Chaper 19

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Killua, Yaoyorozu, and Mineta are the hero team. Their opponents, Kaminari, Jiro, and Aoyama, the villains. They had already began the fight.
"I have a strategy," Killua announced.
"What is it?" Yaoyorozu asked, trying to pray Mineta off.
"Mineta, I want you to place your balls on each side of the door, the two pillars over there, and two more on the same pillars but towards each other," Killua explained, using his knowledge about their quirks from what he saw during the physical test. Killua didn't want to show everyone all of his powers and strength. He also thinks that if the two behind him does nothing as he knocks out the opponents, than they would fail this class.
"Yaoyorozu, you can create anything right?" Killua asked.
"I can make anything non living and I need to know how to make it," Yaoyorozu explained.
"Good, I want you to make six pieces of electric fence. Don't worry, we'll just trap them, nothing to harmful," Killua explained. Yaoyorozu nodded in agreement.
"I can make copper wire, from there you can attach it to the wall," Yaoyorozu explained.
"Thanks," Killua said. Mineta began placing the purple balls on the walls and pillars. Yaoyorozu was making the copper wire, from her chest? Killua looked away, blushing at the sight.
"Alright, now, we just hope they don't find us until we're done sitting up," Killua said, looking through the door. If he had to, he can stall for time.
"So, what should we do?" Jiro whispered/asked, looking at Kaminari.
"I don't know, why are you looking at me?!" Kaminari whisper shouted.
"Why are we whispering?" Aoyama asked, looking at the readers, and just can't stop sparkling.
"Well, what are you looking at?" Kaminari pointed out.
"Guys, guys, we need a plan. They're going to come after us soon!" Jiro shouted, no longer whispering.
"Well, we can always fight!" Kaminari explained.
"I know we can, but who should go against who? Also, wouldn't there be a better way?," Jiro explained.
"Well, I can go against Killua, seeing as we both got similar quirks!" Kaminari said, pointing at himself.
"Kaminari, you have to recharge right?" Jiro asked.
"Yeah?" Kaminari said, not getting the point.
"Can't he just absorb your electricity? If what you say about both your quirks being similar, doesn't he need to recharge too?" Jiro pointed out, sighing.
"Aw man, you're right. There goes my master plan," Kaminari grumbled to himself. Jiro facepalmed, she was teamed up with idiots.
"We can blast our way in there and have moi shine," Aoyama explained. 'Yup, idiots,' she thought.
"You know what, I'll just listen through the walls and get some intel. You two go look or something," Jiro explained, shooing them away. Plugging her earphone jacks into the wall, she quietly listened.
"Soooo, what should we do?" Kaminari asked. Aoyama said nothing and kept walking.
"Why do they have to be so loud?" Jiro thought, she went silent when she heard another voice.
"Are they even looking for us?" Killua grumbled, the voice was muffled, but she could hear it.
"I don't know, at this rate we'll win from just standing here," Yaoyorozu sighed.
"It'll be so unfortunate if they didn't came across the room, we are on the first floor after all," she said.
"Hey, shut up, I hear someone," Killua rudely inturpted. The voices stopped. Jiro, quickly unplugged her earphone jacks, running to the two males. Once she found them, she pointed to a door down the hall.
"Th-they are over there," Jiro panted, bending down slightly, and hands on her knees.
"Right let's go in and attack!" Kaminari yelled.
"Be quite! How about, I walk through first and then send sound waves through the room. Then you two can attack afterwards," Jiro explained. The two nodded and together they headed to the room. Jiro stood at the front door, signaling the other two to cover their ears. Once the did, she blasted sound waves inside the room, by plugging her earphone jacks to her speaker boots.
"AHHH," Mineta cried out, covering his ears. Yaoyorozu, stood in place covering her ears and trying to keep her guard up.
"Okay now attack!" She tellers as all three of them enter the room. The stopped when they noted a fence of wire surrounding them. 'How did I not notice this?' Jiro questioned.
"What's going on?" Kaminari asked, walking backwards.
"Wait where's Killu-," Jiro turned around, seeing Killua smiling at them. He had connected the wires together, making a wire fence.
