing his sleeve.
"Huh? Oh, hi Killua!" Gon smiled brightly, grabbing his friend's hands. Killua drew his hand back, embarrassed by the public affection.
"I just have one question," Killua nervously said. He felt like an idiot being the only one who didn't know about the upcoming event.
"Yeah?" Gon asked, waiting patiently. Killua scratched the back of head before turning around.
"Never mind it's not important," He mumbled and began walking off. Gon just watched him leave, confused about what had happened, until he realized Killua probably didn't know about the event.
"Oh yeah! Killua, you don't know about the Sports Festival right?!" Gon yelled out, looking at his friend across the room.
"Wait, you don't know about the sports festival?" Kaminari asked, walking up to Killua, who slowly backed away.
"It's a very famous event here in Japan, he must know about it," Izuku said, also walking up to Killua. Soon enough, the most of the class was surrounding Killua, asking him questions on how he didn't know, and others trying to explain. Gon sighed, pushing himself into the crowd, grabbing Killua's hand, and pulling him out.
"Ah!" Gon yelled, hitting a desk, and falling to the floor. Killua laughed, pulling him up to his feet.
"You okay?" He asked, holding his friend's hand. Gon blushed slightly, nodding his head repeatedly.
"Secret lovers," Todoroki whispered to himself in the background. Gon, with his sharp ears, head what Todoroki said, and began blushing more.
"Uh, hey Killua, I gotta go, bye!" Gon yelled out, running outside the classroom.
"That was awkward. Hey are you sure you and Gon aren't dating?" Ashido asked, smiling a little.
"Of course not, he's my best friend," Killua explained, irritated that they would think that.
"One sided love," Todoroki muttered to himself. Killua turner his head, giving Todoroki a weird look.
"I do wonder, if it wasn't you we where hanging out with, than who was it?" Killua thought to himself, walking out the classroom.
"YOUNG ZOLDYCK, YOUNG MIDORIYA, WILL YOU TWO ACCOMPANY ME DURING LUNCH?!" All Might said, barging into the class. Izuku jumped in place, nodding slightly. Killua on the other hand was extremely frightened and had jumped up to the wall corner, next to All Might. Said hero looked around, spotting Killua, who was sending off a dangerous wave of aura.
"Ah, sorry," All Might apologized. Killua didn't react, trying to debate whether he should eliminate the threat or flee.
"I wonder why All Might wanted to see them?" Uraraka thought, standing in the lunch line.
"Remember what Asui said before, Midoriya and All Might's quirks are the same? All Might might be giving him some advice!" Iida suggested. Uraraka nodded her head, but then remembered.
"What about Killua though?" Uraraka thought.
"Hmm, I don't really know, but from what I've seen, All Might is quite close to Killua and Midoriya, maybe he really did just want lunch with the two of them," Uraraka pointed out. Iida nodded, agreeing with the statement.
'Midoriya, Killua, and All Might? They all do seem close. What if Midoriya is All Might's secret love child! Than what about Killua? From what I can tell he was probably abused, maybe he was sent into an orphanage program? All Might took pity on him, eventually adopted him, but because of All Might's status, he left Killua a house for himself, and Midoriya had to stay with his mother! So it's a secret love child and an adopted child!' Todoroki thought, taking a step ahead. Everything was clicking into place in his mind.
Killua was in the corner of the room, eating homemade Soba, and watching the other two talk. The conversation confirms his suspicions, Midoriya and All Might have the same quirk.
"Izuku Midoriya, I want you to proudly say to the world 'I am here!'" All Might explained looking at Izuku. Killua finally stood up, wanting to say something.
"You two finished talking yet? Why am I here?" Killua asked, putting his hands in his pockets. All Might and Midoriya turn their heads to Killua, forgetting he was there.
"A-ah, I forgot you where here, sorry!" All Might said, walking over to Killua.
"It's fine, anyway, I was thinking about what you said earlier," Killua began, pausing for a moment, "About better ways to improve Midoriya's quirk. You see, the thing is, YOUR IMAGE ON HOW THE QUIRK WORKS SUCKS!" Midoriya stood stiff as Killua pointed at him.
