Chapter 18

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     Aizawa watched the students interact in the lunch area, usually he would be alone in the teacher's office, but decided to keep an eye on Killua and Gon. Aizawa almost wanted to smash his head into the wall, he had forgotten to give Gon his allowance. He noticed this when his friends tried giving him money for food. Luckily, he accepted, which relaxed Aizawa's nerves.
     Looking across the cafeteria, he saw Killua talking with Kirishima and Kaminari, he also seemed to not have money for food or decided he didn't want any. Killua glared at his teacher before walking off to a table with his classmates.
     "You are a mystery Killua Zoldyck. I wonder what you're up too," Aizawa thought out loud. A hand was placed on his shoulder, turning around he saw deflated All Might.
     "Hey Aizawa, do you still think he's a bad kid?" All Might asked.
     "Of course I do, opinions don't change completely over night y'know. Although, they do change a bit every so often," Aizawa explained, sipping some apple juice.
     "Well, I just wanted to say, young Killua can and will change, but he can only do that if he has support to help him out," All Might said. Aizawa sighed, turning around to face the number one hero.
     "Don't you have a class to prepare?" Aizawa growled out. He was not in the mood to talk about Killua anymore. All Might gave Aizawa a concerned look.
     "Yes, yes I do," All Might said, walking away. Aizawa looked at the floor, remembering what had happened the day before.
Aizawa was dragging Gon back home, but before he completely leaved, he takes a second glance towards Killua. All Might was still hugging the teen, but Killua pushed him away. He said something to the number one hero and than jogged away. The number one hero was chasing after him. Aizawa felt sorta upset that he made one of his students cry, but he can't really consider him a student if he was a part time villain, right?
     Aizawa frowned, he threw his box of juice away, looking back to see Killua laughing with Gon and his friends. No matter what happens, no matter how much he lies, and pretends, Aizawa knows something is up with the teen. Something unnatural. Something big was coming and no one, but him, knew.
     The students were sitting in their seats, talking about what they think will happen in their next class.
     "I hope it's something easy, like training our quirks!" The pink female shouted.
     "I wanna spar with someone," Kirishima said.
     "Actually, it would be a good idea to spar. You know, to get some basic fighting techniques in," a male with a tail attached to his body explained.
     "I agree, before you can even think about sparing, much less battle, we should all know some hand to hand combat, dodging, and just other useful techniques to better improve our knowledge in battle," Killua explained, putting his arms in fighting stance, than lightly punching Gon from behind.
     "Heeeeey, what was that for?" Gon whined. Killua snickered, laying back down on his seat.
     "Just a demonstration," Killua smiled. Gon puffed his cheeks out and slouched into his seat.
     "I HAVE...CAME THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE NORMAL!!" All Might yelled. Some students covered their ears. Others, were to busy being excited that their teacher for this class would be All Might.
     "You're really our teacher?!"
     "Can I get your autograph?!"
     "Do you even know how to teach..."
     "I'm so glad I got into UA!"
     Students yelled in delight, some confusion, and others remained calm. Killua can see All Might was quite nervous and yet, he keeps that same old creepy smile on his face. Killua looked away, he was shining bright. He turned his focus on Gon, only to see him shine three times brighter, with a big goofy grin. 'Why do they shine so bright?!' Killua yelled in his mind.
     "Hero basic training, the most important and crucial class to help mold you all to great Heroes. Also, gives you a lot of credits!" All Might explains, taking big steps up to the front desk.
     "Let's get into it!" All Might pauses for dramatic effect and flexing his arm muscles, "Today's lesson, BATTLES!" All Might turns around, showing off a card that says, 'BATTLE,' on it. Students became joyful and others worried. Killua on the other hand, was extremely disappointed. 'How does he expect the students to battle, they have little to no battling experience!' Killua thought.
     "Fight training!" Bakugo smiled wickedly.
     "Real combat?" Deku blurred out, worriedly.
     "But, one of the keys of being a real hero iisss," All Might trailed off, getting read to point.
     "LOOKING GOOD!" All Might yelled out, pointing at the boxes moving out of the walls. Killua wanted to smack his face on the table. Apparently, looking good, is apart of being a hero. 'If that's true than Aizawa isn't a hero,' Killua thought to himself. He always saw Aizawa as a homeless man.
