Chapter 14

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In the kitchen was a white haired boy making pancakes. Usually he makes them for him and his sister, but unfortunately for him, a man child and a gas mom had instead to come over. Killua finished the last of the pancakes and placed them in the middle of the table.
"Tell me why you came over again?" Killua asked sitting in his chair next to his sister. Alluka was rushing to eat her pancakes before heading to school.
"We wanted to see with our own eyes if you made it into UA," Kurogiri explained, taking a bite of his pancake. Shigaraki was having a difficult time cutting his up due to his quirk. Killua ohed and stared at his pancake. A few minutes of silence and Alluka gets up to leave. She said her goodbyes and rushed out the door. On her way out, Killua eyed Alluka's uniform closely. The skirt seemed shorter then he remembered.
"WAIT ALLUKA," Killua shouted, trying to catch up to Alluka, but the girl had already ran out of the house. Killua sighed, walking back to the older males.
"Do any of you know when this clarification will come?" Killua asked. Shigaraki shrugged and Kurogiri shook his head no. Killua walked into the living room, sitting down on the black sofa. Pondering for a while, Killua decided to go on a jog.
"Alright, Imma be back in a bit, please don't destroy the house while I'm gone," Killua notified the others. The white haired boy stood up and walked to the front door.
"As long as I can play on your Wii I won't do anything," Shigaraki said, walking into the living room.
"Fine, but if I come back home to a dusted remote, I'll kill you," Killua glared at Shigaraki, letting a bit of bloodlust out to threaten him. Shigaraki shook in place, trying to look unaffected by the treat.
"Ha, you don't scare me," Shigaraki weakly said, he was obviously lying. Kurogiri walked in and placed a hand on Shigaraki.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't mess anything up. I'll even get the mail if the letter arrives when your out," the purple gas man explained. Killua nodded and walked outside.
Killua was jogging through the streets of Musutafu city. He didn't have a clear idea where exactly wanted to go, but he did have a few places in mind. Killua took out his phone that Kurogiri gave him a few days ago. 'Maybe I should ask that Giran guy to give me a job?' Killua thought.
     He heard many rumors about this man, about how he gives villains equipment, gives them jobs, and he can even help recruit members. Although, from every rumor he head about, they all explained clearly that he only wants money. He'd do anything to get his hands on money. This gave Killua an idea, if he can work multiple jobs for him and get him to trust him, he could get the money he needs.
     Killua wanted to begin paying his own rent sooner then later before Kurogiri gets upset and calls Killua lazy. Looking down at his phone contact list, he stops over the name Giran. Kurogiri gave him this number in case Killua needed it. Looking around, the white haired boy jogged into an alleyway. The boy pressed call and waited for the man to pick up.
     "Hello?" A rusty old voice asked.
     "Hey, the names Tric. Kurogiri gave me your number in case I needed something from you," Killua explained. He had put a voice modifier on before the call, to make his voice unrecognizable.
"Ah, I've heard a lot about you. What did you call for?" Giran asked.
"I was just wondering if you have any part time jobs I could take during the night. Preferably anything with no killing," Killua explained, walking farther into the alleyway. He had sense a presence following him and decided to confront his stalker.
"Hm, meet me on Friday and we'll talk about it. I'll send you the location," Giran replied.
"Yeah, okay see you then," Killua said hanging up. Killua used En to create a sphere aura around him. Thanks to all his training and practicing, he was able to make a one meter radius around him. If anyone or anything was to enter the aura sphere, he'll know. As Killua walked down the alleyway, something was coming at him. Killua quickly dodges to his right and looks back at the person.
It was the pro hero from the before, Eraserhead. Killua turned his attention back to the white scarf thrown at him and jumps back. The scarf retreated back to the man dressed in black.
"I knew you where trouble," Aizawa spat out. Killua's eyes widen, he had not expected for the man to find him again.
"Ran away to not become a villain you said. Didn't want to follow their footsteps you said. You lied and you're a criminal!" Aizawa shouted. He had been following Killua around the past few days. He doesn't know exactly who he is, but he knows that boy isn't safe enough to be around Gon.
"Wait I can explain! I really don't want to be a villain, but it's a habit I was forced to grow with. I just need enough money for me and my sister to live peacefully!" Killua tried explaining. Killua wasn't about to be sent to prison. He hadn't had enough fun, besides who'll care for Alluka? He can't just ask Gon to bail him out of prison again. He wasn't even in this world.