"Heya," Killua waved. Jiro, immediately turned around towards the bomb, running to it, only to stop once the fence became electrical.
"Ahh!" Kaminari yelled, he was being pinned to the floor and was captured by Killua.
"I suggest you don't touch that, unless you want to be electrocuted. The only other person in this room that could have absorb the electricity has already been captured. It looks like it's a win for the villains," Killua smiled widely, eyes dark, and a bit of bloodlust slipped. The two heroes froze, plus Yaoyorozu, became paralyzed from the feeling of killing intent. Killua quickly stopped it once he noticed.
"Hehe, sorry, I got too carried away," Killua got up and ran towards Aoyama, taping him too.
"Nooo, not moi!" Aoyama shouted, once again looking at the reader's. He laided their with an overdramatic pose. Killua only rised an eyebrow, seeing him stare at nowhere. Jiro looked around, as long as part of her body touches the bomb, they can win. Jiro sent her earphone jack flying, Yaoyorozu noticed and grabbed it.
"We're not letting you win that easily," she explained. During her explanation, Jiro was pushed to the floor, Killua held her arms down with one hand, and her earphone jacks in his other. He did this to make sure they don't touch the electrical fence.
"Mineta, your small, crawl over here and capture her!" Killua explained.
"Right!" Mineta responded, crawling under the wire, and over to Killua.
"I can still fight," Jiro said weakly, struggling against Killua's grip, trying to mover her other earphone jack.
"It's already over!" Mineta explained, he had already taped Jiro's hands together.
"TEAM C HAS WON!" All Might yelled into the speakers. Killua got off of Jiro, carefully holding her earphone jack up, as she recoils it. He than absorbed the electricity back. Yaoyorozu helped Killua clean up and untape the other students. Mineta on the other hand, still sat on Jiro.
    "Mineta please get off me," she said.
    "Hm let me th-," Mineta was inturpted by Killua carrying him.
    "Dude, you're weird," Killua said, sticking Mineta on his back.
    "Whaaaa! You do know I can just get off right?" Mineta asked, pointing to his hair balls.
    "Yeah, but I don't care. I'll just pick you back up anyways," Killua said, wrapping the last of the wire up.
    "You know, I'm staying here not because your forcing me, but because I get a free ride," Mineta explained, crossing his arms.
    "Yeah, yeah whatever, shut your prev mouth," Killua shocked Mineta.
    "Ow!" He cried out.
    "That was very, um, uneventful," Gon said. Looking at Killua than the purple little teen on his back.
    "Eh, not all battles have to be full of fist fights, or whatnot. You just need a good strategy and people that can play it out," Killua explained, trying to take Mineta off him.
    "All right, time to get off," Killua said tugging Mineta off.
    "Nah, I don't have to stand, walk, or pretty much do anything this way," Mineta said.
    "Yeah, but you won't be able to see the females with my back facing away from them," Killua grinned. Gon shot Killua a look of disappointment and Killua stuck his tongue out at him.
    "You know, us 'females' are right here listening right?" Jiro stated, glaring at Killua.
    "Also, what's with that glare you gave us earlier?" Jiro asked, shivering at the memory. Aoyama and Yaoyorozu also shivered in the background.
    "Uhhhh, it's nothing really," Killua said. Mineta finally came off of Killua, while leaving one ball on his shirt.
    "Just in case I need to hitch another ride," Mineta started, pointing at the ball. Killua would punch Mineta right now, if All Might wasn't here.
    "Great job students, especially the villains. You managed to catch the hero's without causing property damage and because there was no damage, you are also concealing your location better. Hero team, you did a great job!," All Might clapped, impressed with the student's work. The other classmates clapped their hands too, although it wasn't really a battle in their eyes, they did a great job.
The two teams smiled happily, high-fiving, and congratulating each other.
    The students had finished up their battles, they got undressed and headed to their classroom for their evaluations.
    "What do you think I got?" Gon asked. Mineta was catching an other ride on Killua. Said teen, learned to accept it, and ignored the smaller on his back.
    "I don't know, something over a B at least," Killua explained.
    "Maybe even higher!" Mineta shouted out.
    "Keep it down will you, your mouth is close to my ears," Killua complained.