     "These customs were designed by your quirk registration forms and the request you turned in before school started," All Might explained. Students watched in awe, excited to try out their new customs. Some squealing in delight.
     "Get suited up and meet me at ground beta!" All Might declared, heading out the class.
     "YES SIR," The students responded.
     Gon and Killua walked to the locker rooms together, carrying their suitcases with them. Gon's student number was four, soon his suitcase it said, 4. Killua on the other hand was student number twenty-two, meaning his said, 22.
     "So, what did you get for your costume?" Gon asked.
     "I got a black turtle neck with a blue thunderbolt on it, blue camo pants, a utility belt, tasers, police boots, and yeah, that's pretty much it," Killua explained, walking into the locker room.
     "Oh that's cool! I have green camo pants, a black shirt, a bullet proof shirt with sleeves, dark green goggles, a utility belt, and police boots. Hey, our costumes are almost the same!" Gon pointed out. Killua nodded and began undressing.
     "Also, the school allowed you to bring tasers?" Gon asked, also getting dressed into his hero costume.
     "Yeah, I had to sign a form that says, I need tasers to recharg my quirk. I thought they would question me, maybe they did, but not in my face. Anyway, they accepted the form and I'm allowed to carry them with me anytime we have to use our quirks. I also wanted to sign another form for my yo-yo, but it was more of a weopon, so I can only use them under hero supervision.
     Now that I think about it, I'll have to make a quick stop at the support department and ask for a replica of my yo-yo," Killua explained. Gon nodded, showing that he was paying attention.
     Gon took a few peeks of Killua, but tried not to look for so long. Killua noticed this, but said nothing. Besides, Gon would never think of anything dirty, would he? Killua stared ahead, stuck in thought. His shirt was half way down, and one of the students noticed his scars.
     "AHH, omg, are you okay?!" Kirishima asked, looking at Killua's back. Killua snapped out of his thoughts and turned arround.
     "Of course I am?" He questioned more than answered. He had no clue why the red haired teen yelled.
     "Are you sure? You have a lot of scars and cuts on your back," He asked, pointing at Killua's back. Killua blushed madly, pulling his black turtleneck down all the way.
     "WHY THE HELL WERE YOU STARING AT MY BACK?!" Killua yelled. In the background, a nervous Gon whistled to himself.
     "I didn't mean too, I was just turning around to walk out," Kirishima tried explaining.
     "Zol-Killua, what is this I hear about scars on your back?!" Iida asked, moving his arms around frantically.
     "It's-," Killu got cut off by an other student.
     "Did you hurt yourself?"
     "Does it hurt?"
     "Did your mom give you scars too or maybe your dad?"
     The students started surrounding Killua, cornering him up against a wall. Killua couldn't take it anymore, he was getting anxious, distressed, and annoyed. Gon noticed this and walked up to Killua, telling others to make room for him.
     "Hey, Killua it's alright, let's just get to class," Gon smiled sweetly and placed his hand out for his friend. Suddenly, light appeared behind Gon. Killua calmed down, taking his hand, and getting up. Together they walk out of the locker room, leaving the other males alone.
     "We have to tell one of the teachers about this. What if Killua was abused?" Iida said, concerned and worried for his classmate.
     "We'll tell All Might, for some reason, I have a feeling that telling Aizawa isn't the best option," Izuku explained. His eyes grew dark and sad. He knew where those scars came from, Killua told him and All Might about it back at the beach.
Aizawa was talking to Yamada, drinking apple juice. Aizawa had a sudden urge to sneeze, so he did.
     "Ha, someone's talking about you. Also, dude, what the hell, cover your sneeze," Yamada explained.
Everyone walked outside together, some of the males still asked Killua questions, which caused the females to ask questions too.
"They say the clothes make the hero ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the group!" All Might said. The students quite down, as they exit the tunnel, and in front of some buildings.
"Take this to heart, from now on, you are all heroes in training!" All Might declared. Killua looked around, looking at everyone's customs. Most hero suits seem skin tight, others are more casual, and some just over the top.
