Chapter 22

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     Killua had passed out, his body limply sinking to the bottom of the fake ocean. Villains swam above him, seeing him dead in their eyes. His pale features much more pale, his eyes shut, and dampened hair clinging onto his face or flowing up. It's cold, chilly, freezing his body numb. His back fit the bottom of the fake ocean, limbs drifting down to his side. 'Everything is cold. Cold, cold cold, cold,' the white haired teen repeated in his thoughts.
Killua laid there for minutes, hearing shouts, and a big bang.
"Wake up," an emotionless voice said. The memory of the voice sent a wave of pain in his head and arm.
"Wake up," it continued to say in the back of his mind. His arm lifted itself up, smacking the boy's face harshly. Killua's eyes widened, almost taking water into his lungs, and control over his body slowly coming back. Killua sat up, looking to his sides, and than up. Bubbles escaped his mouth, telling him that he was losing his breath. Killua floated up slightly, covering his mouth with one hand, and swimming up with the other. Nearby villains looked at the boy, charging at him. They yelled threats, saying things like he was going to die. Killua ignored them, dodging, and making his way to the surface.
Just before he touched the fresh air, a shark looking man pushed him down, knocking the air out of him. In a state of panic, Killua sent a wave of electricity around him, shocking all that are in the water. Killua tried swimming back up, but his body became numb again. Yet, something kept pushing him up. Once he reached the surface, Killua gasped for air. His lungs taking everything in. Killua had lost his bandage when he was under water, so it was now gone, leaving the scratches exposed.
"KILLUA IS THAT YOU?!" A familiar wimpy voice asked and shouted. Killua turned his head, seeing Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta. Killua weakly swam towards them.
"He seems so much more pale then usual! He's going to get frostbite soon! Kero," Asui pointed out. The female frog would use her tongue to save him, but Killua had eletricfied the water. Killua had made it to the edge of the ship, but was unable to climb it.
"Maybe if we find a ladder!" Midoriya suggested. Asui shook her head, explaining that there was no ladder.
"Well, well, maybe Mineta can make a ladder out of his balls!" Midoriya said, motioning the movement of grabbing a ball on his head as an example. Mineta sweated, looking down at the electrical water, than back at Killua, who had been floating on his back, lifeless, and dull.
"ALRIGHT, I'll do it! Anything to help my friend out," Mineta explained, throwing a fist in the air. The short boy started making his way down, stoping when he was a few inches above.
"Killua, swim over!" Mineta waved his arm in the air. Killua's eyes darted to the short teen, he placed himself on his stomach, and began swimming to his friend.
"Grab my hand," Mineta said, taking his hand out. Killua grabbed his hand, shocking Mineta slightly. Whining in pain the short boy began pulling him up, with the help of Asui's tongue. 'This no time to be perverted Mineta! You have to save your friend first!' The short teen thought. Once Killua was pulled onto the ship, they three teens surrounded him in worry.
"Killua , are you okay? How long were you down there for?" Izuku asked, shaking the white haired teen.
"Izuku, stop shaking him. Kero," Asui commanded. Asui placed her hand on Killua's hand.
"He's freezing," Asui pointed out, grabbing Killua's shoulder and placing it around her neck. The white haired teen, now sensing safety, passed out again.
"KILLUA!" Gon yelled, looking around. Gon had remained where he was originally before the portal attack.
"Gon calm down, he's going to be fine!" Uraraka said, trying to calm the other. Gon continued yelling for his friend and crying in the process.
"How strange," Kurogiri said, looking at the black and green haired teen. 'He must be a close friend of Tric. So, Killua is his real name?' Kurogiri dismissed the thought for now, focusing on the other students, and pro hero.
"Where did everyone go?!" Iida asked, looking around.
"They're scattered around the facility," Shoji explained, looking at the mist villain. Gon stood up looking down at the rest of the facility, hoping to find his friend.
"Physical attacks are no good, he just warps away! His quirk is tough to handle!" Sero explained. He looked at Gon questionably when he started sniffing the air.
"Dude, what are you doing?" Sero asked quietly.
"I'm looking for Killua!" Gon explained, tears still in his eyes. Kurogiri let out a long sigh, not knowing what to do. For all he knew, Tric would kill him for separating the two. 'Maybe, I should just portal him there?' Kurogiri thought, but immediately shook it out. He's not here to help the heroes.
