Chapter 9

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Aizawa was now walking home from the restaurant with a bag in his hand. The teen he saw inside the sweet restaurant reminded him of the drawing Gon made days ago, but he paid no mind to it. If that teen truly was like the one in the drawing, it would've meant he was dangerous, that or Gon drew him all bloody for fun. Either way, Aizawa had decided to not allow for the two to meet.
     Although it would be best to ask the black haired teen about this boy first, Aizawa would watch the white haired boy in secret. Although tonight was not the time, he had to quickly get the sweets back home, so he can begin his hero job.  Still, he took this opportunity to potrol the area for any signs of danger.
     Aizawa had made it home and managed to turn in a group of tanagers vandalising an apartment building.
     "Teens these days, thinking they can do whatever they want." Aizawa took his keys out and opened the door slowly. He was hoping that the young boy was asleep, but knowing him, he'd probably ran off into the backyard, climbing the trees.
     Aizawa closed the door behind him and made his way to the kitchen. He placed the bag onto the table and took out a back container. Inside was a strawberry cupcake, with pink frosting, blue fondant in the shape of a paw on top, and white sprinkles. He took off the plastic top and grabbed the cupcake gently.
      He admired the sweet and had forgotten that the sleeping boy upstairs had a nose of a dog. Gon woke up to the smell of food and dashed down the stairs.
      "CUPCAKES!!!" He yelled, arriving in front of Aizawa. He was jogging in place from the excitement and hunger. The older man sighed and handed him the extra cupcake he bought, just for this situation. Gon thanked him, taking a seat, and eating the sweet slowly.
     "You know, back at my world, I had a friend that was obsessed with sweets. He loved them so much, he wouldn't share them, and he would always snatch sweets from others," Gon says with his mouth full. He was looking at the cupcake and smiled.
     "I bet he would've enjoyed this," Gon resumed his eating in silence. Aizawa smiled slightly at the younger boy. Was he talking about the one in the drawing?
     "You must really miss home huh?" He says. Gon nodded and finished the cupcake. Instead of going upstairs, he went to the clear sliding door, and headed outside towards the trees. Aizawa pondered in thought and decided to begin his job. He'll ask questions later.
Gon was been studying really hard for the final exams, not to mention the entrance exam for UA. Aizawa has been helping the boy for school exams, but refused to help the boy study for the written portion for UA. Gon had smoke coming out of his ears far to many times that day. The house was covered in said smoke and it was getting difficult to see and breath.
"Sometimes I think this whole, smoke coming out of your ears, is your actual quirk," Aizawa says, fanning the smoke away from his face.
"I'm sorry," Gon mumbled, his face flat on the table. Gon was having trouble solving a simple algebra problem, but he refused to give up. Although, that doesn't stop his ears from smoking.
Once Gon had recovered, Aizawa helped him with his work. Gon was not excited to sit in a desk, in a classroom, for however long it takes to finish the exam.
"Why do exams like this exist?" Gon mumbled. He enjoyed the hunter exam, but this was nothing compared to it. At first when the teacher announced the final exams, Gon had thought they would be similar to what the hunter exam was. Boy was he wrong.
"So, we can tell how much you have learned in the school year and to see if our teaching methods where helpful or not. At least something like that," Aizawa says, putting another sheet of paper on the previously done page. Gon groaned in frustration, began to work on the new page, and small tears escaping his eyes.
"You teachers sure love over working your students," Gon says. Aizawa smacked him on the head in annoyance.
"Don't disrespect us," Aizawa left the boy and headed to the door.
"Where are you going?" Gon asked.
"To work," Aizawa pauses before continuing, "I have a bunch of paper work to do for the new school year. Also, I have to find you a back up high school if you don't make it to UA." Gon just continued on his work, tears now running down his face like a marathon.
Gon had made it through the first few hours of the final exam day. He and Izuku where having a mental breakdown whether they did good or not. It was lunch time and both of them where trying to eat their lunch.
"Man I never knew school could be this hard," Gon says, trying to start a conversation. Although, Izuku was far to gone and was a panicking, sweaty, mess. The sandwich he was previously holding, fell out of his grip. Gon swiftly catches the sandwich and places it back in his lunch box thing.