Killua noticed how bulky the bullet proof shirt Gon was wearing was. 'I know he needs it because he no longer has nen to protect him, but seriously he's going to have a hard time moving around with that on!' Killua complained to himself.
"Now, let's get things started you bunch of noobies!" All Might explained. Gon and Killua looked at each other, than at the number one hero, than at each other again.
'Who's he calling noobs?!' They both thought, looking at All Might again. The class had time to socialize with each other and show off their hero suits. Midoriya came in later than the others, wearing a green jumpsuit with rabbit ears, and a clear mask, with a teeth pattern on the bottom.
"Wow, I like your custom Deku! Not to flashy, y'know? I should've been more clear about what I wanted. This full bodysuit is skin tight," Uraraka explained, scratching her neck.
"This school is the best," the short purple haired boy said. Killua suddenly appeared next to him.
"In deed it is," Killua agreed. Gon hit Killua's neck, making him fall down. Midoriya and Uraraka looked at Killua's laying figure in shock. The purple haired boy took a few steps away.
"I thought you said this kinda stuff didn't do anything to you!" Gon yelled out. Killua pushed himself back up and looked at Gon.
"It doesn't," Killua glared at Gon. Gon was getting quite jealous of the other females.
"Yeah right," the black and green haired boy puffed his cheeks out.
"Aw, you're just jealous, jealous that I'm giving everyone else more attention then you," Killua teased, poking Gon's cheeks.
Somewhere, far away from the class of students, was a man laying in his sleeping bag, feeling a disturbance in the air.
"I'm not!" Gon explained, blushing madly, and squatting Killua's hand away. Uraraka giggled at the two male's interactions.
"Are you sure you to aren't dating?" She giggled more, catching everyone else's attention. All Might could smell potential gossip in the air and rushed off to join the rest of the students that were surrounding Killua and Gon.
"We're not, trust me, I only see him as my best friend," Killua explained, putting his hand on his chest. Gon felt a stab in his heart.
Aizawa was making a circle out of sleeping bags, that was until his over protective father instincts kicked in.
"Anyway, don't you have a class to begin?" Killua said, pointing at All Might. The number one hero sweated nervously, nodding slowly.
     "It's time for combat training!" All Might explained, standing in his signature pose.
     "Sir," Iida said, putting his hand up.
     "Wooooah," Gon awed Iida's costume, it really suited him.
     "This is the fake city from out entrance exam, does that mean we'll be conducting urban battles again?" Iida asked. All might smiled more, holding two fingers in front of the class.
     "Nope, you'll be moving on to step two! You see, villain battles are most commonly seen outdoors, but statistically speaking, the most heinous villains are more likely to appear indoors. Think about it, home invasions, black market deals, secret underground lairs, the cleverest of villains lurk the shadows.
     For this training exercise you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys. You'll be in teams of 2vs2, with the exception of one 3vs3, and fight indoors!" All might explained. Gon was hoping on his feet, excited to fight.
     "Isn't this two advanced?" Asui asked.
     "Yeah, doesn't everyone need to learn more basic stuff?" Killua agreed. Other students nodded.
     "Nonsense, the best training is what you get in a battlefield, but remember you can't punching a robot this time, you're fighting actual people this time!" All might explained.
     "Sir, will you be deciding who wins?"
     "What about basic training..?
     "How hard can you hit someone?"
     "What about the basics!"
     "Do we need to worry about the losers being expelled like earlier?"
     "I give up," Killua mumbled, walking to the back of the class. Many questions where thrown at all might, Izuku was trying to calm everyone down.
     After All Might finished explaining the situation, the students gather in a monitor room. The students drew their lots for their teams and opponents.
-Team A: Midoriya and Uraraka vs Team D: Bakugo and Iida.
-Team B: Todoroki and Shijo vs Team E: Ashido and Gon.
-Team C: Yaoyorozu, Killua, and Menita vs Team G: Kaminari, Jiro, and Aoyama.
-Team F: Sato and Koda vs. Team I: Ojiro and Toru
-Team H: Tokoyami and Asui vs. Team J: Kirishima and Sero
     The students gather into their groups. Team A and Team D walk into the battlefield first.
     "GOOD LUCK!" Gon yelled, waving his arm. Izuku waved his arm and nervously followed Uraraka.