"Class president!" Thirteen yelled out. Iida turned around looking at the space hero.
"Yes sir?" He asked, turning to the smaller, but older, hero.
"Your job is to run. Run back to the school and report on what's happening," Thirteen explained, he also said how none of the communication is working. Iida argued with the hero, but in the end, he readied his engines. Iida turned around and began running, while Thirteen used his quirk to suck up Kurogiri's mist.
"To think a pro hero would allow a villain to be in earshot to their plans," Kurogiri said, opening a portal in front of him. Gon looked at the Kurogiri, anger spreading through his vains. 'If I wasn't so weak, and had my nen back, than I could've fight back! I'm so weak,' Gon thought, head dropping to the ground. His tears began rolling down his cheeks again. Uraraka patted Gon's back, still trying to calm him down. The teen looked up, seeing Thirteen use his quirk and the portal in front of him.
This was his time to escape and look for Killua. Gon dashed off to the sidelines, running behind Kurogiri, and down the stairs. Kurogiri let the boy be or else Tric would kill him.
"GON COME BACK!" Uraraka yelled, trying to follow her friend. A portal sent Uraraka back to her original place before she went to far.
"Huh, why did you send me back, but not him?!" Uraraka yelled.
Gon, Midoriya, Asui, Mineta, and Killua, had all made it to Center Plaza. When Gon's eyes landed on a drenched Killua, be rushed over, grabbing him from Asui.
"KILLUA, YOUR OKAAAAAY!" Gon cried out, more tears escaping his eyes. Gon wrapped himself around his friend, causing the other to stir in his sleep. The other teens stared blankly, not knowing what to do now.
"Meet the Anti Symbol Of Peace, the artificial human 'Nomu'!" Shigaraki explained. Midoriya looked over at the villain, than his eyes landed on his teacher.
"AIZAWA!" Midoriya yelled. Gon looked over his shoulder, seeing the large Nomu hovering over his teacher.
"Aizawa?" Gon spoke, barely above a whisper. His teacher's skin was flacking off around the arm area, his face smashed to the floor by a huge hand, and he was bleeding in multiple places. 'How did I just run by this?! Why didn't I pay more attention. I could've helped, he would've been fine. I was to focused on Killua that I forgot about everyone else. If only I had my nen, than I could've helped everyone,' many thoughts passed through Gon's mind. Slowly placing Killua down, Gon stood up. Killua shifted in his sleep, eyes opening back up.
'IF ONLY I HAD MY NEN!' Gon internally shouted, eyes dark, fingers digging deep into his palms, and teeth scrapping against each other.
'IF ONLY!' Gon repeated, taking a step closer to his teacher, his friend, the second person he's willing to call father. Killua looked at Gon's state, eyes widening when a familiar aura spiked around him.
"Go-," Killua was cut off, by Gon rushing to the mosnter's side. His nen reappeared like it had never left before.
"Gon, please, stay away," Aizawa said weakly, turning his head to his student.
"First comes rock: rock, paper, ROCK!" Gon yelled out, an orange spike of aura surrounding his fist. Killua slowly sat up, still taking in what was happening. He winced and clenched his arm, feeling strange.
"What's going on?! What are you doing you little brat!" Shigaraki yelled, getting frustrated. Gon punched the Nomu's stomach, shooting him off Aizawa, and towards Shigaraki.
"Huh, HOW'D YOU DO THAT?! Wait, no, don't crush onto me N-," Shigaraki was silenced when the beast landed on him.
"Gon, GON, WHAT WAS THAT! Was it your quirk, but that's not possible you're quirkless, but that's still so cool!" Midoriya mumbled, his eyes shining, and taking his notebook out. Killua looked plain old confused, thinking, 'How did Gon get his nen back and where did that notebook come from?' Gon ignores everyone, going back to Aizawa, and helping him up.
"Ai-Aizawa," Gon said, looking up at his teacher. Aizawa patted Gon's head, looking back at the villains.
"Thanks for the help, but, you all need to get out of here. I'll be fine," Aizawa explained, reactivating his quirk on Nomu.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Shigaraki yelled off, pushing Nomu off of him.
