Chapter 21

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     Alluka was getting dressed in her school uniform. She made some toast, buttered it up, and ran out the door.
     "Another day of school," Alluka mumbled out. The girl bumped into a familiar student.
     "Hey cutie!" Jikochuu waved, walking up to her. Alluka sweated nervously, uncomfortable with the situation. Jikochuu had placed his arm around Alluka's neck. Passing people saying how cute of a couple they are and others saying aw.
     "Jiko-Chan, please get your hand off me," Alluka said, trying to lift his hand off.
     "No can do sweet pumpkin," Jikochuu grinned, tightening his grip.
     "If you don't date me, everyone will just bully you for being quirkless," He explained. Alluka grew frustrated and Nanika was itching to tear the male apart.
     "It's not like it does anything, they bully me anyway," Alluka frowned. Jikochuu laughed historically, smacking Alluka's back harshly. Fed up with this boy, Alluka ran off ahead. She hated her school, got beat up often, called names, and worse of all, forced into a relationship she didn't want.
     "Why are quirkless people treated like this," Alluka sniffed out, walking into an alleyway. She started crying, walking deeper. Stopping, she saw a man, hovering over someone.
     "P-please help!" The man yelled, struggling to move. He wore a strange costume, similar to the heroes that she saw on tv.
     "Are you okay? What's going on?" Alluka asked, walking closer to the two.
     "No, don't come any closer, just call for he-," the male was stabbed by a large blade. The noiseless villain turning his head to meet the girl. Alluka felt her stomach twist and her eyes grew wide. Holding back throw up, she looked at the killer, more tears falling down. 'That's it, this is the end,' Alluka thought, walking back slightly. She has always been weak without her brother and friend to protect her.
     "What's a young girl like you doing here?" He asked, walking up to Alluka, katana in hand. He's many red and white scarfs, flew with the wind. His yellow eyes glowed in the darkness. The villain walked closer, readying a swing.
     "N-no, please, don't hurt me!" Alluka yelled out, walking back even more. 'Should I let Nanika out? No, I promised my brother to not let anyone see her,' Alluka thought, still backing away. Quickly turning around, she dashed off, hoping to make it out alive. The villain ran after her, flinging the katana at her.
     "Leave me alone, please," Alluka begged, looking behind. The katana was just in front of her, but luckily she tripped on her own feet, falling to the floor and dodging the blade.
     "I want my Onii-Chan," Alluka sobbed out, looking at the floor.
     "Don't worry kid, I'm not going to kill you. Unless you're planning to tell the police about me," the villain explained, walking closer. He grabbed his fallen blade and put it back in its shelter.
     "How'd you get here anyway?" He asked, looking at the female teenager.
     "I-I j-j-just ran into the *hic* nearest a-alleyway trying to *hic* hi-hide," Alluka stuttered out, in between sobs. Nanika badly wanted to hug her, but couldn't on the count of them sharing a body. The killer raised his nonexistent eyebrow.
     "What do you mean you where trying to hide?" He asked. The killer's eyes narrowed and glared at the other end of the alleyway.
     "I know you're there," the killer said, voice full of suspicion. A blond boy poked his head out, looking at the two. He was shaking badly, but he had to get Alluka back.
"G-give her back!" The blond yelled. Alluka gasped and curled herself up, wanting to be hidden from the other. The villain looked at the girl and than back at the boy. He took a moment to process what was going on and declared that the male in front of him had caused trouble to the girl.
"And if I don't?" The villain asked, unshielding his katana. The boy yelped, but took a fighting stance anyway.
"I'll, I'll fight you!" The boy said. The killer chuckled darkly at the boy's puny attempt of fighting. The boy had charged at him, fist out. Alluka and Nanika just called him dumb for even fighting a killer.
"Watch me Alluka! I'll beat this villain up, and you'll have no choice but to marry me!" The blond haired teen said, smiling at the girl. Alluka shot him a 'you're gonna die,' look. The boy's confidence flattened at that moment and at that moment, the killer decided he didn't deserve to live. So he kicked him, far, far, far away.