     Gon's smile was wiped off his face. Bakugou was going to hard on Izuku and Uraraka. The students kept begging for All Might to end the battle, but he only said a couple words to the teams in the building. Killua watched in interest as Midoriya broke the floor. Using Gyo, Killua can see Midoriya's life force focused on his arm, giving him a more powerful punch.
     "I can't watch!" Ashido said, turning around. Gon patted her back, trying to comfort his teammate. Once the battle ended, the students cheered for the victors. All Might instructs the medical robots to take Midoriya to Recovery Girl. The robot, took care of the more minor damage Uraraka took.
     "Great going guys!" Kirishima said, trying to lighten the mood up. Bakugo tched, turning his head away. Iida said a thank you, while looking at the floor.
     "Uh, we'll be using another building due to the previous battle. The robots had already moved the bomb, so all we need is for team B and E to take their places. Team B you'll be the heros, Team E your the villains," All Might explained. Gon bounced in place, excited for the battle. He already had a plan made too, all he had to do was tell Ashido.
     "This is going to be easy," Todoroki mummbled under his breath, crossing paths with Gon. Frowning his brows, Gon stucked his tongue out behind Todoroki.
     "Pft, such a brave move, like sticking your tongue out at your opponent would do anything," Killua laughed. Gon grumbled to himself and followed Ashido to the entrance of the building.
     "So what's the plan?" Ashido asked.
     "Well, seeing as you can melt stuff with your acid, I feel like you stand a better chance against Todoroki. I'll handle multi limbs guy. I can sniff the air, so I can smell if one of them comes near or not! Also, if Todoroki uses his ice," Gon explained. Ashido nodded to that. Gon took his boots off, wanting his footsteps to be quitter.
     "Yeah, so we strike first! Also, taking your shoes off won't be a good option," Ashido pointed out.
     "Why not?" Gon asked.
     "Well, if Todoroki uses his ice on your feet, you'll get stuck," Ashido explained. Gon ohed and placed his boots back on.
     "All right, it's time to begin in, three, two, one, GOOO!" All Might yelled into the speakers. Gon and Ashido began running. Gon smelled the air, trying to locate the others.
     "I smell ice," Gon said. Ice speed through the halls, gaining up on them.
     "QUICK ASHIDO, GET SOMEWHERE HIGH!" Gon yelled, leaping to a wall, and trying to dig his fingers inside it. The wall made a small dent, but it wasn't enough to hold Gon. The teen fell into the floor, ice covering him his back, arms, legs, and part of his belly and face. Ashido ran to a near by pillar, climbing up, and barely managing to escape the ice.
     "Gon are you okay?" She asked, going down the pillar once it was safe.
     "Y-yeah, it's j-j-just cooold," Gon shivered. Ashido carefully used her acid to free Gon's arms and legs. The male teen sat up, managing to break the ice around his chest.
     "So, so cold," Gon whined. Ashido laughed softly, helping Gon up. Sniffing the air again, he smelled peppermint, soba, and more ice.
     "I-I th-ink T-t-Todoroki is coming down here," Gon warned. Ashido nodded, melting the rest of the ice off. Together they walk up the stairs, meeting face to face with Todoroki.
     "I thought I trapped you two," he said calmly. Forming ice on his left hand, Todoroki dashed forward.
     "Split up!" Gon yelled, Ashido jumped to her left, and Gon to his right. The pink female so happened to be on the left side of Todoroki. Turning towards her, he shot ice at her. Meanwhile, Gon sneaked behind Todoroki, giving Ashido a single, that he was going to move ahead.
     Ashido tilted her head down slightly in acknowledgment. She than looked back at the incoming ice, and threw her acid. The acid took out some of the ice heading her way. Taking this new opportunity, she slid away with her acid, and grabbed her capture tape.  Todoroki gave out a sound of frustration.
     While Ashido was attacking Todoroki, Gon was running up the third floor stairs. Following the scent of hair gel products, he made it to a room with the bomb and Shoji inside.
     "If you want to get this bomb, you'll have to get through me or you gotta capture me!" Shoji shouted. Gon takes the capture tape out, he had an idea. Gon leaped to Shoji's right, dropping one end of the capture tape. Shoji turned to face him and Gon leaped up. Shoji created an arm, aiming it up at Gon. Quickly wrapping the arm by twisting in midair, Gon landed on both feet.