"You weren't supposed to punch him! He's supposed to be as powerful as All Might! We where supposed to win this game!" Shigaraki stomped his legs on the ground, throwing a tantrum. Killua smirked, laughing at the man child, but his laugh was interpreted by coughing.
"Killua, what's wrong?!" Gon asked, running back to his friend's side. Killua continued to cough, he slowly stood up, looking at Gon.
"I don't know," Killua said, his body moving on his own. Gon walked over, lifting his hand to support Killua. A harsh, loud, slap was heard, followed by a thump. Gon was on the floor, a red hand print on his left cheek.
"KILLUA, what do you think you're doing?!" Aizawa yelled, rushing to his student's side, and far from the villains.
"I-I don't know! I can't control my body!" Killua yelled, turning around towards Aizawa.
"Kill them," a painfully familiar voice commanded. Trying his best, Killua stood still, but his fingernails still grew sharp. He didn't want to obey, he didn't want to hurt his friends. Gon on the other hand, was extremely frustrated, and slapped Killua back. Gon than began hitting and smacking his friend, over, and over again.
"NEXT TIME, DON'T PUNCH ME!" Gon yelled, kicking Killua in the stomach, and flinging him into the water again. Aizawa let out a heavy sigh of annoyance, the other students in shock, and the villains frozen. The power of all the kicks and punches had gave Killua full control of his body again.
"OH YEAH, THAN DON'T KICK ME!" Killua yelled, running to Gon, and kicking him back. Shigaraki watched in amazement, he hasn't really seen Tric show his strength or fight.
"What is happening?" Kurogiri asked, warping himself next to Shigaraki.
"I don't know, but it's hilarious," Shigaraki said. The two teens continued punching, kicking, and pulling each other's hair.
It's been a few minutes, Gon and Killua had been placed ten feet apart. Shigaraki was scratching his neck, wanting to finish this fight already.
"ENOUGH STALLING! You know what, never mind let's go, we're leaving!" Shigaraki yelled out, grumpily following Kurogiri towards the portal. An idea popped on Shigaraki's mind, he turned around, looking at the closest student, Gon.
"But first, let's see how the symbol reacts to seeing one of his students dead," Shigaraki mumbled out, but loudly enough for the others to hear. He stretched his arm out towards Gon and dashed towards him. Killua narrowed his eyes, they agreed not to hurt his friend, and Shigaraki was going against that rule. Even so, Killua didn't do anything, Gon can manage himself.
"What do you mean you're going to kill one of us," Gon asked, grabbing Shigaraki's wrist, twisting it to the left. Shigaraki let out a cry of pain, taking his hand back to his body.
"YOU BRAT! YOU BRAT! YOU BRAT!" Shigaraki yelled, rolling around the floor, and getting up to attack again.
"Shigaraki stop, you know the rules, we can't hurt this student!" Kurogiri tried to explain, quickly glancing at Tric. The teen was glaring at them, bloodlust escaping his glare, signaling that they will be dead if they do anything to his friend. Aizawa raised his brow, looking at the villains than to Gon, and back to the villains.
"F*CK THE RULES! NOMU, KILL HIM!" Shigaraki commanded. The large Nomu, who had been still the entire time, had began running towards Gon. It lifted his arm up and swings his attack towards the teen. Gon dodged, quickly jumping onto the Nomu's back.
"If the brain is exposed, than that's the weak stop," Gon told himself. Killua mentally face palmed, 'Why did they chose such an obvious weak point?!' Gon began punching the Nomu, happily using his nen to enhance his strength. The Nomu screeched, trying to get Gon off, and eventually fell onto the ground.
"I WIN!" Gon yelled, jumping off the Nomu and proudly putting his hand up to the air.
"The hell?! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE QUIRKLESS!" Bakugou yelled, he had arrived earlier, but kept quite until now. Todoroki had been there as well, watching, and theorizing. The sound of an opening door echoed through the facility.
"FEAR NOT, FOR I AM HERE!" All Might yelled and the for the first time ever, the students saw him frown.
"Quick Kurogiri, a portal out!" Shigaraki yelled out. Aizawa quickly went to capture the Nomu and the other villains, but only managed to get the beast.