"From the sounds of it your only focusing it on your hands, just like All Might! If you wanna make that power your own, you have to change it up a bit! You treat the quirk as a special attack, a last resort," Killua said glaring at Izuku. 'His life force gathers around his hands and arms, completely leaving the rest of his body vulnerable. His quirk is quite similar to nen, mainly an enhancer's ability,' Killua thought.
"Change it up?" Midoriya muttered, looking at his hands.
"Yeah, you don't wanna be known for being a copy cat, do you?" Killua said, pointing at Midoriya again. Midoriya shook his head and looked back at Killua.
"All right, I'll find a way to make this borrowed power my own! Until than, can you tell me how your quirk works? Especially Gon's if you have any information on that," Midoriya said, taking his notebook out and walking up to Killua. The white haired boy took a step back, not wanting to be questioned.
"Haha, you two sure are something. I hope you both become excellent heroes," All Might smiled, looking at the two teens.
After school, Killua, Gon, and Alluka were in the nearby beach. The two boys were training their nen, while Alluka played with a seagull. Aizawa was there keeping an eye on them.
"How did you lose your 'quirk'?" Aizawa said, watching the boys destroy rocks with their bare hands.
"Oh, I-, I don't feel comfortable talking about it," Gon explained, stopping his movements. Killua on the other hand was quite irritated by the conversation, it brought bad memories up.
"Is that so? Alright, I won't push you, but can you at least tell me the how it works? I need to change your quirk registration," Aizawa stated, taking a notepad out, and ready to make notes.
"What's with everyone and magically taking paper out to write?" Killua thought, carrying a boulder. Alluka followed Killua, holding a medium sized rock. The boy chuckled at his sister and allowed her to help.
"Yeah I'll explain, lets see," Gon thought for a moment, thinking about how his nen worked.
"Oh, it enhances my abilities, example, strength and speed! I can even use attacks like," Gon paused again, thinking on how he should phrase the next part. Killua snorted, placing the boulder down, and grabbing another. Aizawa grew impatient, but continued to allow him to explain. He began watching Killua carry boulders and placing them in a line.
"It's kinda like, um, hmmm. Oh, Rock, Paper, Scissors!" Gon said, proudly. Aizawa just stared at the boy, extremely confused.
"He based it off an old martial art form that uses techniques similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors. Actually, the game Rock, Paper, Scissors originated from that martial art. It's kinda hard to explain, just show him," Killua said, pointing at two boulders, and a rock. Alluka stood next to her rock proudly. Aizawa was extremely confused how a teenager could carry such weight.
"That should be much more easier!" Gon said, walking to the boulder. Aizawa and the others stood behind Gon, watching him charge up his attack.
"First comes rock: rock, paper, ROCK!" Gon shouted, punching the boulder, into broke to pieces, scattering around him.
"That's my strongest attack!" Gon said, once again, proudly. Alluka clapped in joy, jumping around.
"You must have trained quite a lot to have such strength," Aizawa said, writing down notes. Gon nodded his head, walking to the next boulder.
"Alright, I'll show you my second strongest attack now!" Gon said, getting in his charging pose.
"If I remember correctly, don't you need to wait for a while until you can use your charging technique again?" Killua asked, remembering the fights where Gon had to stall for time to use his ability again. Gon looked at Killua, he was correct, they all use up the same amount of aura to charge, even though they all have different strengths.
"I guess we should wait?" Gon questioned. For the remainder of the time the teens played in the water, even managing to get Aizawa in, much to his dismay. Gon showed the rest of his power and they all eventually went home. Two people had been watching them the whole time, one focused on the white haired boy, the other focusing on Gon.
"There's so many people," Gon said, standing next Killua, "And they're all glaring at us." Killua rolled his eyes, he was quite hungry, and when he's hungry, he's going to get his food.
"Are you keeping us hostage here?!" Mineta yelled out, looking at the crowd of students.
"Why are they all here?" Uraraka asked. Bakugou clicked his tongue, walking up to the students.
"They're checking out the competition," Bakugou said, stopping in front of the crowd.
"Why do I feel like he's going to say something mean?" Gon whispered to Killua. The white haired boy shrugged, also walking up to the crowd.