"If what you say is true, then when you arrive to UA tomorrow I want you to avoid a certain someone," Aizawa looked dead into Killua's eyes. 'So I did get accepted?' Killua thought.
"Who do I need to avoid?" Killua asked.
"You'll know when you see them," Aizawa said. He walked up to Killua and dragged him out of the alleyway.
"Where are you taking me!" Killua cried out, trying to get out of the man's grasp. Killua decided to knock the hero out and make a run for it. Just as Killua raised his hand, Aizawa stopped him.
"Don't even think about attacking a Pro Hero," Aizawa explained, holding the younger's wrist. Killua struggled a while longer, he didn't want to use his true strength in this world unless he really needed it. Eventually he gave up.
A girl with silky, long, black hair, and pale fragile skin made her way to school. Her name was, Illumi, Alluka. It was Alluka's first day of school. She never went to school before so she was excited to experience it and maybe meet some new friends. She was wearing a white dress shirt under a black sweatshirt, with a red bow tie. She also had a black short skirt, which she had secretly wore instead of the long skirt Killua got her, black long stockings, and black dress shoes.
     Walking into the school building, filled Alluka with joy. She was a second year junior high schooler at Aldera. When she entered, every one turned their attention on to her. It seemed that everyone already knew each other and already formed groups. Alluka awkwardly sweats and starts to slowly go towards her fist class.
     'These people are looking at us funny,' Nanika explained.
     'It's going to be okay. We're just new here, that's all,' Alluka tried relaxing Nanika and herself.
     "Hey, cutie what's your name?" A boy with blond hair and tan skin walked up to Alluka.
     "Oh, the names Alluka!" She brightly smiled, not knowing about the teen's perverted intentions.
     "The name's Jikochuu Ai, but call me Jikochuu," the teen took his hand out.
     "Ai," Alluka confirmed, shaking the male's hand.
     "No the name's Jikochuu," Jikochuu frowned. Alluka looked confused, but realized what he meant.
     "Oh, sorry, I have a strange way of pronouncing hai," Alluka rubbed the back of her head (hai in Japanese means okay/yes. Alluka/Nanika pronounces it ai).
     "Oh, alright," the teen said.
     Alluka was now walking home from school, she changed into the longer skirt, so her brother doesn't notice. It was really strange hanging out with that boy from earlier, he tried putting his arms around her. It got even worse when Alluka told her classmates she was quirkless. When Alluka was a few blocks away from home, a buzz sounded in her pocket.
     Alluka took out the phone she managed to buy with her own money, only to find out that it wasn't coming from that phone. Alluka took off her backpack and looked around for the still buzzing device. Her fingers wrapped around a bug shaped phone. When she saw Gon's name she opened it up happily. She ignored the few texts Kurapika and Leorio sent. Especially, Illumi's.
Annoying puppy: KILLUA ARE YOU THERE? 🤔
Killua: Hello Onii-Chan's friend!
Alluka was really excited that the big phone was working properly. She dashed her way back to the house.
Annoying puppy: Alluka is that you?
Killua: Yup!
Annoying puppy: Can I talk to Killua please? 🙏🏼
Once Alluka enters the house she searches for Killua. She saw him laying on the couch with a few bruises. Alluka raised a brow, but threw the phone at him.
"It's for you," Alluka said walking to the other males that where still there.
"What the hell?" Killua mumbled, looking at the device in his hands. His eyes lit up slightly when he sees Gon's message.
Killua: Waz up?
Killua dropped the phone on his lap and covered his ears. It's like he can hear him through the phone.
"You're so annoying!" Killua barked at Gon who wasn't even there.
"Who are you talking too?" Shigaraki asked walking into the living room.
"I was texting my friend," Killua sighed. The teen walked into the kitchen to grab an ice pack.
"Onii-Chan, why are you hurt? What happened while I was at school?" Alluka worriedly asked. She went over to Killua and placed her fingers around Killua's arm gently. She pulled the sleeve up and examined the bruised areas. Killua let her do her thing and turned his head.
"I-it's nothing, nothing happen. I'm fine, it doesn't hurt," Killua didn't want to talk about what happened earlier. UA is going to be hell for him, he's starting to regret applying.
"Ooonnnii-Chan..," Alluka glared at Killua. Killua sweated for a bit, then pushed Alluka out of his way.
"I SAID I'M FINE!" Killua snapped at his sister. Kurogiri walked into the kitchen, glaring at the boy. A waterfall of tears escaped Alluka's eyes, as she ran away to her room.
