Chapter 20

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"So what did you want to talk about?" Killua asked Gon. They where on the school rooftop, looking down at everyone leaving the school.
"You didn't get lost did you?" Gon asked, looking at Killua harshly. Killua scratched the back of his head, looking back down.
"No, why would I? I could just follow my classmate's aura," Killua laughed out. Gon frowned, turning his head back to the students on the ground.
"I don't want you to mess up this world, it's not ours, plus we're living here for a while don't ruin it for me," Gon explained, putting his knees up to his chest. Killua looked at Gon and looked back down.
"Also, I forgot your sister is here, but you can't cause trouble that would get you and her in trouble," the boy got up looking at Killua.
"You're my best friend, I care for you. I don't like the path you're taking, but I'll stay by your side no matter what!" Gon beamed, looking into Killua's eyes.
"Huh?" Gon asked, tilting his head slightly. Killua smiled looking up at Gon.
"Gon, you are light. Sometimes you shine so bright, I must look away," the white haired teen stood up, hugging his friend. The other teen's face turned completely red. He hugged Killua back, not wanting for this to end.
"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors me, All Might, and another faculty member," Aizawa explained.
"Sir, what kind of training is this?" Sero asked, raising his hand.
"Rescue, things like shipwrecks, disasters, etc," Aizawa responded, showing a card that said recuse, to the students. 'Good thing the class won't be going according to plan or I'm going to fail this,' Killua thought, dropping his arms and head down.
"That sounds fun!" Gon said, smiling.
"And a hard exercise," Kaminari added. The students babbled off about the class in excitement. Aizawa grew in patient and interpreting them.
"You didn't let me finish. You all have a choice, wear your costumes or your PE uniforms. Choose accordingly, decide if you aren't use to your costumes yet or if it will limit your abilities. Other than that, the training facility is off campus, so we'll be taking a bus there. There also isn't enough seats. Two people have to stand, including me," Aizawa explained, pressing a button to make the costumes appear.
"Go get ready," Aizawa finished, walking out of the class. The students got up, grabbing their costumes, with the exception of Gon and Izuku, who chose their PE clothes. Killua eyed Gon's choice, he should have grabbed his hero costume, he didn't want him to get hurt.
"Hey Gon," Killua calls, walking towards his buddy.
"Yeah?" Gon asked, turning his head.
"I think you should wear your costume, seeing as you're 'quirkless'. You might need it to protect you, I don't want you to get hurt like broccoli boy over there," Killua complained, squishing Gon's cheeks. Midoriya shoot a look of hurt at Killua, before walking off to change.
"Wait, Gon's quirkless?" Yaoyorozu asked, suitcase in hand.
"Yeah, didn't you know?" Killua responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I thought his quirk had something to do with his smell or his speed and strength! Kinda like a enhancing quirk," Yaoyorozu covered her mouth.
    "I use to have an enhancing quirk, but I over used it, and now it's gone," Gon frowned at the memory. Killua also frowned, he didn't like what happened so long ago.
    "I'm sorry, I didn't know! I should have brought it up," Yaoyorozu apologized, when she noticed it brought up bad memories for the two.
"No, it's okay," Gon said, waving his hands.
    "If you really don't have a quirk, I think you should wear your costume! That bullet proof vest, would make sure to keep you safe," Yaoyorozu explained.
    "Y-yeah, I guess I should," Gon said, putting his PE uniform back and grabbing his costume. Killua mentally praised Yaoyorozu for convincing Gon to wear his hero suit.
    "Ahem, Killua, you don't mind if I catch another ride right?" Mineta asked, looking at the taller boy. Killua thought for a bit, deciding that it won't do any harm.
    "Yeah, hop on. Although, do anything stupid and I'm shocking you," Killua explained, pointing at his back. Mineta took off one of his purple balls, and placed it on Killua's back. He held onto it as Killua walked to the changing rooms.
    "Killua sure is...something," Yaoyorozu said, sweating nervously. Gon nodded, still jealous of the little teen.
    "Killua, I think it's best for everyone to get in pairs of two, in student number formation, and last two students should stand!" Iida suggested to his class president.
    "I think we should check what kind of bus it is first," Killua pointed out, stepping into the bus and talking a peek.
    "Yeah, that formation won't work, just get in, I'll stand," Killua explained, looking at Iida.
    "Oh, well then, everyone inside!" Iida said, getting on the bus. Everyone got on, the only ones standing where Killua, Gon, and Aizawa. Aizawa and Killua where glaring at each other, Gon was standing next to Aizawa.
    "I want to say something, about you actually," Asui said at Midoriya.
    "Really, what is it Asui?" Izuku asked, a faint blush of embarrassment showed on his cheeks.
    "Your quirk reminds me of All Might's. Also, I told you to call me Tsu," Asui explained. Midoriya babbled off about how he didn't notice. The conversation caught Killua's attention.