    "Why are you on his back?" Gon asked Mineta.
    "Free ride!" He said, hand going up. Killua shocked him and continued walking off. Gon frowned, he wanted to be near his best friend. He was also jealous of Mineta, he gets a piggy back ride from Killua, he wanted one too!
    "Hey, Gon!" Uraraka called out. Looking at the girl, Gon waved.
    "Hey," he said.
    "Good afternoon Gon," Iida said.
    "You too," Gon smiled. Once they enter the classroom, every one went off to their desks, grabbing their evaluations.
    "How where they written so fast?" Hagakure, the invisible girl, asked.
    "Are they even accurate?" Tokoyami asked. Students started at their papers in confusion.
    "Hey, Giran, something came up that day, I'll have to meet up with you another day," Killua explained. Killua was sitting in the LOV's base, his villain custom on. Alluka was downstairs, probably letting Kurogiri do her makeup.
    "Alright, when are you free again?" Giran asked.
    "How about, next Tuesday night?" Killua asked, looking at a calendar in front of him.
    "Hmm, that'll do," Giran said and hanged up. Killua sighed in relief, he really needed money. Killua was thinking about getting another part time job. Realizing he didn't get enough details on where to meet up and the exact time, Killua slammed his head on the table.
    "Hey brat, your sister's trying to leave," Shigaraki said, walking into the room.
    "Tell her she can go," Killua explained.
    "Alright, oh, and by the way, I got a plan," Shigaraki smiled wickedly.
    "Aizawa, I'm so boooorrrrrreeeeeed," Gon whined. Aizawa just ignored him, petting a stray cat, and drinking coffe. Gon looked at the cat, walking up to them, and petting their head.
    "Such a good cat," Gon said, grabbing the cat away from Aizawa. The older male gasped and took the cat back.
    "Hands off!" He shouted. Gon pouted and went upstairs to his room. Once he closed the door, he opened his phone.
    "Hey, Gon it's Hisoka. How's your nen coming along~?-Hisoka," Gon read out loud.
Gon: I can't use nen anymore. 😔
-Hisoka sent a photo-
    Gon opened the photo and laughed, it showed a gray scale photo of Hisoka in shock. He copied the photo and sent it to Killua.
Gon: Look what Hisoka sent me once he found out I can't use nen anymore! 😂
White Fluffy Kitty: Haha that's funny XD
Gon got a message saying that Hisoka blocked him.
Gon: He even blocked me... 😐
White Fluffy Kitty: HA
White Fluffy Kitty: Anyways I'm busy bye
Gon: bye, bye. 👋🏼
Gon grew bored again. That was until he got another notification:
Red Eyes: Hey.
Red Eyes: What are you up too? Leorio said you and Killua are stuck somewhere. Did Killua swear? If so, did you make him put money in a jar?
Gon: 1. Going to hero school! 2. We're stuck in another world, its been like two years. I learned about a holiday called Christmas and Halloween though! :3 3. I don't remember, but Killua is being strange... 🤔
Red Eyes: Strange, I've never heard of any holidays like that, well, maybe from Honzo. Also, I'll find a way to get you two back.
Red Eyes: What kind of strange?
Gon: 👍🏼
Gon: He's staring at the females in class, especially when they had their hero costumes on. He even looked at some of the males...
Gon: He's being a pervert! 😖
Red Eyes: PUNCH HIM. 👊🏻
Gon: Okay! 👊🏼
Red Eyes: He doesn't deserve your love if he's going to stare at someone else. 😡
Red Eyes: Gon, sweety, it's f**kin obvious. 😒
Gon got off his bed, he was a blushing mess, and went downstairs to eat something.
    "Tells us about All Might! Is he a good teacher?" A female news reporter asked Killua.
"All Might's... an okay teacher," he told her.
"How is that so?" She asked, voice full of hope. Killua was one of the very few students that replied to their answers.
"Sure he's a hero, but he's got like, zero experience teaching students. Like seriously, his lessons are to over the top and advanced," Killua kept complaining about All Might and a bit about Aizawa too. Than he trailed off, talking about how great Lunch Rush's food tastes like. The news crew backed away slowly, ready to ask another student.
