Chapter 5

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I walked into class today and took a seat at my usual desk. Like always there is a note on it saying something mean. Today it said, 'Transfer to another school quirkless bastard.' I sigh and run my fingers in my green and black hair. I grab the note, crumbling it up into a ball and stuffing it in my yellow backpack. Oh cruel world why.
There was only one way to cheer me up now. Taking out a pencil and notebook with the title, 'Hero Analysis No. 13,' I place it onto my desk and my pencil ready to write in my hands. I opened it up to a fresh page and wrote down small notes on how Mt. Lady's and Kamui Woods's quirks worked. Unconsciously, I started to mutter out loud again.
"Oi, Deku shut it!" Kacchan yelled from behind . Feeling my body stiffen, I slowly turned around to apologize. Before I turned around fully, Kacchan gave me a death stare. 'How have I survived this long?!' I quickly turn back, putting my notebook away.
"I heard there's going to be a new transfer student today," someone said. 'A new transfer student? No one told me about this, I wonder who's showing them around?,'
"I hope I can make a good first impression and become friends with them. Oh, who am I kidding, that will never happen," I mutter out.
"I told you to be quiet Deku and besides, no one is going to want to be friends with a quirkless loser," Kacchan laughed, throwing a paper ball at the back of my head. 'If you're going to throw something at me at least pick it up,' I thought, sadly. I tilted out of my desk to grab the paper off the floor and stuffed it into my backpack.
"Really, a new student?" The friend from the boy earlier asked.
"Yeah, they say it's going to be a boy," the boy explained. 'Why would you call a person it? Seems discriminating,' my brows knitted in thought.
"Aw man, I hoped they were a girl," said a disappointed female in the front of the class.
"What do you think he'll be like?" Asked the same girl.
"I bet he's a wimp," explained kacchan.
"Well I think he'll be handsome. After all, all transfer students are hot," says another girl. 'That's not how transfer students work.' Now ignoring the chatter in the room, I look up at the bell. Only a few seconds before class began. The new boy was definitely going to be late. The teacher, who was at the desk the entire time, cleared his throat.
"Alright everyone settle down the bell will ring in a moment," he said. Those who wondered about the class returned to their seats and soon everyone became silent. Once the bell rang, I grabbed my supplies and placed them on my desk. A few seconds later the door was pushed wide open. A wave of fear went down my spine from the loud voice.
"Sorry I'm late!" a boy's voice rang throughout the quiet class. Turning around to see the new person inside class, my eyes widened at the uncanny resemblance between us. He had black raven hair with green streaks in it. His hair was spiking downwards. You could tell there was a lot of gel in his hair too.
He had that tan skin that tells you he goes outside everyday and his bright brown eyes made him overall dorable to some. His school uniform was a bit messy, but that was to be expected. I mean who even knows how to tie a tie? Kacchan doesn't even bother and I end up making mine a mess.
"That's alright it's your first day, gotta get used to the campus. Come on up here and introduce yourself to the class," the teacher said.
"Mhm," the boy hummed and walked to the front desk. I noticed he had a yellow backpack like mine, but his was more of a rectangular shape and had orange stripes on the sides.
"My name is Gon Freecss!" When he smiled, I thought a little bit of my heart melted. His smile could save hundreds of people and melt the heart of each and every last one of them. 'Oh dear lord, why did you let this sweet soul into our class? He's going to die here, me included,' I thought.
"Alright Freecss please state your quirk and after that we'll go onto questions," the teacher explained. Freecss nodded in understanding.
"Actually I don't have a quirk, but even so I'm training to become super strong and become a pro hero!" Freecss said, his smile growing wider. Laughter was heard from the back, everyone turned their attention to Kacchan. 'Oh, no,' I thought worrying what he was about to say.
"Another hero wanna be and a quirkless bastard," he said. I can't believe Kacchan would act like this to a new student. Well I can, he has done this before, but they weren't quirkless.
"What's a bastard?" Freecss asked. Everyone snapped their eyes to the boy in the front of the class.
"Anyway moving on, any questions?" the teacher hastily asked, trying to change the topic. A few classmates raised their hands, me included.
The teacher signaled that Freecss can choose who can ask the questions.
"Um, alright. You with the green hair," he said, pointing my direction. 'Oh, wait I actually got picked,' I screamed eternally.
"O-oh, um, I just wanted to know, w-where you came from," I stutter out, fiddling with my fingers. The boy pondered for a moment before replying.
"Well you see, I came from a small isolated island and I decided I wanted to explore the world. So, after convincing my aunt to let me study abroad, I transferred here," he said happily, explaining his past. 'Wow, he seems so outgoing,' I thought.
People raised their hands again, wanting to be picked next. He pointed to a girl with brown hair in a ponytail.
"Okay so, why is your hair so full of gel?" She asked, pointing to the boy's hair. That's actually a good question, but it's rude to ask someone about their sense in fashion.
"Oh this?" He said, grabbing hold of his hair.
"Aizawa forced me to put my hair down because my normal hair spiked up too much. I mean, I like my hair how it was before," he muttered out the last sentence. He was trying to place his hair back up, but failing miserably. Everybody's, including me, eyes bulged out of our faces. 'He knows the Pro Eraserhead hero?!' We all thought. Well maybe, I don't know.
Immediately more hands raised. Gon looked around pointing at a person behind me.
"How the hell do you know Eraserhead?!," Kacchan slammed his fist into his desk. His teeth grinding against each other. Everyone in the class shivered at the sound of his voice. Although Freecss didn't flinch, he only smiled wider.