"Move it extras."
"Get outta my way."
The students in the class all shivered, feeling the glare of hate. Bakugou and Killua looked at each other.
"Shut your mouth extra! I'm the only one that can make rude comments like that!" Bakugou yelled out, irritating Killua.
"Hey, I got something called freedom of speech, so get outta my way, I'm hungry!" The white haired boy jumped on Bakugou, using him as a way to escape the crowd. Killua landed on a few people, but ran off before they can say anything.
"I'M COMING FOOD!!!" Killua yelled, running down the hall. The people who where stepped on shouted at the now gone Killua.
"YOU DARN EXRTA, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Bakugou shouted, pushing against the crowd. They made an exit for the guy, not wanting to be punched. Killua had returned, forgetting his wallet. He sidestepped away from Bakugou's punch and dashed into the classroom.
"Darn it, I forgot my wallet," Killua said, looking through his backpack. The students inside Class A let out a sigh of annoyance or relief, except Bakugou who was growling. Gon walked up to Killua, staring at him.
"So this is Class A, I head you guys where impressive, but you two are acting like kids. Is everyone like this?" a guy with purple hair said, making his way to the front of the crowd. Killua and Bakugou looked at him, Bakugou glared, but Killua's eyes lit up. 'He looks so cool, except he reminds me of Mr. Homeless,' Killua thought.
"You know I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to chose a different path. If any of us do good in the sports festival, one of us can be transferred into the hero course, and some of you will need to be transferred out to make room," The purple haired boy explained. This made almost everyone in the class shiver in fright and distress.
"If you don't do a good job, I may take your place. Take this as a declaration of war," he finished up and looked around the class. Killua stood up, wanting to knew the guy better.
"HEY, I'M FROM CLASS B! I CAME HERE BECAUSE I HEARD YOU ALL FOUGHT A BUNCH OF VILLAINS, BUT TURNS OUT YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OFF IDOTS!" shouted a teen with gray hair. Now this male, caught Gon's attention. 'There's so many different type of people! Some look like ants, but others look so cool!' Gon thought, smiling in amazement, causing the other to sweat nervously.
'Crap, they all hate us now!' The class thought. Killua ignored him, walking up to the purple haired teen.
"The name's Killua! What's you're name? You have such cool hair," Killua said, taking his hand out for the other to grab it. The purple hair boy stared at Killua for a bit, before shaking his hand.
"The name's Hitoshi Shinso. I like you're, uh, little lighting bolt pin," the guy said. Killua wore a lightning bolt pin on the center of his tie, Alluka gave it too him.
"You all look so great!" Gon said, looking at every one of them. The crowd's hate settled down, looking at the adorable shorter boy.
"Are these vines real? They're such beautiful and healthy ones too! I bet you take a lot of care of them!" Gon said, pointing at the vines that grew off a female.
"Thank you, I do take very good care of them! I make sure to water them and give them plenty of sunlight," the female said. Gon was very amazed by how vines grew out of her head.
"I can sense you are very pure, I wish you luck in your journey to be a hero, may the gods bless you," the female said, bowing to Gon before turning around, and walked off.
"You too!" Gon yelled out, walking over to Killua. By now the crowd was gone and most of the students.
"Oh, hello, what's you're name?" Gon asked, looking at the purple haired boy.
"Shinso, what about you?" Shinso asked.
"Gon's my name, lets be friends!" Gon said cheerfully.
"I'm not here to make friends, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a few," he explained. Killua grabbed their hands, dragging them to the lunch room.
"Hurry up guys, I'm hungry!" Killua yelled out. Gon laughed, allowing Killua to drag him around, while Shinso just looked at Killua blankly, before smiling a bit. 'My first true friend,' he thought. Aizawa watched as the three boys went to the stairs, watching Killua closely.
"We may have a traitor within these walls and I have a suspicion it's you."
Woooo, I'm satisfied with this chapter. A good amount of goofy in it. I wonder who could have been watching Gon and Killua train? What about Yakumo, how did he know about the scarlet eyes and Leorio's glasses? What is Aizawa going to do? Find out in the future chapters! Until next time!

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