"You there, how's All Might doing as a teacher?" The reporter asked Gon, who was standing next to Aizawa.
"Hmm, he's very entertaining to be around with, but I wish he would smile less, its so creepy..," Gon mumbled at the last part of the sentence.
"Why would you think he needs to smile less?" The reporter asked. Aizawa gently pushes her away, grabbing Gon and entertaining the gates.
"Wait, tell us mo-Ee!" The female screeched, almost getting crushed by the gate. Gon looked back and than followed Aizawa to class.
Killua stood near the gate for a while, before turning around, and smiling softly to himself. Today was going to be chaotic.
"I went over your grades and evaluations from yesterday's class. Bakugou, grow up. Midoriya, stop breaking your arm and learn to control your quirk. Mineta, stop being so pervy. Killua, learn some manners, some females sent complaints about your rude behavior," Aizawa stated with a flat voice. Killua sweated nervously as Gon gave him a side glare.
"Now, today we won't be having first period. Instead, we're going to chose a class president," Aizawa explained. The students started yelling, saying they wanted to be the class president, and raising their arms. Everyone but Gon and Killua.
"Everyone, this is a classroom, not a Congress! The possition will be a lot of responsibility, it'll require a lot of trust too, so that's why I say, we should put it on vote!" Iida said, his arm still raised. Killua snickered, looking at his robotic like arms.
"But Iida, we don't know each other very well yet, kero," Asui said.
"Yeah, besides everyone is just going to vote for themselves," Kaminari pointed out.
"That is why it's the best option, those with more votes, are the ones who are fitted for the job," Iida said.
"Hurry up, I don't care how you pick," Aizawa said, zipping himself up in his sleeping bag. Gon thought for a bit, 'What if Aizawa had a sleeping bag that has legs! Aizawa normally bounces arround the place with his sleeping bag on. So, if he got that, he won't have to bounce, he can just walk!'
"Alright than, let's vote!" The class said together.
"Woah, I'm in first," Killua said. He had four votes. In second place was Yaoyorozu with three votes. He wondered who voted for him. He didn't even vote for himself, he voted for Yaoyorozu. Both Yaoyorozu and Killua were standing in front of the class.
"As class president, I'd like to quit my position, thank you, and goodbye," Killua walked to his desk.
"Ah, come on dude, you got three extra votes!" Kirishima said.
"Well, four, I didn't vote for myself," Killua said.
"Dude, that makes you beyond qualified, so who did you vote for?" Kirishima asked.
"Momo Yaoyorozu," Killua said causally. Yaoyorozu smiled, covering her mouth.
"Who cares, this is over with now, go do whatever, just let me sleep," Aizawa explained. Yaoyorozu went to her seat. Gon stands up, walks behind Killua, and punches his back. The students gasped and Iida was about to say something, but Killua beat him to it.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Killua shouted turning around, holding his back. Aizawa grumbled, shifting around, he didn't care enough to do anything.
"Kurapika told me to do that as a punishment, also, he told me to make a new jar," Gon said, half lying, and walked back to his desk.
"Go tell him to fu-," Killua was inturpted by Gon.
"Money in the swear jar," Gon said, taking a jar out of his backpack, and putting it on top of Killua's desk. Killua grumbled in frustration, pulling money out of his pockets, and placing two dollars in the jar.
"Happy?" Killua growled.
"Kurapika also bumped up the price," Gon lied. The truth is, he wanted money for lunch.
"Ugh, how much," Killua said.
"What your holding will do fine," Gon said, looking at Killua's money, greedily. A vain popped on Killua's forehead.
"You're just saying this to get money aren't you?! Well, fine take it!" Killua threw the money at Gon's face.
"Thanks," Gon smiled, pleased, picking up the cash on the desk. Killua puffed his checks out, turning his head around. The students laughed nervously at the scene that just happened.
It was now lunch time, today's menu was curry. Killua was with Kaminari, Mineta, Kirishima, Jiro, Bakugo, and Ashido.
"Sooo, Killua, you like anyone?" Ashido asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"In matter of fact, I do," Killua said, stuffing his face with rice. The other students that had food or liquid in their mouths, spit it out.