The boy was kicked into the air, falling onto a roof top, and gasping for air. The killer looked at Alluka one last time before jumping onto the roof top to finish his mission. Alluka stood up, brushing her skirt, and looked at where the killer once was.
"Well, I don't care if he dies," Alluka said to herself, walking to her part time job. 'Maybe they'll let me stay there after all this happened?'
"Hello, Miss. Mei Sei?" Alluka asked, walking into the gardening shop.
"Oh, Alluka, what brings you here?" Mei Sei asked, walking to her. Her voice was old, but still full of life, she was short, had green dyed hair, a white sun dress, black round glasses, and yellow gloves.
"I don't wanna go to school today, it's really rough there," Alluka explained, walking to the older lady.
"Mei Sei, is it alright if I can stay here until Onii-Chan comes back from school?" Alluka begged, grabbing the gloved hands of the older with her own pale fingers.
"Hmm, alright, but you and Nanika must try some of my new vegetable stew," she smiled, looking up at the young female. Alluka had told the older about Nanika, after an incident that happened on the second week of work.
"Of course we will!" Alluka smiled. Nanika grinned as well at the mention of food. The lady brought Alluka and Nanika to the back of the shop. Entering an archway of greenery and flowers.
"Wooow, this place never fails to amaze me," Alluka stated, still following the older.
"Indeed, although the plants miss you. You have been so busy going to that school," the older explained, motioning a flower to come her way.
"Mei Sei's quirk, Talking Plants! She's able to give flowers and other plants a consciousness! Said plant will also be able to talk! Different plants are harder to control, but flowers are her specialty!" Nanika explained to the readers. Alluka just raised her eyebrow, not understanding her action. The flower grew itself to the older lady, a mouth appearing on it.
"Hello!" The rose said, facing Alluka's direction.
"Hi," Alluka waved. The rose went towards her, carefully wrapping itself around her, and trying not to poke the girl.
"We've missed you very much!" The rose smiled, returning to her place. The rose than went stiff again.
"See, they miss you," Mei Sei stated, smiling at the girl. Alluka smiled back, feeling much better. Alluka had put on her working uniform and put her school clothes away in her worker's locker.
"You know I've been thinking, maybe I should quit school. I've only joined for the experience of it, but now that I've seen how people treat me, I don't think I wanna go back," Alluka explained, looking at the older female. Mei Sei frowned her brows, looking disappointingly at Alluka.
"You told me that you were going to school because it was a dream of yours. Are you saying your going to quit just like that?! Just because some wimps called you names, told you to die? Who cares whatever they say, no one's opinions matter but your own! If you were having such a hard time in this school then why not go to another? There's still plenty of time," the lady said, poking her finger on Alluka's chest. The girl's eyes widen in realization.
"You're right, I've never cared what others think about me! If I did, I wouldn't even be female right now! I've never let harmful words get the best of me before, so I shouldn't quit! I've been dreaming of being a normal girl, going to school, and I'm going to accomplish that!" Alluka yelled, fist in the air.
"Yay!" Nanika yelled happily, clapping her hands.
"Now, try my vegetable soup you two!" The lady said pushing the soup at the two.
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(Edit I just making it easier to tell the words apart. Also the letters are separated by one space, if that makes it any easier) Yeah yeah, it's short, and early in the morning again, but hey we got to see a chapter with Alluka, yay! Yes, I completely randomly drew Mei Sei without figuring out an official look, yes I may redesign her, I think she needs longer hair... also, hahaha Alluka killed my finger ;-;. I know most Morse code letters, but I put the words in a translator just in case and thank goodness I did that, I spelled something wrong. You'll have to wait tommorow to see what happens to Gon and Killua! MWHAH- I mean, aw darn, I hate waiting, even though I'm the writer of this story... Jikochuu, deserves what has happened to him. Forcing Alluka into a relationship, even if I wrote him that way for extra drama... Did anyone noticed that Alluka went to the same Junior high school as Gon, Midoriya, and Bakugo? Hope you enjoy and bye bye~

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