"Well you see, I may or may not have broken a rule that I didn't know of here and now under a hero's watch," his smile became goofy. 'What kind of rule would you have to break in order to be forced under a Pro Hero's watch?' I began shivering more, maybe he isn't as friendly as he seems.
"Wh-," before Kacchan could ask anything else the teacher interrupted him.
"Alright everyone settle down, we have to begin class. Gon sit in the free desk next to Bakugou please," he explained pointing over at the only free space in class. 'Oh, noooo!' I screamed inside my mind.
It was almost time to go home, the teacher reviewed the homework for the day, some students began packing up, and I was writing notes down in my notebook. After what happened earlier in class with the introduction of Gon Freecss and our career paths. I was left with a feeling of misery. Not to mention during lunch, the girl showing Freecss around was telling him that I was a horrible person. I look out the window a few seats away from me and see the sun settling into the horizon. The clouds departed making the sky clearer. I smile making a quick sketch of the view in my notebook. 'I'll have to color it later,' I noted.
"Alright everyone before we leave I just wanted to say, even if you don't get the career you wanted, there is always hope in finding something similar. That or try again. Each failing moment is a moment of growth and acknowledging that failure will help you succeed," the teacher explains. I don't know why, but I feel like the first part was directed at me.
The bell signaled the end of the day and every one began to leave. I quickly opened a new page in my Hero Analysis notebook and began writing down more notes on All Might. Just as I finished my notebook was snatched by none other than Kacchan himself.
"K-Kacchan!" He say frantically, my arms started to form a defensive pose. He skimmed over it before placing the notebook between his hands and exploded it. I stare at him, my jaw down, and tears trying to escape.
"When will you ever learn Deku? You'll never become a hero," his tone was cold. He held onto the notebook and glared down at me. I scrambled to my feet trying to get it back.
"Kacchan, give it back! You know how important that is to me," I said. I was worried that I was making him madder, in which case I was correct. He held the notebook up high beyond my reach.
"I told you to stop calling me that!" He roars out. My eyes widen when I see him about to throw the notebook.
"I told you to stay out of my way. I'm the only one going to UA!" He chucked the notebook out the window and I scurry towards it, trying to reach for it. Unfortunately, it flew out the window. Him and his two 'friends' laughed at me, as I sulked down to the floor in disbelief.
"If you wanna be a hero so badly, there's actually a good way. If you believe hard enough that they're holding your quirk in your next life, you should just take a swan dive off the ro-," Kacchan was cut short by something. My face was dark and I couldn't take it anymore. I turned my head around, only to see a sight I never thought I would see. Kacchan was hit in the face by a notebook. MY notebook to be exact.
"What the hell?!" Kacchan screamed out, holding his bloodied nose. 'Who through a notebook so hard that I could hurt someone this badly?' I thought, looking out the window.
"Boo!" Freecss said, smiling widely and head poking over the window. I let out a scream and hit a desk falling over.
"Woah, are you ok?" He asked me, getting inside the class and walking over to me. He ignored Kacchan who was lying on the floor with his 'friends' at his side. I nodded my head, balancing myself back up.
"Good. Is he alright too?" He asked, pointing at Kacchan who was now glaring at him.
"Of course I'm ok! You think a little scratch like this can put me down? Hell no!" He roared out hopping back up on his two feet. Freecss sighed in relief.
"Alright good, don't want Aizawa scrolling me again," he explained scratching the back of his neck. Is this why he's under hero vision, because he does such reckless things?
"The name's Gon Freecss, but please call me Gon!" A says smiling and arms to his hips. He looks like All might! I smile at his pose, as the rays of sun hitting his back makes it seem like he glows. Kacchan just snarled before leaving the class. The other two follow right behind him. Gon frowned looking at them walking away.
"The name's Izuku Midoriya and since you're letting me call you by your first name, please call me by mine too," I said putting my hand out. Gon took my hand and shook them.
"So, have you heard of All Might on the news today?" I began a conversation, as I finished packing up.
"All might?" He asked. My eyes widened, 'He doesn't know All might?'
"You don't know All Might?" He shook his head.
"Guess it kinda makes sense since you're from an isolated island. Let me explain to you who he is," I say, explaining to him everything I know about him. We left the building and began to walk home.
     "Hey Gon how was school today?" Aizawa asked. He was in the kitchen making dinner.
     "It was great! I met a new friend," I said putting my backpack down next to the couch and walking to him.
      "That's good. Were the classes hard for you?" He asked another question. I think for a while before deciding.
      "Well kinda, PE was easy, but math was so hard," I said groaning at the end. Aizawa flinched for some odd reason, but continued cooking. I just shrugged it off and sat down on the black couch with cat pillows on it. I ran my fingers through my gel filled hair and tried styling it back to normal. Everything would be so much easier if Killua was here. I opened my backpack and started to draw. I didn't know what I was drawing or why, but I drew.
     One I was done I took a good look at the drawing. My face immediately flushed red, when my eyes laid upon a drawing of Killua. I let out a small eek, before crumbling the paper up.
     "Is everything ok?" Aizawa asked, now walking into the living room.
     "Y-yeah, yeah everything is just fine," I said closing my eyes and sticking my tongue out. It was a habit of mine. I got up and threw the paper into the trash can next to the tv.
     "If you say so," he said, suspension lingering in his voice. He returned to the kitchen. I sighed and walked back to the couch deciding to do my homework in hopes it would distract my mind.
Heya, hope you like this chapter! Did you enjoy the first prospective view and the switching perspectives? If you do then great cause I'll be doing that a lot. Although, I personally think I'm better at writing in third, so I'll be doing that more often.

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