    'Now that I think about it, they are very similar. The way they both use their life force as a way to enhance their attacks, how they meet up every so often at the beach for training, it made lots of sense. Maybe Midoriya was All Might's secret love child, so that's how they have such similar quirks! Although, Gon said that he didn't have a quirk before.
    Could it be, that All Might passed his quirk onto him?! If I remember correctly, the number one hero has a time limit, what is it shortens every time he uses his quirk! Wait, does that mean Midoriya is getting a buff form too?' Killua gagged at the thought of a buff Midoriya. Aizawa and Gon both raised in eyebrow in confusion. On the other side of the bus a theorizing Todoroki was trying to figure out the same thing, but ending up with a different conclusion.
    "Wait hold up Asui, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his quirk, so that's a huge difference!" Kirishima pointed out. Killua noticed Midoriya let out a sigh.
    "Hold on, doesn't everyone not know how to control their quirks when they first get them? Who's to say All Might didn't break his arm when he first used it? Midoriya is a late bloomer after all," Gon suggested. Midoriya began panicking again, shaking in his seat.
    "Still I think it's cool you have a simple emitter type quirk, if mine was flashy like yours, I could be a popular hero. My quirk is not at all flashy though," Kirishima explained.
    "I think your quirk is very cool!" Midoriya said.
    "Why does having a flashy quirk make heroes popular? Can't mutation and transformation users also stand out? I guess it depends on how you use your quirk as a hero," Killua questioned out loud. He placed his hands in his pockets, not holding onto the poles.
    "I-I don't know," Kirishima responded, looking down at his arms.
    "Killua! Please hold onto something when the bus is in motion!" Iida scolded. Killua shrugged him off, walking to Gon's side.
    "Are you going to tell them?" Killua asked. Gon tilted his head slightly in confusion. Aizawa turned his head around, focusing on the white haired teen.
    "About your quirk," Killua continued.
    "Oh yeah, Gon what is your quirk?" Ashido asked, clearly eavesdropping on all near conversations. She didn't have a chance to ask Gon about his quirk earlier and hopes to find out soon.
    "The bastard doesn't have a quirk," Bakugo explained for him. The student's eyes all turned to Bakugo, mouths at floor dropping levels, and eyes shooting out their eyes.
    "WHAT?!" most said. Izuku, Gon, Killua, Aizawa, and Bakugo reminded silent. Even Todoroki was mumbling about how it was possible, how he got into UA without a quirk.
    "It's true, ask the quirkless bastard yourself," the blond spiked teen turned his head away, looking outside the bus window. Aizawa glared at Bakugo, unhappy that he was saying mean things to Gon.
    "Gon, is it true? Kero," Asui asked, tilting her head. Gon laughed nervously, he didn't want to bring this conversation up for many reasons. Yaoyorozu noticed this and cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.
    "Everyone, please, be mindful of his privacy. There's a good reason why he didn't want to bring it up, so I ask you all to respect him as an equal, even after this news. No one should be treated any less than others because of wealth, power, skin, sexuality, etc. When he's ready, he'll tell us," Yaoyorozu explained, her hand to her chest, and eyes closed. The students nodded, going back to their previous conversations.
    Gon let out a sigh of relief, he wasn't ready yet to tell them. Killua scoffed, putting his hands in his pockets. Gon started a game of Rock Paper Scissors, with Killua.
    "Flood zone, landslide zone, conflagration zone, every disaster and accident you can imagine. Built by yours truly, I call it, The 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint'!" A Pro Hero with a spacesuit, explained. Killua was actually quite interested, looking around, he can see this school was very serious when it comes to training their students. Killua's eyes locked with Gon's, both of them nodded their heads, turning to the pro hero.
    "Ant invasion?" Gon and Killua asked in unison. The pro heroes sweated nervously, not getting why they would say that. The students looked at the two in confusion.
    "Wow, it's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" Midoriya squealed, distracting them from the previous question.
    "I love Thirteen! A gentleman hero who does his best to rescue!" Uraraka bounced, side to side, hands going up and down.
    "Thirteen, where is All Might? He was supposed to meet up with us here," Aizawa asked, looking around.
    "It seems he reached his limit during his morning commute and is now resting in the break room," Thirteen explained, holding three fingers up. Aizawa nodded, knowing what the fingers mean.
    Thirteen talked about his quirk and told the students how easy it was to kill someone with it. He than began explaining how their quirks could also hurt, injure, or kill someone too. Killua nodded at all this, understanding what he meant. After all, Killua was trained to kill using his own hands or surroundings. He can even knock someone unconscious with a broom. 'Having a quirk like Thirteen's would definitely be something my family would want control of. The way it can clean crime scenes in an instant,' Killua thought.