"We'll be baaaaaack," Shigaraki said, wiggling his arms into the portal, than wincing at the pain.
"Yeah, when you get a life!" Killua yelled back.
"You're the worse!" Shigaraki said, portal fully closing.
"Do you know how your power is back?" Aizawa asked, washing the dishes.
"Nope," Gon said, spinning on the black desk chair.
"Give me a turn!" Alluka begged. Gon scooter over, letting Alluka sit next to him. Killua was on the other side of the room, next to Aizawa. He was supposed to be six feet away.
"This is the worse play date ever," Killua groaned, sliding his body down the cabinets and onto the floor.
"I think it's fun!" Alluka smiled, still spinning on the chair with Gon.
"But, you get to play and I'm over here bored," the white haired teen whined. Aizawa flicked water onto Killua's face, causing the teen to hiss like a cat. This cat like action made Aizawa smile slightly.
"I like school, but hanging out with the people I care about is way better!" Gon smiled.
"I don't like my old school, I'm happy I transferred to a new one," Alluka said.
"Wait, you're going to a new school?" Killua asked, sitting up again.
"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you," Alluka mumbled out, fiddling with her fingers.
"Why would you? I thought you liked the other one."
"Well you see, everyone was being really mean to me because I'm quirkless."
"What did the do?"
     "Uhhhhhh, I was punched by some girls."
"There will be no killing," Aizawa said, spraying water at Killua. Killua hissed once again, shuffling back to escape.
"I love you all," Gon smiled and laughed.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever Baka," Killua's face went pink and he turned it away from Gon's view.
"I love you too and so does Nanika!" Alluka yelled, hugging Gon. Aizawa was going to question who Nanika was, but let it be for now.
"Love you too brat," Aizawa smiled, drying the dishes.
.... . | .. ... | ... - .. .-.. .-.. | .. -. | -.-. --- -. - .-. --- .-..
I don't know how I feel about this chapter, I like the first part, but I had a lot of trouble where Gon would land. I rewrote that part three times, first time with Ojiro, next time with Todoroki, and finally decided on this. Although, I still don't know if I like it. Anyway one of the most important parts about this chapter is: GON GOT HIS NEN BACK! I've been planning this bit for a long time now. How did he get his nen back, uuuuhhhh, determination (my undertale side is showing darn it)....? Who knows I'll figure it out, hopefully... like I said earlier, I'm half winging this! Man, I've gone far in the language of Morse code, didn't have to use a translator this time, which is good. Anyway hope you enjoy good bye!
It's been six hours since I finished this, warning venting ahead:
I still got.....mixed feelings about this chapter...... Tell me what you guys think, if there was anything to make it better or more interesting. I love reading suggestions and reviews. Good or bad, I'll take in whatever I can lean from. Unless they're typos... I don't fix them unless there's a lot. I may come back to this chapter and change it, who knows? It's especially difficult because my way of writing is descriptive, proof of this: my entire ethnic study quick writes, first half of this chapter, man I was in the zone, and when I'm writing duologue moments, I don't know what to write, other than their expresions, and movements. The bad part is I feel like I always have to end the "words words words," with said, stated, yelled, pointed out, stuff like that. I don't got a huge dictionary of words. Okay but the worse, worse part, is when I don't know how to spell the word or even pronuce it. It took me about over 5 minutes trying to spell dismissed! I used the audio thingy next to the keyboard, I used Sri! It came out as The apple, not dismissed. I didn't even know the word had an m! *tears of pain* DOES MY PRONUNCIATION REALLY SOUND LIKE THAT!!! ;-; So yeah, my vocabulary is limited to words I can spell and out of those words, which I can pronounce and ask Sri how to spell it. There's so many more creative words I know, not much, but I'm unable to spell or pronounce the word correctly. I ask my friends sometimes, but they too can't find out what I'm talking about and I gave up asking them. I feel like that graduation paper from speech went to the trash. Nah, I'm proud I did graduate from speech, even though it took me all of elementary to finish it. If I didn't and still continued taking speech, who knows how bad my pronunciation would be or would it be better? Spanish was my first language, and I had to lean enough English in less than three months before school started. Now I don't know much spanish, hahahaha...the few things that makes me sad. Thanks for coming to my little rant/vent session, good bye.

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