     He sidestepped to Shoji's left, pulling the string, causing Shoji to almost trip. Gon ran around him, pulling the tape. Shoji, created multiple limbs, tearing the tape apart before it was announced a capture. In shock, Gon took a step back. Shoji took this chance to attack, aiming his fist at Gon. Looking around, Gon noticed the bomb behind him.
     "We're going to win!" Gon yelled out, stepping back, dodging Shoji's punches. Shoji stopped trying to process what he said.
     "What do you mean?" He asked. Gon smiled, placing his hand on the bomb.
     "I didn't notice at first, but the bomb was right behind me," Gon smiled.
     "TEAM E WINS!" All Might announced. Gon smiled happily, jumping around the area. Ashido walks into the room, panting.
     "We won?" She asked, almost not believing it.
     "You have, good job team E," Shoji clapped. Gon's smile grew wider, walking up to Ashido, and high-fiving her.
     "What happened to Todoroki?" Shoji asked.
     "Oh, he over used his quirk. Lucky me, my time was almost up too," The pink female sighed in relief, scratching her cheek. Gon nodded, they were lucky that Todoroki used up most of his quirk in the beginning, if not who knows what the outcome of the battle would be.
     "We should also be thankful that the bomb was behind me," Gon pointed out.
     The students walked into the monitor room, cheers and praises filled the air. They where all talking about their favorite moments, and times they thought the other team was going to win. Bakugou though, was starting at them, distressed. How could he beat someone that can freeze an entire building in about five seconds?
     "Wow, Ashido, how do you move so swiftly and graceful?" Turo, the invisible girl, asked.
     "You see, my boots have holes on the bottom that allows the acid to flow through. The boots are also acid proof, so I can use them to slide around the place," Ashido explained.
     "That's so cool!" Gon yelled, he still had a huge smile on his face.
     "Hey Killua next battle is your turn right?" Gon asked. Killua nodded.
     "You can do it!" Gon said. Killua turned his head around in embarrassment.
"Oh yeah, Ashido?" Gon asked.
"Yeah?" The pink female responded.
"Are you an ant?" Gon asked, putting his finger under his chin, and stared at the ceiling. Killua glared at Gon.
"Um, no, I don't think I'm an aunt? Why'd you ask?" Ashido said.
"No, I me-," Gon was knocked out by Killua.
"Ignore him," Killua said, dragging Gon's body to the corner of the room.
Thanks to my friend, I found out how the battle should go! I can wait to write the next fight even if they aren't that good. I don't have much to say. I do want to make a bunch of chapters, than post them all for five days straight. That would take a long time to write, so it'll be a while until I can do that. Okay, I just noticed school in Japan starts in April.... well, actually I knew this, but didn't know if the anime does too. So, let's just all pretend the Apprehension Test was on April fifth, on a Sunday. Now it's Monday, April six, a real school day. Now it's Okay bye~
From me one day after writing this: Don't ask why I posted this early in the morning, it's very, very, early in the morning, but it's Wednesday, so imma post it anyway! Don't ask about my sleep schedule too, corona ruined that. Actually, I've been thinking, the four day off from posting thing, is way to big of a gap. I think I'll update my schedule to, Monday, Wensday and Friday. Hahaha, good thing I already have the next chapter written and beginning the next. So, I'll be ahead of things by possibly two chapters. So three updates a week! I'm feeling very inspired to write this and almost wanna post daily, but I gotta stick to a schedule or it's just going to be all over the place!

Credits and inspirations:
@Mavis_celeste They gave great suggestions to the story!

_KADIE_ for the fun conversation. Some of that conversation was hinted at in the story.

I'll link the reddit I'm using as reference for when events take place, in the description.

I didn't draw the camouflage print on the pants myself, kinda wish I tried to. I just over layered a gray version of the original over the colors, and turned the opacity down. I'll put the link in the comments for the print too.

Inspiration for this chapter also came from my friend, thanks friend, who I will not reveal the identity of, I found out how the battle with Gon and Killua should go!

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