    For a moment, Killua felt bloodlust rushing through his veins. Lately, he had the urge to kill or hurt someone around him. He didn't exactly know why, but his assassin instincts are telling him to claw at some flesh, tear it apart, and wanting to be drenched in the victim's blood.
    "Who are they?" Gon asked, pointing at the new people that are entering the place. Aizawa turned around, eyes widening in shock. He placed his goggles on his eyes, getting in fighting position.
    "RUN!" Aizawa yelled, looking back at his students and back at the nearing villains. Gon grabbed onto Killua's arm, holding it tightly. Killua was shaking nervously, not from the villain attack, but for an other reason.
    "Hey, are you okay?" Gon whispered gently, rubbing his friend's back in calming circles.
    "I don't feel right," Killua finally said, after a few seconds of silence. His nerves had calmed, but the need for spilt blood stayed. He held his arm tightly, feeling his arms go numb.
    "What do you mean?" Gon asked, ignoring the situation around him, ignoring the calls of his classmates, ignoring his teacher's instructions, he only cared about his best friend in this moment. Gon pulled Killua's arm away from the other, seeing the harm it was causing to it.

Actual blood ahead!

    "I feel-," Killua was cut off by a familiar voice.
    "I won't allow that," a misty purple and black gas said. A few students pulled Killua and Gon to the rest of the group. They all looked at the gas form in front of them.
    "Greetings, we are the League Of Villains. Excuse our interruption, but today we have came into U.A. high to end the life of All Might, the symbol of peace," Kurogiri looks around, noticing a hero was missing, then he took a quick glance at Killua, seeing he was on his knees, holding his right arm tightly. He also saw another kid, patting his back, and trying to comfort him.
    "We were under the impression that All Might would be here today, was the schedule changed? Well, no matter. My role stays the same," Kurogiri explained. Thirteen prepared to use his quirk, but Kirishima and Bakugou got in his way. The two male charged at the gas villain, activating their quirks.
    "NOT IF WE END YO-!" Bakugo yelled, interrupted by a screech.
    "KILLUA!" Gon screamed, pure fear in his voice and eyes, skin becoming paler then his friend's. Everyone turned their heads at the two, some wanting to throw up. Kurogiri became worried, seeing Killua's state. Killua had passed out, his right arm was extremely red from the suffocation of his tight grip. The mark that was left from his fingernails, bleed, forming a pool of blood underneath it.
    Gon immediately grabbed his utility belt, hoping to find bandages inside them. He found nothing, so he searched his friend's.


    "Gon what happened?!" Uraraka asked, still wary of the Villain across her.
    "He was stressing out so much he passed out!" Gon explained, finally finding bandages. He quickly wrapped it around the cuts, making a mental note to clean them later. 'Why is this happening? Killua wouldn't be stressing out over this silly excuse of a break in,' Gon thought, pulling Killua over his shoulders.
    "BE GONE!" Kurogiri yelled, mist forming around the students and sending them to different locations. Gon and Killua were separated.
HAHAHA! HAHAHHAAAHAAA *coughs* ow, to much. Hey everyone what do you think about the chapter? What do you think is happening with Killua, hmmmm? Also, should I have the next chapter be about Alluka in school, I've been meaning to write the chapter, but can't find the place for it. Did I do a good cliffhanger? Yes it's really early in the morning, I've been watching videos and reading articles on budgies lately and I conceived my mom to get me a pet budgie. I expected her to say we're getting one, but to my surprise she says we'll get two, on the count that it's not lonely, and if the other one dies we still have one. Now, to research how to care for pregnant budgies, her eggs, and the hatchling once they hatch, just incase. YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO SAFE!!! Again, uploading early in the morning, because it's Monday. If the date says Monday, even at midnight or the middle of the day, I'll post. Anyway hope you all enjoy, stay safe, I need to sleep, but I'm going to read, good bye!

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