"Wait, no, I-I didn't mean it," Killua tried calming himself down and followed Alluka. Kurogiri stopped Killua in his tracks, shaking his head, and walking to Alluka's room. Killua grumbled to himself in frustration and walked to his room.
"OOOOOOH, SOMEONE'S IN TROUBLE!" Shigaraki yelled out. He poked his head into the deserted room and looked around trying to find Killua.
"SHUT UP!" Killua screamed, spamming his door closed. 'Damn it, why am I so emotional right now?' Killua slammed his body onto his bed. He laid there for a while before deciding to text Gon. He saw Gon had texted his name ten times until he gave up.
Killua: you're sooo loud. It's like I can hear u through the phone
Annoying puppy : Sorry. :P
Killua: Whatever
Killua: Why did you text me?
     'Wait, how'd he know that?' Killua thought about it and it made sense. He had always felt Gon's presence lingering around. Come to think about it, the Pro Hero Eraserhead had some of Gon's sent. If he remembered what happened earlier, the man did say to stay away from a peculiar student. 'Wait, so that means Gon got sent to this world, stayed with Aizawa, and drew a photo of me? Why the hell would he draw me though?' Killua spent a few minutes analyzing the new information.
He stopped though, when he felt a sharp pain in his side. He forgotten to get the ice pack from the freezer. He didn't dare take a step outside. Sighing, Killua tried heeling the bruise with nen. It was something mainly enhancers can do, but with enough practice others can too. Failing miserably at his attempt to heal, Killua took the bug phone and texted Gon again.
Killua: How did you know about that?
Killua: Gon answer me
"Weird, he usually responds faster then I can run with Godspeed," Killua mumbled out. It had been a few minutes without a reply. The only few reasons he would t reply is if he was on a call.
Killua: Are you on a call? Wait does calling still work?
Killua was becoming annoyed. Only he was allowed to ignore the other's texts and calls, not the other way around. Laying back down on the bed, he waited for a response. Killua got a phone call and he looked at the name in hope.
"Leorio," Killua spelled out, he ignored him and continued waiting. A few more minutes pass and Gon finally replies.
Annoying puppy: 1. Easy I toke the same exam. 2. Yes I was on a call with Leorio and Hisoka tried calling too.
Killua raised a brow, 'Why would Hisoka wanna call?'
Killua: Why do you have hisoka's number and why does he have yours?!
Killua: Are you in a world filled with stupid heros?
Annoying puppy: I wouldn't call them stupid, but yes. Also, I don't know, he just has it! 😟
Killua rolled his eyes.
Killua: Send me your location
Annoying puppy: I don't think I can. I'm under hero supervision. 🤔
Killua: Why?
Annoying puppy: May or may not have broken a rule and told a hero I was from another world. 😋🤭
Killua: I see, your helpless without me
Killua snickered to himself, they were both helpless without each other. I mean who was going to bail Killua out of jail if Gon wouldn't? Although, he was upset Gon told someone he was from another world.
Annoying puppy: Rude >:T 😤
Killua laughed more, it's been so long since they have chatted, it felt quite relaxing.
Killua: Ha, see you in school then. Which class do you got?
Annoying puppy: Lemme check.
     Killua patiently waited, poking his bruises. He whined at the more recent ones. The white haired boy sat up, walking to the bathroom, but he got a notification and walked back.
Annoying puppy: I'm in class 1-A
Killua: Same here
Annoying puppy: YAAAAY :D 😀😄
Killua dropped the phone on the bed and walked into the bathroom. He might as well start a bath and wash up. Killua's, chocolates are near, senses were tingling. Killua dashed to his phone and opened up the device.
Annoying puppy: Killua, wanna come over?
Annoying puppy: I have Chocobots!🍫
Killua: What time?
Killua was extremely excited. Usually, people give him chocobots to make a deal with him or bride him. There was the occasional give him sweets as presents though. Although, anything is worth it for Chocobots.
Annoying: What about tomorrow at three?
Killua: Gon, that's when school starts!
Annoying puppy: Oh... 😞
Killua: Well I'll just see you tomorrow and bring those chocobots!
Killua: And some other sweets
Annoying puppy: Ok 😃
     He can always count on Gon to give him sweets. Killua walked into the bathroom, which was located in his head room, and grabbed a razor.
Woooo new chapter! I just wanna say in two or four chapters there will be mention about abuse, self harm, and how horrible the zoldyck family is. Where do you think Aizawa dragged Killua too? What happened to Killua? Why must then darn Jikochuu exist? Etc, Etc, etc. I hope you enjoy and good bye!

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