"WHAT?!" Bakugo yelled, he thought he would say no, it's not like he cares anyway.
"WHO?" Mineta asked.
"Hold up, I'll show you," Killua took out his other phone, not the bug one, opening a photo, and showing it too them.
"Oh," the say in unison, looking at a picture of a robot looking toy.
"Isn't it just wonderful~," Killua sighed dreamily, staring at the box of chocobots.
"It's just a toy," Kaminari and Bakugou complained, they weren't satisfied by Killua's answer, and neither where the others.
"It's not a toy! It's a box of chocolates!" Killua yelled out.
"Okay, I agree with Killua, that box of chocolates do be fine looking," Jiro said, thinking about eating chocolates.
"Hissssss, it's mine," Killua growled out, placing the device back in his pocket.
"So what, I can bake better," Bakugo explained, calmly eating.
"YOU CAN BAKE?!" The others yelled. Surrounding students shushed them, some saying bad things about them.
They all laughed, with the exception of Bakugo, and continued their meals.
"Oh shoot, let's get out of here!" Kirishima stated. The others agreed and together they ran to the exit. Once they reach the over crowded hall of students, Killua stopped, turning around, and jogging to the other hall. He went down the stairs, took a turn, and walked down more stairs. Killua entered a hallway, the only other people in the hall was Shigaraki and Kurogiri.
"What's up," Killua said, walking towards them.
"Nothing much, now go look for any useful information," Shigaraki said, still watching as the information downloaded. Killua nodded and took some skin tight gloves out of his pockets. He placed them on and began looking around. He saw a cabinet under the gray desk, it was labeled, 'Events.' Opening the cabinet, he gently picked up the paper, reading it.
"Hey, you think we could use this?" Killua asked, showing the paper to them. Kurogiri grabbed the paper, reading it through.
"Perfect, this will do! Go scan a copy over there," Kurogiri said, pointing at the printer.
"Or..," Killua began, taking his phone out, and snapping a photo, "We can do that."
"Or we can do that," Kurogiri repeated, face palming. Killua smiled and placed the paper back, trying to make it look like no one touched it.
"The drive is done taking information," Shigaraki explained, taking the drive out of the computer.
"Cool. Hey, Kurogiri, can you give me a broom, and a scented spray?" Killua asked.
"Why do you need it?" Kurogiri asked, already making the objects appear.
"You'll see," Killua said, grabbing the broom.
"You guys leave now, just leave the portal open so I can put these back," Killua said. Kurogiri and Shigaraki nodded. Kurogiri opened a portal, stepping inside. Shigaraki stepped in and turned around
"Tell anyone what happened here and your dead meat," Shigaraki warned, fully entering the portal. Killua stuck his tongue out at the now gone Shigaraki. Killua broomed the dirt and dust of their tracks into the portal. He than sprayed the room, and hall, with the apple scent spray. He threw the objects inside the portal, and began leaving.
"Ow, what was that for?" Shigaraki asked, poking his head out the portal.
"Sorry, you can close the portal now," Killua said, quickly leaving the room.
Thankfully, Killua got to the class when everyone was still outside, talking about what happened.
"Hey, Killua, were where you?" Kirishima asked.
"I got lost, sorry," Killua scratched his head.
"Ha, don't worry I got lost too," Kaminari said. Killua smiled and walked to his group. Gon sniffed the air, Killua smelled different, more dusty, and apple scented? Gon walked up to Killua, tapping his shoulder.
"Hm?" Killua turned his head around to Gon.
"Can we talk later after school?" Gon asked. Killua nodded, he knew Gon would figure out he was lying. After all, he smelled like apples. The students kept talking about Exit Sign Iida and how great he was underpresure. Killua tried quiting his role of class president again, he couldn't quit.
Woooah, we be reaching new levels of chapter lengths! I really liked how Killua's battle went, sure it wasn't much, but it was interesting! Also, Killua is stuck being class president, how will that play out? Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Imma try and watch the MHA anime to see how the plot goes. Here's a question for you all, who's your favorite MHA character and hunter x hunter character? My favorite MHA character is Mineta, yes I know weird, but he's funny, Bakugo comes next, and my favorite hxh character is Killua.

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