"Earth to Izuku, Earth to Izuku," Gon waved his hands in front of the green haired boy.
"N-next we ha-have PE," Izuku says frantically and passes out. Gon quickly grabs Izuku's back and places it down to the floor slowly. The two males where at the school roof top, they have completed two exams already. They had block schedule to make each class longer and give students more time to finish their exams. Unfortunately for the students, they put off exam week until the very last week of school, so they had Exams everyday, in every period.
"It's going to be okay Izuku," Gon says to the limp body. He gently pats Izuku, then eats his own food.
"Well, it's going to be easy for you," Izuku pointed out, sitting back up.
"What do you mean?" Gon tilted his head looking at Izuku.
"What I mean is, you are already super good at PE! I mean of course your still slightly under Kacchan, but it's incredible," Izuku smiles brightly. What the green haired boy didn't know was, Gon had been holding back. It was orders from Aizawa that he had to hold back on his strength.
"Thanks," Gon smiles weakly. Gon was still upset that he couldn't try his best like the other students. At lest without his nen, he was closer to their level of strength. 'Just imagine how far away I'd be from everyone in power if I still had my nen,' Gon thought.
"Something wrong?" Izuku asked. Gon shook his head and looked up at the sky. Then he looked at the edge of the roof where the railings where. How easy it would've been t-.
"Hey nerds, whatcha doing?!" Katsuki yelled from the roof entrance. Both males snapped their heads around, looking at the egotistic teen.
"Gee, don't break your necks," he pondered a minute before continuing, "On second thought, please do." Gon frowned his eyebrows and Izuku shook in place.
     "That's really mean of you to say," Gon stuck his tongue out and started packing his stuff. Izuku looked at Gon. 'He's not afraid to stand up to him? He really is something, it kinda makes me feel jealous. If I had just had more confidence in myself, actually work my body instead of hoping for a quirk to appear, maybe I would have been similar to him?' Izuku was happy to have Gon as a friend, but even if he does look up to him, he can't help but envy him.
     "So what? Who cares what you quirkless bastards think," Katsuki grinned and looked down on the two boys. Gon stands up, placing his backpack on, and walking towards Katsuki. Izuku quickly followed his actions, but trailing behind slowly.
     "You gotta stop being such a bully! What do you think your parents will think? You say you wanna be a hero, but what kind of hero downgrades others, hurts them, and turn others against them. To me, it just sound like your being a villain," Gon's voice was laced with anger, he didn't care if he would get hit after this, the spiked teen needed a much deserved hit to the ego and pride. Katsuki's mouth was left agape, no one in his 14 years had stood up. Yet now, here's a quirkless wanna be hero doing that exact thing.
     Sparks of rage escaped his sweaty palms, he lifted his arm ready to attack, but the school bell rang. Lunch was now over and surprisingly, Katsuki has a on time streak. He rather not break it today because of two quirkless idiots.
     "You're lucky the bell rang," he said, walking towards the class. Izuku's jaw was still hanging towards the ground. Gon just stood up to Katsuki and mentally punched his ego. Izuku smiled happily and followed Gon to class. He was glad the boy was his friend.
     "Oh, Gon I almost forgot," Izuku went through his pants pocket and took out a brown cloth, "Can you give this to Yakumo for me, he left it at the beach." Gon nodded and grabbed the cloth from him. For some reason the scent was familiar, it kinda smelled like the forest at his home. Gon didn't question it and focused on what exam they'll do in PE.
Once again, Aizawa had taken a break to get some coffee at the restaurant. When he entered the small area, he noticed a familiar white haired teen. 'Nasty, he didn't even change his clothes from yesterday,' Aizawa thought going towards the white haired teen. The boy looked up at him, boredom written on his face.
"Mind is I sit here?" The man asked pointing to the seat across him. Killua shook his head, giving him the go to sit. They both stared at each other quietly. That was before Aizawa took a crumbled peace of paper out of his pocket.
'Screw my original plan, Imma just go for it,' Aizawa says, placing the paper on the table.
Woo, hope you enjoy! Not really much to say other then, I'm wondering if I should post a new chapter on Wednesday or Friday. Of course, no matter what I'll update on Monday though. So, have fun, stay safe, social distancing everyone, and goodbye!

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